The following TV ad was created by the Institute for Faith and Family (IFF), one of a coalition of North Carolina groups working to preserve HB 2, a state law that overrides a “gender identity” ordinance passed by the city of Charlotte that allowed biological men and boys to occupy female restrooms and locker rooms if they perceive themselves to be female. IFF is raising funds to run ads like this across the state to change the pro-LGBTQ narrative favored by most media that HB2 is merely about “discrimination” and “hate” [more after jump]:
Tami Fitzgerald, the director of IFF, issued the following statement in conjunction with the ad buy, according to the Raleigh News & Observer:
“The bullying and extortion leveled against the State of North Carolina by out-of-state businesses who are under investigation for wrongdoing like Deutsche Bank and Wells Fargo and by hypocritical sports organizations that separate sports teams according to biological sex like the NBA, the NCAA, the ACC over a common-sense law that simply keeps men out of women’s bathrooms, showers and locker rooms has intentionally distorted the truth, and the Institute felt it was time to set the record straight about HB2.”
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