Staver: Canadian High Court Sides with Religious Liberty and Trinity Western University over LGBT Rights

Friday, December 11th, 2015

Trinity_Western_UniversityLiberty Counsel issued the following press release today (December 11, 2015):

A Canadian high court has upheld the religious liberty of Trinity Western University. The accreditation of the Christian law school was challenged after LGBT activists said that the school’s adherence to Biblical standards on morality and marriage would produce incompetent lawyers.

“This was a major victory against religious discrimination stemming from Canada’s legalizing same-sex marriage in 2005,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel and former Dean of Liberty University School of Law. “LGBT activists are trying to cleanse government offices, colleges and universities, public schools, businesses, and even churches of those who believe what everyone has believed through millennia of human history that marriage is a union of a man and a woman,” Staver said. “This persecution of Christians is spreading to all levels of society,” Staver warned. “It is the greatest attack against religious liberty in our modern times.”

“I am thankful that the Canadian high court has defended the religious liberty of the largest Christian university in Canada. My hope and prayer is that when this issue comes to the United States, and it will, our courts will protect our Christian universities,” Staver concluded.

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