The following statement was given to LifeSiteNews for its June 2, 2015 article on Bruce Jenner’s (Photo-shopped) Vanity Fair “coming” out as “Caitlyn”
“Like many millions of Americans and people all over the world, I am filled with pity for Bruce Jenner over his supposed transformation from man to ‘woman’– which of course is happening only in his own desperately confused mind.
“The media propaganda blitz in support of Jenner as the poster boy–I cannot say ‘girl’– for the radical ‘transgender’ agenda is only just beginning. Like so many Americans, I’m sick and tired of being lied to by the media–and called a hater and a bigot if we disagree with this insanity.
“The ‘Pronoun Police’ will be out in force as Americans will be told over and over again that Bruce Jenner is a ‘she.’ Such politically correct pretending engenders mass-lying, and will only draw more gender-confused young people into the same hopeless quest as Jenner and other DNA deniers to reject and change their God-given sex.
“If Christians can’t get engaged on the side of Truth in the Culture War now, then America will continue to descend into moral chaos.”
Peter LaBarbera
PresidentAmericans For Truth About Homosexuality