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‘Gay’ Domestic Terrorism? Pro-Homosexual Militants Attack AFTAH Banquet Host Christian Liberty Academy, Demand Event Be Shut DownThreaten future attacks if “homophobic” events at CLA do not stop; police do not treat as “hate crime”WARNING: vulgar language on graphic ![]() Hate-note sent by pro-homosexual militant that accompanied stone brick pavers thrown through the glass doors at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois -- in a failed effort to intimidate CLA from hosting an Americans For Truth banquet. Scoot Lively is the pro-family veteran who was honored at banqet with the 2011 AFTAH "American Truth Teller" award. Click on graphic to enlarge. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Illinois, Oct. 19, 2011 — Pro-homosexual activists attacked the Christian Liberty Academy early October 15th — throwing two large, concrete brick pavers through its glass doors with a hate-note attached– and then issued an online statement claiming responsibility for the crime. The attackers demanded that CLA “shut down” a banquet it was hosting later that evening for the “homophobic hate group,” Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH). But their main target was pro-family veteran Scott Lively, who was honored at the event. “This is just a sample of what we will do if you don’t shut down Scott Lively and AFTAH … [F**k] Scott Lively. Quit the homophobic [sh*t]!” read the note that accompanied the bricks thrown through CLA’s doors. The apparent “hate crime” against CLA did not deter the Christian school from hosting the banquet for AFTAH, which presented its 2011 “American Truth Teller” award to Lively, founder of Defend the Family International and the author of “The Pink Swastika.” ![]() Brick paver thrown the window of Christian Liberty Academy, with message, "Shut Down Lively." Pro-family veteran Scott Lively received AFTAH's 2011 "American Truth Teller" award. Lively was targeted in the online statement for allegedly condoning violence against homosexuals in Uganda. (This is a false charge: Lively, like AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera, condemns all violence and genuine hatred against homosexuals.) The following excerpt is from the statement posted on the leftist Chicago Independent Media Center website:
After Arlington Heights police came to the scene, they cased the CLA building — a large, former public high school — with bomb-sniffing dogs, according to CLA Pastor Calvin Lindstrom. As it turned out, the assailants apparently did not enter the building. Taking credit for a crime The extraordinary aspect to this case is that pro-homosexuality activists boldly took credit for the attack, in an online statement that remains on the leftist “Chicago Independent Media Center” website — signalling a new brazenness by homosexual activists. What follows is a screen shot of the statement [link HERE] taking responsibility for this act of domestic terrorism. It was posted early in the morning of Oct. 15 — just a few hours after the brick-throwing attack by an anonymous author, “PISSED” (This same statement was e-mailed to Christian Liberty Academy, Americans For Truth’s LaBarbera, Scott Lively and others): Here is the URL link for the Chicago Independent Media Center statement, which was still live as of Oct. 19: http://chicago.indymedia.org/newswire/display/95060/index.php. The above statement repeats the extreme rhetoric and accusations against Lively by the Gay Liberation Network (GLN), a Chicago-based, Marxist homosexual activist group that routinely demonizes AFTAH and protests AFTAH events — including last year’s three-day Truth Academy. In the weeks leading up to the banquet, GLN announced that it would protest the AFTAH banquet. — and falsely accused Scott Lively of condoning violence against homosexuals in Uganda (and also Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera of honoring a man (Lively) who supports violence against homosexuals). The charge is slanderous as both Lively and LaBarbera — like every major pro-family advocate who works on the homosexuality issue — have repeatedly and consistently opposed violence against homosexuals. At the banquet and a speaking event Friday and Grace Gospel Fellowship Church, Lively reiterated that he steadfastly opposed the death penalty provisions in Ugandan sex-crimes legislation — which has been simplistically translated by homosexual activists as the “Kill the Gays” bill. To read his previous rebuttal of the false GLN accusations, go HERE. Lively follows American Family Association founder Don Wildmon and Ken Hutcherson, pastor of Antioch Bible Church and pro-traditional marriage advocate, as a recipient of the AFTAH “American Truth Teller” award. GLN has denied involvement in the attack on Christian Liberty Academy — which is being investigated by Arlington Heights police. The Chicago Tribune reports that the case is not being treated as a “hate crime.” AFTAH, like most conservative Christian groups, opposes “hate crimes” laws — but questions why the attack on CLA is not categorized as a “hate crime” when it appears the victims (including the Christian Liberty Academy), have been targeted based on their religious beliefs about homosexuality. Both the Illinois and federal “hate crimes” laws consider religion and “sexual orientation” a protected category. Attacks targeting homosexual persons are routinely investigated as “hate crimes” from the outset. Homosexuals blame AFTAH for crime In the wake of the violent attack on the Christian school, homosexual militants immediately sought to cast doubt on the assault — by claiming that it was likely the work of Americans For Truth About Homoseuxuality. Homosexual blogger Joe Jervis of the “Joe.My.God” blog took the lead, immediately charging on his Twitter account that LaBarbera had staged a fake “hate crime” as a publicity stunt leading up to the AFTAH banquet. Jervis has accused other pro-family groups with staging attacks against themselves. Other “gay” advocates denounced the attack on CLA and said it would only hinder the homosexual activist movement. On the Chicago Independendent Media Center website containing the attacker’s statement taking credit for the crime, Jervis desperately posted this comment:
Lively recalls fake “gay” hate crime Ironically, at both his talks for Americans For Truth, Lively recounted the amazing story from the early 1990’s of an infamous PRO-homosexual “hate crime” hoax staged by a lesbian, Azalea Cooley — to fight a conservative statewide ballot measure known as “Measure Nine,” which would have made it unconstitutional for the state to promote homosexuality. Lively served as statewide media director for Oregon Citizen’s Alliance (OCA), a Christian group that sponsored Measure Nine, and recalled how Cooley, a black, supposedly wheelchair-bound lesbian, claimed 21 cross-burnings in her front yard after the campaign for Measure Nine was launched. In the final days of the campaign, after the perpetrators of this series of “hate crime” were never caught, two rogue policemen decided to investigate for themelves; as they staked out Cooley’s home one night, they watched as she came out walking into her front yard holding a can of gasoline, and lit a cross on fire. According to Lively, strategically-placed homosexual activists within Oregon’s law enforcement agencies — including “gay” relatives of powerful officials — likely helped derail the proper investigation of Cooley’s antics. But, as Lively told the AFTAH audiences Friday and Saturday, “it gets better.” The astounding fraud should have received saturation media coverage across the state, but instead was covered seriously only in Cooley’s hometown of Portland. To end the campaign, Measure Nine’s opponents held a massive “March Against Hate” ending in Portland — the final mobilization against the “evil” OCA ballot meaure. And who was heading up the march as a symbol of the progressive struggle against Religious Right “hate”? … Azalea Cooley, riding in her wheelchair.
This article was posted
on Saturday, October 15th, 2011 at 11:59 am and is filed under A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Assaults, C - Heroes for Truth, Chicago, Christian, Homo-fascism - Intimidation by Gay Lobby, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual History, Homosexual Meccas, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Vandalism.
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