Archive for August, 2006

NEA Escalates Support for Homosexual Agenda

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

Highlights from the American Family Association’s (AFA) informative webpage on the NEA (National Education Association):

  • NEA passed a resolution supporting homosexual “marriage” and homosexual adoption.
  • NEA recommended that GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender) issues training be required content for teacher credentialing. (Such training is usually biased strongly toward the homosexual activist side.)
  • NEA upgraded their language from tolerance of homosexuality to acceptance and respect for homosexuality.
  • NEA refused to pass this amendment: “To protect the rights of all students, the Association believes sexual contact between education professionals and minor students is unacceptable.”
  • NEA signed a letter opposing the Federal Marriage Amendment.
See AFA online “Action Alert” on the NEA to take action!

PTA: Peril for Parents?

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

Regina Griggs, founder of PFOX (Parents & Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays) writes:

Do the initials “PTA” bring to mind innocuous parent-teacher meetings and parent-student school projects? Think again. The national Parent Teacher Association, fondly known as PTA, is under the leadership of chief executive officer Warlene Gary. Ms. Gary previously served as the National Education Association’s human rights director and that school union’s liaison to gay interest groups.

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Canadian Professor Fined for Letter to His Own Pastor

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

Excerpted from Canadian Professor Fined for Stating Opposition to Homosexuality, published July 26, 2006, by Agape Press:

Canadian professor David Mullan has been fined two weeks pay ($2100) after a homosexual student took umbrage at two letters the professor had written to his former Anglican bishop two years ago.

Is this the future of freedom of speech and freedom of religion in America if the homosexual lobby achieves its goal of passing interlocking state, local and federal “Hate Crimes” laws treating “sexual orientation” violations on a par with racism?

Harvard Students: Three Genders?

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

Excerpted from Harvard Introduces Third Gender, published Aug 25, 2006, by WDC Media News:

Students looking to enter the Harvard Business School MBA program are asked to fill out an online profile that offers three choices of gender: female, male, or transgender.

Bob Knight, director of the Culture and Family Institute (CFI) at Concerned Women for America, says “it’s not compassionate” for Harvard to encourage people to reject their “God-given natures”…

“The foundation of the transgender movement is the homosexual activist movement,” he explains, “because their interest lies in getting rid of the traditional morality of God-given division into two sexes, the uniting of those two sexes in marriage.” And the homosexual and transgender agendas “militate” against that completely…

LaBarbera to Leave IFI to Re-launch Americans for Truth as a Group Devoted Solely to Countering ‘Gay’ Movement

Sunday, August 20th, 2006

PeterNaperville, Illinois–Peter LaBarbera, the founder of Americans for Truth, has resigned from Illinois Family Institute to assume full-time duties re-launching AFT as a national organization devoted solely to confronting the homosexual activist agenda.

“I am delighted that soon I will be able to devote my full time and energies to Americans for Truth and its goal of educating citizens on the threat that the powerful and well-funded ‘GLBT’ (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) movement poses to children, marriage and freedom,” said LaBarbera, who will be staying on at IFI for several weeks leading up to the November election to help with the transition.

“Homosexual, bisexual, and transsexual groups spend tens of millions of dollars every year to market and normalize their aberrant lifestyles, yet after all these years there is not a single, serious national group dedicated specifically to exposing and countering their agendas,” he said.

“It’s time for Americans to unapologetically resist the demands of this lobby, and to counter the lies upon which it is built-the foremost being that certain people are inherently or ‘born’ homosexual and that this is a civil rights issue.”

Americans for Truth, which is based in Naperville, Illinois, outside of Chicago, was formed in 1996 but has been dormant for years. Under the reorganization plan, a team of volunteer leader-activists will be working with AFT across the country, including:

Matt Barber, AFT Corporate Outreach Director, Colorado; Barber gained national attention when he was fired by Allstate Insurance Company after writing an online article critical of “gay marriage”;

Mike Heath, executive director of the Christian Civic League of Maine; Heath is a veteran pro-family activist who twice led a successful grassroots effort to overturn a “sexual orientation” law in Maine;

Sonja Dalton, AFT Research Analyst, Illinois;

Donna Miller, AFT Southern Coordinator, North Carolina

Allyson Smith, AFT Researcher/Writer, California

“AFT’s goal is to become a leading resource for Americans seeking to confront the homosexual agenda. We will operate in a spirit of love and truth commanded by God, who is holy and yet gracious and compassionate,” LaBarbera said.

“The reality we face is that the same ‘gay’ movement that has reached unparalleled power and influence also aims to redefine traditional Judeo-Christian sexual mores as ‘hatred,’ ‘bigotry,’ and ‘phobic’ prejudice on a par with racism,” he said. “Most Americans are simply unaware of the tremendous threat to freedom and morality that this radical ideology poses to society and especially to committed people of faith.”

LaBarbera said that AFT will affirm the truth: homosexual behavior is always wrong and yet it is changeable as evinced by the thousands of former ‘gay’ men and lesbians who have overcome homosexual desires and are now living contented lives across the nation.

“I sincerely believe that nobody has to be ‘gay,'” he said.

Americans for Truth will publish regular informational e-mails (a weekly digest version will also be available). To sign up for these free publications, please click HERE. AFT can be reached at 630-717-7631 or by e-mail. Regular mail and donations can be sent to:

Americans for Truth
P.O. Box 5522
Naperville, IL 60567-5522

Please stay tuned for further information about the new Americans for Truth.

Illinois Family Institute Announces David Smith as New Executive Director as LaBarbera Launches National Venture

Saturday, August 19th, 2006

The following is the press release issued by Illinois Family Institute August 16th:

GLEN ELLYN–Illinois Family Institute today announced the appointment of David E. Smith as its new Executive Director, to succeed Peter LaBarbera, who is resigning to pursue his goal of creating a national organization dedicated to confronting the homosexual activist agenda.

Smith, 37, has served as Senior Policy Analyst at the Institute since coming on board in March 2004, and is leading the push for a statewide Marriage Protection Referendum in Illinois. He gained national respect as a decency advocate after filing 70 FCC complaints against Chicago shock-jock Eric “Mancow? Muller, resulting in a $300,000 fine against Mancow’s parent company, Emmis Communications Corporation.

“It is a great honor to be chosen to lead Illinois Family Institute,? Smith said. “I will do my best to defend marriage, life, and decency for the families of this state against the determined efforts of liberal groups to disqualify Biblically-informed thought and action.?

LaBarbera, 44, who joined IFI in September 2003, is recognized as a leading opponent of the “gay? movement. Under his tenure, IFI?s visibility and grassroots network grew tremendously. In the weeks leading up to the November election, he will stay on at IFI as an advisor to help with the transition. LaBarbera?s group, Americans for Truth, will be based in Naperville, Illinois.

“One of the best decisions I made at Illinois Family Institute was hiring Dave Smith, a godly man who works harder than anyone I have ever met for the pro-family and pro-life cause,? LaBarbera said. “I share Dave?s vision of a broad-based family movement that crosses racial and denominational lines, and am confident that IFI will prosper and grow under his leadership.

“It has been a privilege to serve IFI and the hundreds of thousands of Illinois families it represents who yearn for a more just society that protects innocent unborn life and the God-ordained family,? LaBarbera said. “I am thankful to IFI?s Board of Directors for this opportunity, and will continue to support the Institute?s work, which is needed now more than ever.”Said Smith: “For the past two years, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Peter LaBarbera. I will miss him and the passion he brought each and every day to the office. Yet I fully understand his desire to counter the powerful and well-funded homosexual lobby,” Smith said. “I have learned many important lessons from Peter, and plan to continue to work with him and Americans for Truth here in Illinois. I wish him and AFT success in the battle for truth.”


An alumnus of the Family Research Council’s Witherspoon Fellowship, Dave graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1998. Smith, who has lived in Chicago his entire life, and his wife of 11 years are the parents of three young children.

IFI is a non-partisan, non-profit public policy group that works to protect marriage, family and the sanctity of life in the Land of Lincoln.

It’s the Behavior, Stupid! – And Other Observations of a So-Called ‘Homophobe’

Saturday, August 19th, 2006

by J. Matt Barber

Whether you like him or not – Bayou Brat James Carville, notable Democratic Party strategist and Bill Clinton advisor, was appropriately credited for his pivotal role in helping to put the former adulterer-in-chief in the oval office back in 1992. Carville boiled down the theme of the Clinton candidacy to four simple words: “It’s the economy, stupid.” By focusing like a laser beam on the hot button issue of the day (the economy) Carville helped Clinton to co-opt that issue and to make it his own.

The economy is always a major area of concern for most Americans from a fiscal standpoint; however, on the field of battle in today’s culture war, one of the most significant and contentious issues, particularly to people of faith, is the rapid destruction of traditional family values, liberty of conscience, and freedom of speech at the hands of leftist and secularists who condone, promote, and/or participate in dangerous, unhealthy, and traditionally shameful sexual behaviors.

Take it from someone who knows, for those who value the sanctity of marriage, and respect the Biblical model of human sexuality (one-man/one-woman within in the bounds of holy matrimony), it’s not a very safe time to publicly express those values and beliefs…

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When Hollywood Goes Wrong

Friday, August 18th, 2006

Teena Brandon Teena Brandon (a.k.a. Brandon Teena)
Born: December 12, 1972
Birthplace: Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Date of Death: December 31, 1993 (murdered)

I knew who she was. She said she had to get her head back together. She wanted to come back to her old life and her old life was Teena Brandon. – JoAnn Brandon (Teena’s Mother), 2000

Boys Don’t Cry is a 1999 movie that chronicles the tragic end of young Nebraskan Teena Brandon’s life. Teena, who has a “sexual identity crisis,” tapes her breasts and cuts her hair very short to appear like a man. She goes around as ‘Brandon Teena,’ dating women, and inevitably getting in trouble when they discover her secret. Brandon makes her way to Falls City, Nebraska, where she again poses as a man.

There, she falls in love with Lana, and hangs around with Lana’s circle of friends. When her true nature is finally revealed, Lana’s friends turn on Brandon, and eventually end up killing her. No real explanation is ever given as to why Brandon does what she does. The script by Pierce and Andy Bienen even portrays Brandon as confused. When her brother confronts her about being a lesbian, she denies that she is one.

Acclaimed as a movie portraying the problems faced by transvestite teens, the movie had some fatal flaws. Below is a write up exposing the problems in the film:

How did Teena’s mother, JoAnn Brandon, react to the film Boys Don’t Cry?

JoAnn Brandon was outraged by the film’s portrayal of her daughter Teena. In early 2000, JoAnn, who could not work because of severe asthma, still owed money for her daughter’s funeral. She said that she was irritated that a fund set up to pay for the funeral received meager contributions, while others, such as the filmmakers, profited from her daughter’s death. “I’m really sick and tired of people making money off my child,” JoAnn said in an Associated Press article. “I don’t understand how you can put three weeks of somebody’s life up on film and win an award for it.”

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