Conservative Jews Swayed By Parents of Homosexuals Rather Than By Scripture

Excerpted from US Jewish movement moves to allow gay rabbis, published Nov 30, 2006, by Reuters:
The Conservative Jewish movement, the faith’s American-based middle ground between liberalism and orthodoxy, is nearing a leadership decision that seems likely to permit openly gay rabbis and same-sex unions…

While the topic may be couched in gay rabbis and same-sex unions, the crux of the issue really is “how one views homosexual behaviour,” Meyers said in an interview…

Rabbi Kula, author of “Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life,” said the move toward liberalisation among Conservatives “is not something that came down from the top. It came from Jews in the pews … Jews who had homosexual children and wanted them to be rabbis.”

Continue reading in New Zealand Herald…

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