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California Dems: PRO-Homosexual Indoctrination; California Republicans: Cowardly SilenceBy Peter LaBarbera Folks, one paragraph in the following alert from California pro-family hero Randy Thomasson of Campaign for California Families — about that State Senate’s passage of radical pro-homosexual/transsexual school indoctrination bill (SB 777) — sums up WHY we are seeing the “gay” agenda roll over America. Randy writes:
So here’s the current political situation in so many areas (not so much in solid red states):
Of course, on point 3, the media would have a much tougher time ignoring these issues if the GOP actively engaged the Democrats on the dangers of the homosexual agenda. Besides, conservatives should be used to dealing with left-wing media bias on a whole range of issues, so there’s something bigger going on here. Call it a “live-and-let-live” (“tolerance”) zeitgeist — driven by pro-“gay” groupthink in the media, Hollywood and academia — that is leading many to give up fighting. Here’s Randy’s alert: CCF Special Bulletin May 24, 2007 9PM Update from CCF President Randy Thomasson After weeks of you and Campaign for Children and Families and thousands of pro-family citizens fighting against SB 777, I am sad to report that this transsexual-bisexual-homosexual school sexual indoctrination bill passed the California State Senate on Thursday. The vote in the 40-member State Senate was 23 to 13. Nearly all the Democrats voted “aye” and nearly all the Republicans voted “no.” SB 777 now goes to the Assembly, where it will likely pass in late August or early September, and go directly to the desk of Governor Schwarzenegger.
THANK YOU BE ANGRY But you should also be frustrated with the Republican senators who seem to have lost their God-given VOICES and have forgotten their MORAL OBLIGATION to speak out in defense of children and family and morality. On Thursday, when given the opportunity to speak out against SB 777 in front of the several TV, radio and newspaper reporters who cover always attend the floor sessions, NOT ONE Republican state senator raised his microphone in defense of children. This is very disturbing. Many Republican politicians easily speak out on the Senate and Assembly floors about crime, immigration, taxes, education, transportation and a wide range of government issues. So why didn’t ANY of the 15 Senate Republicans speak against SB 777 on Thursday? You have to conclude that they just didn’t wanna. They knew what to say, but didn’t. CCF and others had provided legislators with excellent talking points exposing SB 777’s transsexual-bisexual-homosexual agenda. But no one talked from the talking points, let alone anything else. SILENCE HURTS, SPEAKING HELPS Pro-family Republicans are the minority in Sacramento, which means nearly every anti-family bill will be approved by the anti-family Democratic majority. Yet by speaking out on the floor, pro-family legislators can generate media coverage from the reporters stationed in the back and the side of the Senate chambers. By the time Thursday evening arrived, CCF could find only one mainstream news story that briefly mentioned SB 777, noting that it passed “without debate.” You can blame the virtual media blackout on silent Republican legislators, who, on Thursday, “taught” the media that SB 777 is no big deal. But what if Republican after Republican had risen up to blast SB 777 on the Senate floor? Why, the “big debate” and “floor fight” over SB 777 would have been one of the top California news stories on your local TV and radio newscasts and in newspapers. When a bad bill is exposed in the media, it’s noticed by Governor Schwarzenegger and his staff and flagged as a “high-profile bill.” Speaking out on the floor is therefore much-needed lobbying to help move the Governor in the direction of a veto. Neither you nor I can speak on the floor of the Senate or Assembly, so it’s a shame that pro-family legislators didn’t care enough to speak out when they could. As elected officials, their “star status” in the eyes of the media means they can get TV, radio and newspaper coverage much more easily than any pro-family organization or individual can. Their stubborn silence is truly tragic. Here’s the Thursday, May 24 Senate floor play-by-play of SB 777: When her bill was called up, lesbian Senator Sheila Kuehl, a former Hollywood actress, deceptively claimed that SB 777 is only about “uniformity”:
After Kuehl stopped speaking, the President pro Tem (Don Perata of Oakland), at the podium, looked to see whether anyone was standing up to oppose SB 777. “Discussion on the measure?” he asked. SILENCE. Seeing that no Republicans were holding up their microphones, waiting to be recognized, Perata said, “Call the roll,” and that was the end of it. The votes were cast one by one, and the Senate moved on to their next bill. Where were the pro-family legislators who cared enough to use their media platform to publically expose the evils of SB 777? Doesn’t California have any state senator courageous enough to expose that SB 777 requires textbooks, instructional materials, and school-sponsored activities to positively portray cross-dressing, sex-change operations, homosexual “marriages,” and all aspects of homosexuality and bisexuality, including so-called “gay history?”
Because Republican legislators aren’t speaking out for the children, you and I and others must do the speaking. Otherwise, every California public school WILL become a sexual indoctrination center. ACTION: It’s up to you to continue speaking against SB 777. Please continue to raise your voice against SB 777 and demand that schoolchildren be protected from sexual indoctrination behind their parents’ backs. Here’s how: 1. Call Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to urge him to announce that he will veto SB 777 Call 916-445-2841 Monday through Friday. Press 1 for English, then 5 to speak to a staffer. 2. Call your California state senator regarding their vote and their silence Click HERE for Senate contact numbers and a zip code finder to locate your senator If your state senator in Sacramento is a Democrat, tell him or her how much you dislike their “aye” vote If your state senator in Sacramento is a Republican, call to thank him for voting “no,” but tell him how dissappointed you are that he refused to speak on the floor on behalf of children and families 3. Call you California state assemblymember The Assembly will get its first crack at SB 777 in the coming weeks. Let your Assemblymember hear today why you are opposed to SB 777. Click HERE for Assembly contact numbers and a zip code finder to locate your assemblymember 4. Send a powerful email message to Governor Schwarzenegger and California legislators # # # Campaign for Children and Families
This article was posted
on Tuesday, June 5th, 2007 at 2:17 am and is filed under Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, C - Heroes for Truth, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Equality California, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, News, Pending Legislation.
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