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California Supremes Order Homosexual ‘Marriage’– Will Citizens Submit?Dissenting justices called the ruling a ‘startling’ act of ‘legal jujitsu’ that “’oversteps judicial power’By Jan LaRue, Esq. I was a Californian for 40 years, so I have to ask my former fellow citizens: Are you going to sit by and do nothing while four black-robed despots take away your right to govern yourselves? By one vote, the California Supreme Court today rejected the expressed will of Californians to limit marriage to a man and a woman. In 2000, a 61.4 percent majority of Californians passed Proposition 22, which limited marriage to a man and a woman and precluded California’s recognition of same-sex “marriages” consummated elsewhere. In a decision derided by a dissenting California justice as “legal jujitsu,” the Supreme Court majority held that the ban on same-sex marriage is an infringement of the fundamental state constitutional right to marry. California is now the second state after Massachusetts where homosexuals will be allowed to “marry.” But unlike Massachusetts, California has no law that prohibits homosexual couples living in states that don’t recognize same-sex “marriage” from marrying in the Golden State. The California Supreme Court has opened the door to a legal battle royal across the nation. Homosexual couples will flock to California to marry, return to their home states, and file lawsuits to force the recognition of their Land of Fruits and Nuts marriages—and the destruction of the 1996 federal Defense of Marriage Act [DOMA]. According to the California court majority, the state’s same-sex “marriage” ban violates the equal protection clause of the California Constitution because it discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation, which the majority declared “a suspect classification” akin to race, sex and religion. In Re Marriage Cases, S147999. The 4-3 decision, written by Chief Justice Ronald M. George, rules that even though California’s domestic partnership (DP) laws give same-sex partners “all of the significant legal rights and obligations traditionally associated under state law with the institution of marriage,” the DP scheme violates the California Constitution because of its “failure to designate the official relationship of same-sex couples as marriage.” George writes:
The “proper remedy,” according to the court, is “that the designation of marriage to a union “between a man and a woman” is unconstitutional and must be stricken from the statute, and that the remaining statutory language must be understood as making the designation of marriage available both to opposite-sex and same-sex couples.” The court reversed the court of appeals and ordered it to issue “a writ of mandate directing the appropriate state officials to take all actions necessary to effectuate our ruling in this case so as to ensure that county clerks and other local officials throughout the state” issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Justice Marvin R. Baxter, joined by Justice Ming W. Chin, called the ruling a “startling” act of “legal jujitsu” that “oversteps judicial power” in his concurring and dissenting opinion:
Justice Carol A. Corrigan writes in her concurring and dissenting opinion:
As important as the institution of marriage is for society in general, and children in particular, there is far more at stake in this ruling. The question for Californians is: Are you going surrender your sovereign right to rule yourselves to four black-robed despots who’ve ignored your will and perverted your constitution? And for clergy in particular, are you going to lead your people in taking righteous action, or hide behind a “nonpolitical” pulpit while God’s ordained and holy institution is profaned? Although there is no relief available in federal court, and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has already announced he will do nothing to terminate the ruling, the people of California can still act. This November, Californians can vote for a constitutional amendment, The California Marriage Protection Act, that will prevent this ruling from being enforced. Californians can also initiate a recall vote for George and his three cohorts, Joyce L. Kennard, Kathryn M. Werdegar and Carlos R. Moreno, and send them packing as they did to former California Supreme Court Chief Justice Rose Bird and company. And finally, all Americans who respect the rule of law should demand that Congress pass a constitutional amendment preserving traditional marriage, and send it to the states for ratification. It’s the only way to protect state sovereignty and the will of the people from judicial tyranny.
This article was posted
on Thursday, May 15th, 2008 at 10:01 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Court Decisions & Judges, Current State Law, Freedom Under Fire, Government Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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