British Columbia, Canada School Curricula Now Celebrate Homosexuality

Folks, we received this from our Canadian friend, Robert Jason, who daily updates people worldwide on the politically correct follies in that multicultural basket case to America’s north:


Parents for Democracy in Education Society

Len Remple, President; Marc Gravelle, Vice President


Well, it is true and it is alarming.

The British Columbia school curriculum from K to 12 has been revised to present a favourable portrayal of homosexuality and the homosexual life style.

First they wanted “tolerance”, then they wanted “acceptance”, now they want to teach “celebration” of that lifestyle.

This was the result of the B.C. government giving two homosexual activists a legal, binding agreement to oversee and critique the revision of the school curriculum. Can you imagine only two persons receiving such an agreement?  And it was all done in secret. No parents group or other organization was allowed to participate.  Efforts to include parents in the revision have been refused by the Liberal B.C. government.

Is this the “new democratic way” of governing?

Our organization is formed to oppose and resist this revision of the school curriculum.

Look us up on There is additional information at

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This article was posted on Friday, February 13th, 2009 at 11:58 am and is filed under Beyond America, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Canada, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, News. You can follow any updates to this article through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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