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TAKE ACTION: Illinois Homosexual Lobbyist Predicts Passage of ‘Civil Unions’ Wednesday
Folks, this is a wake-up call to stop “civil unions” in Illinois. Call your state representative and senator today or tomorrow morning (find your lawmakers at www.congress.org). Homosexual lobbyist Rick Garcia (left) predicts passage of faux “gay marriage” (“civil unions”) in our state, but Garcia could be bluffing. And he’s hardly a truth-teller: some years ago he P.S. What is the “AIDS Foundation” doing lobbying for homosexual “civil unions”? IFI writes: __________________________________ Homosexual Lobbyists More Determined Than Ever To Pass “Civil Unions” By Kathy Valente, Policy Analyst, Illinois Family Institute Take ACTION: Contact your state representative (www.congress.org) to preserve natural marriage in Illinois!! [Call the Capitol Switchboard in Springfield at 217-782-2000; you can find all of your state and federal representatives by plugging in your 9-digit zip code or address at www.congress.org.] Rick Garcia, gay lobbyist for Equality Illinois, said yesterday that he “absolutely” foresees both the House and Senate passing HB 2234, the civil union bill, as early as next Tuesday or Wednesday. It’s no secret that Governor Pat Quinn supports the bill and is likely to sign it into law. If Garcia is right, Illinois will soon bestow its blessing upon homosexual couples, extending to them the same benefits as marriage, only under a different name. According to CapitolFaxBlog.com, “Equality Illinois has nine lobbyists working as either full-time staffers or contractors to encourage lawmakers to vote in favor of civil unions. Other groups assisting in passing the measure include the American Civil Liberties Union, the AIDS Foundation of Chicago and the Service Employees International Union…” (Emphasis added.) Take ACTION: Please look up your state representative HERE and then call your state representative to ask him/her to please vote ‘NO’ on HB 2234 and, instead, pass a constitutional amendment to preserve marriage and its unique benefits for one man and one woman. If they receive dozens of calls from their constituents, they might tell their leadership not to allow the bill to be called. This would be a public record of their vote to be used against them. They fear losing their next race. We don’t want to cry wolf, but we also don’t want to take for granted that the bill won’t pass. It’s a tug-of-war. There are far too many unethical lawmakers who lack a strong moral compass and who too easily bow to the powers that fill their coffers. Additional Action: 1. Forward this email to everyone on your Illinois email list. 2. Print and make copies of this half-sheet flyer to pass out at your church, school, among friends and neighbors, etc. This bill can be stopped, but only if you will make the 2 calls to your state representative and state senator AND if you will pass this information to others. It’s our responsibility to tell those who represent us how we want them to vote. This is still a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.” The only difference between marriage and “civil unions” is in name. The rights and privileges would be the same.
This article was posted
on Tuesday, May 26th, 2009 at 2:43 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Activists, Equality Illinois, Homosexual Quotes, News.
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