AFTAH Exclusive: Nancy Pelosi’s district continues to ignore laws and kowtow to radical homosexual extremists
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By Peter LaBarbera, with “Ron” on the scene [Ron attended the Up Your Alley street fair; LaBarbera did not]
SAN FRANCISCO — Men walked around in full frontal nudity and even engaged in oral sex acts on the streets of San Francisco at a sadomasochistic street fair here Sunday — belying reports that police and city authorities would crack down on public nudity and lewdness at the annual “Up Your Alley” event.
A volunteer, “Ron,” with the St. Joseph’s Men Society, took pictures of the raunchy event for Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH). Ron’s photos show that despite the reports that anti-nudity and -lewdness laws would be strictly enforced at this year’s Up Your Alley street fair, they were not.
The San Francisco homosexual newspaper Bay Area Reporter reported April 30, 2009:
San Francisco police are cracking down on public sex acts at this year’s Dore Alley street fair in July and are warning organizers that if they do not control attendees, the event’s longevity will be in doubt.
The stepped up enforcement against lewd behavior at the South of Market street party, officially known as the Up Your Alley Fair, comes after two individuals filed numerous complaints with the city’s Office of Citizen Complaints against the 14 police officers assigned to patrol the 2008 event for not addressing the acts of public indecency.
The police were responding to a local secular, anonymous website, Zombietime, that exposed the Up Your Alley and Folsom Street fairs in San Francisco — showing full nudity as opposed to the covered-up exposés by Americans For Truth reporters. Click HERE, HERE and HERE for three AFTAH photo-stories on Folsom Street and Up Your Alley. (AFTAH has been covering Folsom Street for years as an example of the extremist, unlawful behavior tolerated in America’s “queer” mecca.)
Police again not serious
Ron spent 50 minutes Sunday walking through the event as critical observer. He also attended last year’s Up Your Alley (UYA) fair and had this to say about comparing the two San Francisco events:
Last year, police were patrolling the UYA street fair. I encountered several police that were walking past men masturbating and exposing themselves, many completely nude. I asked the police why they were not enforcing the law. One policeman stated they were there to protect the attendees, not to enforce the laws, and were passive for political reasons. Another said that as long as the fair attendees were inside the fair they could do whatever they wanted — yet at that time I could clearly see nudity from across the street.
This year, I did not see one policeman patrolling inside the fair. I did see several police talking amongst themselves at one entrance as though they were at a cocktail party. There was no attempt to patrol or enforce the laws against public nudity, sex and drug-use. One policeman told me that they were on “fixed posts.” I did see one guy with a “Folsom Security” vest wearing a skirt patrolling the area doing what the police were doing last year: nothing.
The “Up Your Alley” street fair — also known locally as the “Dore Alley” fair — is a smaller version of the massive “Folsom Street Fair” held every September in San Francisco. (Both events are run by the same Folsom organization, which has tangled with AFTAH, and last year attempted unsuccessfully to stop us from publishing items from their website.)
As with last year’s San Francisco Folsom Street Fair, there were signs posted at entrances to Up Your Alley warning of police prosecution against “lewd behavior.” The signs (see photo at right) read:
Lewd behavior is illegal and will be interrupted. Please respect and support our security staff.1st violation: Verbal warning
2nd violation: Escort to the fair exit
3rd violation: Turn over to SFPD [San Francisco Police Dep’t]
A final paragraph on the warning sign reads: “Lewd behavior in the second and third story windows in the fairgrounds will be referred directly to the SFPD for intervention.” This is in direct response to the “Zombietime” website’s graphic, unedited photos of a naked man “masturbating from second floor windows overlooking the fair,” to quote the homosexual Bay Area Reporter.
Can you imagine any other city in America where you would see a sign for a block party warning against “lewd behavior in second and third story windows”?
Homosexual oral sex on street — why not?
As with previous sadistic street fairs, police non-enforcement was so lax that deviant, homosexual sex acts were allowed to go on in the streets as fair attendees passed on by. In his 50-minute stint, Ron photographed two oral sex acts at Up Your Alley – one in which a man “serviced” two men in uniforms, and the other involving two men engaged
in fellatio directly in front of a booth. No action by either the police or a private “Folsom Security” staffer was taken against the law-breakers, according to Ron.
SFPD authorities were quoted in the “gay” press as saying that a lack of action against the illegal behaviors at the 2009 Up Your Alley fair would jeopardize its continuation as an annual San Francisco event. Bay Area Reporter reported:
Due to the complaints, the police are requiring the fair organizers to develop a more stringent security plan to deal with people who break the law at the event. Greely said simply because someone is attending an enclosed street fair does not mean that laws regarding public nudity and lewd behavior do not apply.
“There is no public sex allowed, that is illegal. Nudity laws still apply and laws against urinating in public still apply,” said Greely. “Sometimes things gradually get out of hand and that is what happened here. Last year it got out of control.”
It is the first time that the police have demanded the Up Your Alley Fair organizers to address public sex acts and lewd behavior in their security plan for the event, said Greely. If they don’t rein in such behavior this year, then the police have threatened not to support the fair’s application in 2010.
“We always require security for these events. This time we are asking them to address these problems,” she said. “Hopefully they will be able to control it if they want to have the event next year.”
But given the tough language, Ron said that the lack of police non-reaction to the extreme and illegal goings on Sunday was telling.
So Much for Cracking Down: The two photos at left show a man performing oral sex on apparently two men (dressed up in uniforms) on the streets of San Francisco at the annual “Up Your Alley” street fair. Ron, our correspondent, reports that no effort was made to stop this obscene spectacle, nor was punitive action taken against these law-breakers — despite warnings months ago that the SFPD would enforce anti-lewdness and anti-nudity laws at this year’s fair.

Ho-hum … Cops Idle Amidst Deviant Law-Breakers: Ron, our pro-family observer on the scene, reports: “I shot this photo of a few cops on the sidelines ignoring what is going on just a few feet away. The smell of marijuana was everywhere. I asked a cop why they were not enforcing the nudity laws and the reply was that they had ‘fixed posts.’ There was no attempt to patrol or enforce the laws against public nudity, sex and drug-use.“
Another naked guy on San Francisco streets: Up Your Alley attendee poses in his birthday suit (plus the boots) for the cameras.
More coming on this story…
This article was posted
on Monday, July 27th, 2009 at 2:09 pm and is filed under
Homosexual Meccas,
Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals,
Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals,
Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?,
San Francisco,
Sexual Revolution.
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