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Maine ‘Yes on One’ TV Spokesman Targeted for Speaking Out for Traditional MarriageBelow is a pre-election release from Stand for Marriage Maine about the latest homosexual harassment effort. You know, it comes down to this: a significant portion of the “gay” activists strategy is about intimidation — demonizing, targeting and harassing people of faith who are doing nothing wrong and merely are standing up for their beliefs. Enough is enough: rather than fighting in court not to release the names of donors to pro-traditional-marriage organizations, we ought to be saying, “Bring it on! Here’s my name and address: go ahead and publish it! Yes, I’m proud to defend traditional marriage as it has stood for thousands of years. You gotta problem with that?” Enough trembling before the online “queer” thugs who want to punish people or frighten them for doing what’s right! I say: shame on the Homosexual Lobby — which has a knack for doing the most outrageous things to promote and defend its pet sin of homosexuality. Nobody should be ashamed of being identified with the Truth on this issue or any social position that aligns with their faith. Life teaches us that you never reward a bully; you stand up to him. If that means that some creep might ring you up at midnight or call you a name or list your address on some twisted website, so be it. Christians in some parts of the world are maimed, tortured or even murdered for believing in Jesus Christ; their churches are burned down. Shame on us if we’re unwilling to be called a name for defending God’s wonderful created order of sex in marriage. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org P.S. In saner times, sinners were ashamed of their sin or at least knew deep down they were wrong. Some responded to Gospel preaching, were forgiven and became part of the body of Christ. Now sinners “preach” at us, coax us to approve of their errant lifestyles — and even demand that Christians surrender truth on this issue by bowing to their immoral vision. Isaiah 5:20 applies. Statement regarding threat to Yes on One TV ad spokesman FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The following statement can be attributed to Marc Mutty, chairman, Stand for Marriage Maine:
This article was posted
on Thursday, November 5th, 2009 at 12:44 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Christian Persecution, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Activist Hate Against Christians, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Homosexual Hate, News, Politics of "Hate".
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