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Statement by Mike Heath on Defeat of Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Law in Maine
______________________ Heath, who is also Board Chairman of AFTAH, writes on his blog: Righteousness prevailsThere’s lots of disappointed people today. Not just in Maine, but all across America. Maine was supposed to become the first state to endorse homosexual marriage on a statewide ballot. It didn’t happen, thank God. It was close, but they’ve always been close. Ever since I helped start the debate about using referendums to stop the queer political movement in 1991 its been close. We realized then that the politicians would be incapable of halting the slide toward the full legal endorsement of sex outside of marriage. We believed that the people would do the right thing. In referendum after referendum over nearly twenty years I fought side-by-side with thousands of fellow Mainers and slowed the propagandists and politicians. Working behind the scenes gay activists still managed to enact all of their agenda except for marriage. It was gratifying this year to finally see substantial statewide and national groups step up to face this goliath. I was, however, horrified by the concession proclaimed by Stand for Marriage this past weekend. They repeated their endorsement of domestic partnerships and gay rights, going so far as to suggest that more rights to protect homosexuality may be in order. I pray this election result signals that we have turned the corner, and that we are going to listen to our hearts. Sexual love is made for a man and a woman to enjoy in the context of a life long commitment. Surely we don’t want to build a society where our children and grandchildren are encouraged to invent new perversions to avoid boredom? The path to sanity is well defined. We don’t need experts to help us define marriage. We already know it when we see it. We simply need to see more of a commitment to it in ourselves, and those we love. Homosexuality has absolutely nothing to do with marriage. Homosexuality is a sickness. It’s a sin. We need to stop putting up with it. There is nothing civil about hiding the truth from those we love. And the truth about sex outside of marriage is that it hurts, it’s bad for us. We need to avoid it. We need to choose life over sex. Sex is for life … it creates life. Sex and life must be connected in our thinking. We come together sexually in the context of marriage to celebrate creation, the creation of a unique individual human life. It is perilous to disconnect sex from creation. It is even more perilous to pretend that pleasurable sex should be associated with acts unspeakable. In the interest of protecting and affirming all of Maine’s people, especially our children and grandchildren, we must repeal domestic partnership laws that provide benefits on the basis of homosexuality, we must de-fund the so-called “civil rights teams” [pro-homosexual student groups] and remove “sexual orientation and gender identity” from the Maine Human Rights Act and the Maine Civil Rights Act. It would also be prudent to reinstate Maine’s anti-sodomy law that was quietly removed from our criminal code in the late 1970s. We must not stop fighting until Maine’s laws are once again just, and equal rights are guaranteed to all Maine citizens on the basis of good conduct, not sinful behavior. For the sake of our children and grandchildren we must fight this evil. And we will fight. We will never surrender. There is too much at stake.
This article was posted
on Thursday, November 5th, 2009 at 3:59 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, C - Heroes for Truth, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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