Bill O’Reilly’s ‘Culture Warriors’ Support Homosexuals in the Military: FOX News Tacking to The Left?

Why is FOX News’ power anchor “spinning” in a PC direction?

Reprinted from Republicans For Fair Media; to support RFFM, go HERE

By Daniel T. Zanoza, Executive Director, Republicans For Fair Media; e-mail:

Social conservatives have noticed that FOX's Bill O'Reilly has tilted steadily further left on the homosexual issue.

As expected, during his first State of the Union address, Barack Obama called for the lifting of the military’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy which would allow homosexuals to openly serve in the U.S. Armed Forces.  The only problem for Obama and the far left wing of the Democratic Party is this would take an act of Congress because the Uniform Code of Military Justice would have to be twisted to allow Obama’s plan to be implemented.

Most members of the U.S. Armed Forces, especially those in command positions, recognize that homosexuals openly serving in the military would have a negative impact on morale, esprit de corps and, subsequently, combat readiness.

Amazingly, those who participated in a Jan. 28 segment that Bill O’Reilly (FOX News Channel’s The O’Reilly Factor) refers to as “The Culture Warriors” made clear that they agreed with Obama’s proposal to rescind “Don’t ask, don’t tell” (DADT).  The segment usually includes pro-family conservative Gretchen Carlson who tackles issues from a conservative perspective in contrast to Margaret Hoover who argues the liberal point of view concerning political and social issues.

But on Thursday, January 28th, FOX business anchor Cheryl Casone (who stepped in for Carlson) and FOX News analyst Margaret Hoover both agreed America was ready to have homosexuals openly serve in defense of our nation [Transcript available HERE].  It was a shocker for me to hear this on FOX News–the “fair and balanced” network.  Even O’Reilly fed into the liberal line which suggested it was time for this social experiment to take place.  It has become all too evident the network seems to be leaning to the left, in order to appease and attract more liberal viewers.  FOX would not want to offend this new demographic which has helped the FOX News Channel’s ratings go through the roof.

Mr. O’Reilly, the purpose of the United States Armed Forces is to defend America.  It is not a place for social experiments or political correctness.  Indeed, the  Constitution does not apply in many cases to the U.S. military and FOX News should not be advocating Barack Obama’s far-left policies.

Unfortunately, the tack to the left is evident, especially on O’Reilly’s highly popular primetime program.  But, as I wrote in a related column, FNC also seems to have a penchant for supporting moderate Republican candidates.  This was made clear in 2008 when Sean Hannity seemed to be shilling for former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and eventual GOP presidential nominee John McCain.  At the same time, Hannity took every opportunity to ignore the highly effective and energized grassroots campaigns of former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and U.S. Rep. Ron Paul.  Is FOX News becoming MSNBC Light?  You  certainly couldn’t tell what network you were watching on Thursday evening during the Culture Warriors segment.  Very sad.

This article was posted on Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010 at 12:47 am and is filed under FOX News, Government Promotion, Military, News. You can follow any updates to this article through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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