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Homosexual Pressure Group GLAAD Names AFTAH’s LaBarbera, Barber to Its Media ‘Blacklist’GLAAD smears pro-family leaders while honoring homosexual activist hatemongersWARNING: Story includes uncensored, obscene tweet by hateful homosexual activist awarded by GLAAD![]() While smearing pro-family leaders who oppose homosexuality as "haters," GLAAD honors hateful, anti-Christian homosexual activists like blogger Joe Jervis -- who blames the VICTIMS of pro-homosexual violence for "hate crimes" against them. Above is a 2011 GLAAD web item celebrating Jervis for his GLAAD "Outstanding Blog" award. See bottom of article for an example of Jervis' viciousness. Click on image to enlarge. The homosexual pressure group GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) has named AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Board Member Matt Barber and 34 other American pro-family opponents of homosexual activism to a list of targeted commentators whom it aims to discredit by lobbying the media. GLAAD’s new “Commentator Accountability Project” (CAP) focuses on “our nation’s most frequently quoted anti-gay activists,” according to the power homosexual pressure organization. GLAAD says CAP “is designed to shine a big, bright light on the extreme views of the vast majority of prominent anti-LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender”]talkers.” “Hate is not an expert opinion,” GLAAD spokesman Herndon Graddick told the Denver Post, employing the same demonizing rhetoric used by the Southern Poverty Law Center — which labels mainstream pro-family organizations opposed to homosexuality like Americans For Truth, American Family Association and Family Research Council as “hate groups.” GLAAD is asking its followers to provide critical information back to them against the 36 pro-family advocates — which GLAAD will then relay to “reporter, editors, show runners, and guest bookers [who] need to know about the violently anti-LGBT rhetoric that many of their guests regularly use.” The following pro-family leaders are listed in GLAAD’s CAP list: Campaign for Working Familes’ Gary Bauer, historian David Barton, NOM’s Brian Brown, Liberty Council Action’s Matt Barber, Dr. Michael Brown, Exodus International’s Alan Chambers, Mass Resistance’s Brian Camenker, Prison Fellowship’s Chuck Colson, Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly, Catholic League’s Bill Donohue, Christian Civic League of Maine’s Bob Emrich, Lou Engle, WND.com’s Joseph Farah, AFA’s Bryan Fischer, NOM founder Maggie Gallagher, California Prop 8 leader and pastor Jim Garlow, Princeton Prof. Robert George, Antioch Bible Church pastor Ken Hutcherson, pastor Harry Jackson, AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera, Defend the Family International’s Scott Lively, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler, radio host Kevin McCullough, Ruth Institute’s Jennifer Roback Morse, CWA’s Penny Nance, Christopher Plante, Focus on the Family’s Glenn Stanton, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver, FRC’s Peter Sprigg, Vision America’s Rick Scarborough, author Frank Turek, Bob Vander Plaats, and Don Wildmon and his son, Tim Wildmon, of AFA. GLAAD’s information denigrating pro-family leaders comes mainly from other biased, pro-homosexual sources like People for the American Way’s “Right Wing Watch.” These sites often take quotations from pro-family leaders out of context to make them appear as “hateful” as possible. (Some of the cited quotations come from snippets of their interviews with LaBarbera on AFTAH’s weekly radio show.) Critics cite GLAAD intimidation Pro-family advocates say the GLAAD project is merely the latest attempt to discredit and silence pro-family views, which already are rarely included to balance “mainstream” media stories related to homosexuality. “McCarthyism is alive and well within the ranks of the homo-fascist political lobby. Since liberals can’t win the debate, all they have left is to silence dissent,” said Barber, AFTAH board member and Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action. “As we’ve seen evidenced by the recent [Sandra] Fluke flap involving Rush Limbaugh, left-wing extremists have ramped-up their Orwellian efforts to silence those who pose a threat to their radical secular-socialist agenda. “I count it an honor to be included among such a distinguished list of pro-family warriors,” Barber said. “As Christ followers, we will never stop speaking God’s truth in love. These homosexualist hatemongers have exposed who they truly are. They will never silence us.” Said AFTAH’s LaBarbera: “This is all about silencing, discrediting and demonizing pro-family voices. I guess GLAAD is so afraid that the truth about homosexuality will be heard that it will go to the extreme of creating a ‘blacklist’ against moral leaders — for a media already disinclined to be fair on this politically correct issue.” “Ironically, while GLAAD calls these pro-family advocates ‘hateful’ and ‘extreme,’ it champions the work of the real hatemongers on the homosexual side — people like blogger Joe Jervis (of the ‘Joe.My.God.’ blog), who blames the Christian VICTIMS of pro-homosexual violence for attacks against them; and cyber-bully Dan Savage, who created the hate-site, ‘Santorum[dot]com,’ which re-defines Rick Santorum’s name as the vile by-product of homosexual sodomy,” LaBarbera said. Focus on the Family spokesman Gary Schneeberger – reacting to Focus CEO Jim Daly’s inclusion on the list of 36 – told the Denver Post that GLAAD project is an attempt “to stifle freedom of speech and freedom of religion by trying to intimidate the media.” Dr. Michael Brown, author of “A Queer Thing Happened to America,” told AFTAH: “It’s always an honor to be vilified for the truth and for biblical values. At the same time we need to recognize GLAAD for what it is: an intolerant group devoted to censoring dissenting views.” Brown, who hosts the “Line of Fire” radio show, writes in his book that GLAAD’s habit of trying to squelch opponents’ views – e.g., GLAAD crusaded against CNN because it included former homosexual Richard Cohen in a TV debate segment – shows that its acronym should really stand for the “Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against DISAGREEMENT.” [See Mike Brown’s radio interview with AFTAH HERE.] Media balance is “imbalance”? In GLAAD’s original online article explaining the “Commentator Accountability Project,” Aaron McQuade, the group’s Director of News and Field Media, writes that “’accountability’ does not necessarily mean keeping these people out of the media,” but rather educating them on their “completely out of touch” views. Curiously, McQuade posits that adding the perspective of an anti-“gay”-agenda critic to a news story (opposite a pro-homosexuality advocate) does not add balance to the story, but rather the opposite:
Such a position jibes with GLAAD’s and other homosexual lobby groups’ penchant for classifying mainstream pro-family conservative critics of homosexuality (and homosexual “marriage”) as “extremists” who are morally equivalent to racists who fought against black civil rights. However, most African Americans who oppose the pro-homosexual agenda deeply resent the racism analogy. ![]() REAL HATE: toxic tweet against AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera, by homosexual blogger Joe Jervis -- creator of the "Joe.My.God." blog awarded by GLAAD in 2011 for "Outstanding Blog." Click on graphic to enlarge: WARNING: obscene language. One such black pro-family leader is Ken Hutcherson, a Washington State pastor and one of two black leaders included in GLAAD’s targeted list of 36 pro-family advocates. Hutcherson coined the phrase: “Don’t compare your sin to my skin.” He has argued forcefully – including in an AFTAH radio interview – that all attempts to equate opposition to the sin of homosexuality with racism are fraudulent. ________________________ Related Articles: GLAAD “CAP” Project web page containing short descriptions of Peter LaBarbera, Matt Barber, and other targeted pro-family leaders: www.GLAAD.org/cap GLAAD’s original article explaining “Commentators Accountability Project”: Bias Is Not Balance: GLAAD Pushes For More Transparent Punditry World Net Daily articles: “Gay hate list: Farah, Perkins, Colson, more” AFTAH Press Conference against SPLC’s (similar) “hate” politics: http://americansfortruth.com/2012/01/23/splc-press-conference-audio-montgomery-al-january-17-2012/ AFTAH: “Matt Barber on GLAAD Award to Anti-Christian Bigot Joe Jervis of ‘Joe.My.God.’ Blog”
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on Thursday, March 15th, 2012 at 1:28 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, C - Heroes for Truth, Evangelicals, Extremism, Gay Activist Hate Against Christians, Gay Activist Hypocrisy, Gay Lies about AFTAH, Homo-fascism - Intimidation by Gay Lobby, Homosexual Blogs, Homosexual Hate, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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