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Linda Harvey: Don’t Shop at Macy’s Due to Their Pro-Homosexual, Pro-Transgender Agenda![]() Macy’s’ LGBTQueer Agenda: Macy’s float in homosexual “pride parade” in West Hollywood, CA. To contact Macy’s, call 800-289-6229, or go to their Online Contact Page. Click to enlarge. TAKE ACTION: My friend and stellar cultural warrior Linda Harvey of Mission America is calling for a boycott of the pro-homosexual-bisexual-transgender (LGBTQueer) retail giant Macy’s. Make it count: If you choose to join Linda, please make your decision count by contacting Macy’s to tell they WHY you are no longer shopping there. Call their Customer Service line at 800-289-6229, or use their online “Contact Us” form HERE. I called the 800-number, and the only way to reach a human being is by hitting an option to buy something. The Macy’s operator who took my call totally agreed with me that it is inappropriate for biological men to dress in women’s private spaces! Also, on the Macy’s Contact Page, you can find local stores using your zip code. Try calling your local store to inform them of your decision not to shop at Macy’s until they at least approach neutrality on homosexuality and transgender issues. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH _________________________ Say No to Shopping at Pro-‘LGBTQueer’ Macy’sBy Linda Harvey Hey, ladies, would it bother you if a guy changing into a dress occupied the fitting room stall next to you at Macy’s? If this creeps you out, you should thank Natalie Johnson. She tried to preevent this from happening at a Macy’s in San Antonio several years ago. And of course, the Macy’s management was extremely thankful to her for telling a teen cross-dressing male, accompanied by several other “LGBTqueer” friends, that he could not enter the female fitting room. No, wait. They weren’t thankful. In fact, the Macy’s managers told Natalie to turn in her badge, so to speak. Natalie was terminated but the pushy and deluded young male (a non-female) was given honor and respect for the worthy goal of Natalie cited the Macy’s employment non-discrimination policy, one that includes the category of “religion.” She’s a Christian and found it offensive for a male to undress in the women’s fitting room. But religious rights are only included in the Macy’s employment manual for show, apparently. In a head-to head contest against boys in lipstick and heels, the boys win. That’s the culture of Macy’s. This is why I have not been inside a Macy’s since 2011. I used to spend quite a bit of money during the holidays at our local Macys—but no longer. This decision was reinforced as I watched and photographed the huge Macy’s red star balloon flying high above the Columbus “gay” pride parade in both 2013 and 2014. The banner carried by the Macy’s employee group marchers read, “Pride and Joy.” The star at Christmas is a compelling Christian symbol, evoking the story that means a lot to many of us this time of year. The wise men followed the Star of Bethlehem and worshipped before the infant Savior, Jesus Christ, and offered him priceless gifts worthy of the King of Kings. It’s insulting that Macy’s treated a young woman with sincere religious convictions with such disrespect, while upholding the “rights” of those who want to trash businesses and our culture, not to mention religious freedom. But on top of this, Macy’s has the gall to use a precious Christian symbol to sell its wares. Some women’s dresses and lingerie at Macy’s will be purchased by men for themselves. Jesus himself is very clear that humans are designed by the Creator “male and female” (Matthew 19:4). Gender change is a sin, folks. This Christmas season, think about the fitting room at Macy’s and whether you would feel welcome there. If you are a male, would your wife, daughters or mom be safe and comfortable there? Do you agree that this seems highly odd, that Macy’s would so cavalierly disregard the preferences of the vast majority of the women who shop there? This seems marginally insane, actually. Can businesses be treated for mental illness? Which leads to another Designation of Dishonor earned recently by Macy’s: a “100” on the “Corporate Equality Index” devised by the pedophile-founded Human Rights Campaign [see AFTAH story HERE on 65-year-old HRC co-founder Terry Bean, arrested for allegedly sodomizing a 15-year-old boy]. HRC is the largest homosexual, “LGBTQueer” group in America, responsible for pushing this deviance into the concept of marriage, into schools and into workplaces. This group is also responsible for disturbingly unjust, inaccurate and deliberately vicious smear campaigns against conservative Christians. If you’d like to read all about the pressure HRC is putting on businesses to conform to the lowest possible standards of morality and respect for families, go HERE. Human Rights Campaign has been in the news recently because the group’s co-founder and current board member, Terry Bean, has been arrested along with another adult male for having sex (both of them) with a fifteen-year-old boy they met via the Internet in Oregon. Bean is a major fundraiser for “gay” and Democratic political candidates, including Barack Obama. That means that on the measures of supporting homosexuality, bisexuality and gender–switching among employees, creating a workplace environment unfriendly to real human rights and morality, and donating money to promote LGBTQueer “marriage” and other culture-smashing causes, Macy’s gets the Human Rights Campaign’s highest possible rating. How tragic for this once highly-revered store, the founders of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, with precious memories for three generations of American children. But that’s not today’s Macy’s. The Human Rights Campaign gives Macy’s an A+ report card. But we who are believers give them an “F,” for “failure” as well as “fraud.” There are far better places to spend your hard-earned money this Christmas season. ___________________________ Linda Harvey is president and founder of Mission America and host of a radio talk show 880 AM WRFD (Columbus). Linda is author of the book, Maybe He’s Not Gay: Another View on Homosexuality. First published on Barbwire.com. |
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