LISTEN: Peter LaBarbera Discusses New Atlantis Study Finding Homosexuals Much More Likely to Have Been Sexually Abused as Children – Janet Mefferd Interview

Study “eviscerates the born gay myth,” says AFTAH founder

The following is an interview between Christian radio talk show host Janet Mefferd and Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth that was published October 3, 2016. The portion with LaBarbera begins at 25:22; click the arrow in the orange circle at the top left to listen, then find the minute mark at the bottom. You can also listen to the program HERE; in fact, if you pause the app below, when you click on it to restart playing it takes you to the permanent SoundCloud URL.

The two discuss a recent study in The New Atlantis journal that comes to some politically incorrect conclusions about homosexuality–e.g., that “childhood sexual abuse” is a disproportionate factor among homosexuals compared to heterosexuals. Go HERE to read a PDF of the study or to order a copy:

This article was posted on Monday, October 3rd, 2016 at 8:54 pm and is filed under Biblical Truth, Gay-Pedophile Associations, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty. You can follow any updates to this article through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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