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LaBarbera Warns Parents on ‘Love, Simon’ Movie: Teach Your Kids to Trust God’s Word over Pro-‘Gay’ FeelingsAFTAH in the News: assails teen “coming out” film as product of decades of Hollywood pro-LGBTQ activismThe following is reprinted from One News Now, the news service of American Family Association. We’ll have more on this film, Love, Simon (view trailer below, after the jump), which represents the first major box office hit of a movie about a same-sex romance with a homosexual teenager as its lead character (played by actor Nick Robinson, who is straight). I saw this film in the theater and it pushes all the right buttons for a generation already way over-exposed to anti-biblical messages celebrating All Things Gay & Trans. It’s a pretty effective piece of Hollywood propaganda that hits on some of the simplistic LGBTQ activist themes of recent decades–most importantly, that being “gay” is “who you are.” (No moral or spiritual counterpoint is presented.) Teens and adults should never accept that false premise, which posits sinful behavior as the basis for one’s identity and denies the possibility of wholesome change away from homosexuality. (See ex-“gay” Christian Stephen Black’s video presentations at AFTAH’s 2017 banquet HERE.)— Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH: Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com P.S. For some biblical advice on this issue, see this article by AFA’s Ed Vitagliano: “What Do I Do If My Kid Says He’s Gay?” ___________________ A Trendy Romance? Be Wary, ParentsBy Steve Jordahl, One News Now, March 19, 2018 Christian parents are being advised to be ready for a conversation with their children about a movie that opened this weekend that could have them talking. Love, Simon (PG-13) is billed as a trendy romance – but in fact it’s the first “gay” romantic movie with a full-throated Hollywood marketing campaign. This movie was not made for LGBT audiences; instead, it’s a subtle message movie for the straight world: From the movie trailer: “My name’s Simon. For the most part, my life is totally normal. I have a family that I actually like, and there’s my friends. So I’m just like you, except that I have one huge secret: nobody knows I’m gay.” The story line focuses on how Simon “comes out,” or announces to the world that he’s gay. The characters are relatable, sympathetic, and loveable. The producers are hopeful audiences will yearn for Simon to be accepted and find his true love – and if data from the Barna Group and Impact 360 Institute is to be believed, many children from Christian homes are ready to get on board in today’s environment of moral relativism. But Pete LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality warns young moviegoers to look closely. “If kids could see that this is the product of years and years and years of activism, [they’d understand] it’s not quite as innocent as it seems,” he tells OneNewNow.
“We need to really go back to the Word of God and ask our children and their friends and everybody we talk to about this, Who are you going to trust? Are you going to trust this movement which is really built on feelings – or are you going to trust the Word of God.“ And to those youngsters who truly love their gay friends, “you need to tell them Look, you can’t base your whole life, your destiny on feelings, because feelings lead people astray,” LaBarbera offers. And he quotes a clear warning from Proverbs 14:12 – There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. (NKJV) “Thank the Lord,” LaBarbera writes, “that we can rise above the culture and its politically correct lies by trusting in God and his inerrant Word, the Bible.” Among movies that opened this weekend, Love, Simon fared third ($11.5 million) at the box office, behind Tomb Raider ($23.5 million) and the faith-based I Can Only Imagine ($17 million). (Stats from Box Office Mojo) ____________________________ Love, Simon trailer: ________________________________________________ ‘Health Hazards of Homosexuality’ Book Offer with Gift to AFTAH![]() Yours with any gift of $100 or more to AFTAH. Give online HERE. Learn the hard truth, help AFTAH: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality is offering a copy of the MassResistance book, “The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals,” for your gift to AFTAH of $100 or more. This is not a book for the faint of heart, nor for those who seek to deny the politically incorrect reality about destructive homosexual behaviors. (That includes most “progressives” and the LGBTQ Cheerleading Squad otherwise known as “the media.”) Its nearly 600 pages are loaded with CDC data and medical reports about the dangers of homosexual practices–i.e., the disturbing, unmentionable facts that lie beneath the “gay”-affirming veneer used to sell homosexuality to youth and the larger culture. That’s why sexual perversion activists HATE this book and don’t want you to read it. We need to get it into every library in the world. Yours with $100 donation: Give safely online HERE (request the book in the comments section) or send your check for $100 or more to: Americans For Truth (AFTAH), P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522, and we will send you a copy of “Health Hazards of Homosexuality.” I challenge you to do what I’m doing: read this well-researched book by the end of the year. Then you will be better armed as a truthful change agent in our deceived culture. If you have further questions, ask for Brad Wallace by calling AFTAH at 312-324-3787 or write him at connops@yahoo.com. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com.
This article was posted
on Wednesday, March 28th, 2018 at 4:58 pm and is filed under "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, 'Gayness' as identity?, Hollywood Promotion, News.
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