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More Facebook Censorship — AFTAH Punished 30 Days for Criticizing Chicago Homosexual Perversion-fest International Mr. LeatherFolks, to paraphrase the Gipper (Ronald Reagan) in his famous 1980 debate quip to Walter Mondale, “There you go again, Mr. Zuckerberg.” Coming after one petty Facebook censorship takedown of an AFTAH FB post [see it here], the social media giant just informed me that “You can’t post, comment or use [Facebook] Messenger for 30 days. This is because 2 of your posts go against our Community Standards on hate speech, and because you previously posted something that didn’t follow our standards.” This is one the offending posts, which appeared on both my own (“Peter LaBarbera”) Facebook page as well as my “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality” page. Note that I had blocked out the indecency and labelled it “Wrong”–which I suspect is my biggest Facebook “crime.” So now it is “hateful” to call out one of the most perverted deviant sex (sadomasochistic) celebrations in the world (you know: men calling themselves sex “pigs,” etc., as: wrong, gross, twisted and, yes, satanic? No explanation. No defense of their worldview. Just the same old “hate” mantra. The “techie” Left, super self-righteous and all about power and (thought) control, is killing free speech and reasoned discourse in this nation, and conservatives are still struggling to figure out how to fight it. More photos below after the jump. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Given a choice by Facebook to “Accept” their decision or request a review, I asked for the review. But then Facebook informed me that, “No one else can see your post while it’s in review, and you still won’t be able to post, comment or use Messenger for 30 days.” You know, somehow I don’t trust these guys to be fair Speech Referees. Send me your thoughts at americansfortruth@gmail.com about whether you think we should stay on Facebook, and subject ourselves to their capricious censorship, or get off the platform altogether. Best.–PL Here is the Facebook 30-days-in-jail notice I received on my cell phone when I tried to access my Facebook app:
This article was posted
on Monday, September 17th, 2018 at 11:37 pm and is filed under News, Social Media Censorship.
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