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LaBarbera Slams Elizabeth Warren for Pledge at CNN LGBTQ Forum to Allow Gender-confused Girl to Vet Her Future Education SecretaryVCY America’s “Crosstalk” program Oct. 14 featured AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera discussing the recent CNN LGBTQ issues presidential forum with Crosstalk host Jim Schneider [Listen below]. LaBarbera was outraged in responding to a clip from the CNN event in which a 9-year-old biological girl who wants to be a “boy” (with her parents’ full approval, apparently) asked Sen. Elizabeth Warren a question. The pandering Warren tells the girl that as President of the United States she would not name her Education Secretary until the girl meets the nominee and approves of the choice. Sadly, that was probably NOT the most radical exchange at the LGBTQ forum. Below is Crosstalk’s write-up of our interview: ![]() Date: October 14, 2019 Presidential Candidates Embrace LGBT Agenda Peter LaBarbera is the president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, a non-partisan educational group dedicated to exposing the homosexual-bisexual-transgender activist agendas. On October 10th, on the eve of National ‘Coming Out’ Day, the Human Rights Campaign and CNN sponsored the ‘Power of Our Pride.’ This event was a multi-candidate, Democrat ‘town hall’ forum that addressed LGBTQ issues and featured Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Beto O’Rourke, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and others. Every candidate involved in the event supports the ‘Equality Act.’ Peter described it as ‘…the most dangerous piece of federal legislation on the LGBTQ side ever. It would add sexual orientation and gender identity, those two phrases, into the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act.’ He went on to note that this would create special civil rights protections based upon immoral and changeable homosexual behavior and transgenderism. Jim featured a number of quotes from the event and had Peter follow up with his comments. Participants quoted included: –A 9 year old biological girl who identifies as a boy asked a question of Senator Elizabeth Warren concerning transgender safety at school. Part of Warren’s response indicated that she’s willing to allow this gender confused child to vet her secretary of education should she win the presidency. –Elizabeth Warren gave her response to a hypothetical situation where a supporter approaches her and says that they are old fashioned and that their faith teaches that marriage is between one man and one woman. –Elizabeth Warren commented on allowing taxpayer dollars to go toward transition related transgender surgery. –Beta O’Rourke agreed that religious institutions should lose their tax exempt status if they’re opposed to same-sex marriage. –Cory Booker blamed right-wing extremists, white supremacists and hate groups for the majority of the terrorist attacks on America since 9-11. Jim and Peter have much more to present, including comments from listeners, on this important election related edition of Crosstalk. More Information: |
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