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Resource List for Countering the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) Activist MovementThis list will be regularly updated and is not comprehensive. Some groups and websites below do not oppose all aspects of the LGBTQ agenda (e.g., those that focus solely on countering Transgender activism): _________________________________ AmericansForTruth.News – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) site publishing information often ignored or distorted by pro-LGBTQ media. AFTAH reporting led to passage of a federal law banning U.S. taxpayer funds to any international organization promoting pedophilia. Founder, Peter LaBarbera: Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera. Email: info@americansfortruth.org. Mail: PO Box 340743, Columbus, OH 43234 SexChangeRegret.com – Highly informative site published by Christian ex-transsexual Walt Heyer, who went through “male-to-female” “gender transition” surgeries before de-transitioning. Heyer has written several books and now strongly urges men NOT to go through radical trans “surgeries.” Help4Families.org – Christian support group for families of transgender-identified people: “Our mission is to help families and their loved ones impacted by transgenderism.” Led by Denise Shick, whose father became a trans “woman” when she was growing up as a girl. FRC.org – Family Research Council, a leading Washington, D.C.-based pro-family group opposing the LGBTQ lobby. Christian Post – christianpost.com – This Christian news site ably covers the LGBT lobby and faith-led efforts to stand up for believers’ right to live by their biblical moral beliefs. LC.org — Liberty Counsel — Leading Christian legal defense organization founded by pro-family stalwart Mat Staver. AFA.net – American Family Association; leading Christian pro-family organization. MissionAmerica.com – Leading Ohio pro-family group founded by Linda Harvey, who has decades of experience countering pro-LGBTQ propaganda in schools. MassResistance.org – A leading grassroots group (based in Boston, MA) opposing LGBTQ activism, led by veteran pro-family warrior Brian Camenker. LifeSiteNews.com – Catholic pro-life, pro-family news site, based in Canada with offices in Front Royal, Virginia. Recognizes upholding Judeo-Christian sexual morality as a pro-life issue. Extensive coverage of LGBTQ activism. See especially articles by Doug Mainwaring and Jonathon Van Maren. FirstStone.org – First Stone Ministries – Christian ex-“gay” ministry led by former homosexual Stephen Black TransgendertoTransformed.com – Blog of Christian Ex-Transgender Laura Perry, who underwent radical transgender “surgery” in her futile quest to be a “man” before becoming a Christian and leaving her gender-confused lifestyle behind. Restored Hope Network – restoredhopenetwork.org/– Christian umbrella group for ex-LGBTQ-identified overcomers and strugglers. https://pitt.substack.com — Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT) – Opposes transgender ideology and the Trans lobby’s seduction of youth. Sadly, this group is pro-gay. Breitbart.com – Conservative news site contains many articles on LGBTQ activism, especially trans militancy. However, Breitbart does not stand on principle against homosexuality, but exposes the LGBTQ Left. American College of Pediatricians: https://acpeds.org/ — Conservative alternative to far-left AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics); issues position papers on such issues as “Gender Dysphoria in Children” (https://acpeds.org/position-statements/gender-dysphoria-in-children). ScottLively.net – Archive of pro-family veteran Scott Lively’s extensive work resisting the LGBTQ agenda. https://prayinjesusname.org/ – Pray in Jesus Name – Pro-family group led by “Dr. Chaps” Gordon Klingenschmitt, who has done yeoman’s work over the years in exposing the anti-Christian LGBTQ agenda. https://billmuehlenberg.com/ — Australian Christian culture warrior Bill Muehlenberg’s site contains a wealth of information defending Christianity and biblical moral values in the West and the noble battle to resist growing pro-LGBTQ tyranny. _______________________________________ CDC – Centers For Disease Control and Prevention – cdc.gov — Although the CDC is decidedly pro-LGBTQ in its “orientation” (e.g., it routinely blames societal “stigma” for disproportionate health risks among homosexuals), this federal agency nevertheless documents the high risks of LGBTQ behaviors, especially among men. A simple web (Google) search on “MSM” (men who have sex with men) and “YMSM” (young men who have sex with men) yields an abundance of papers detailing the extraordinary health risks associated with unnatural homosexual sexual behaviors. See, for example:
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