The following is a video of a Heritage Foundation panel on the proposed LGBTQ Equality Act featuring leftist lesbians opposed to transgenderism. This was originally published January 28:
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Author ArchiveVideo: Heritage Foundation Panel Features Lesbian Leftists Opposed to LGBTQ Equality ActThursday, April 18th, 2019The following is a video of a Heritage Foundation panel on the proposed LGBTQ Equality Act featuring leftist lesbians opposed to transgenderism. This was originally published January 28: WATCH: Liberty Counsel Action Video: LGBTQ Equality Act (HR5) ‘Attacks Religious Liberty Head On’Thursday, April 11th, 2019The so-called LGBTQ “Equality Act” is the most dangerous piece of homosexual/transgender activist legislation every proposed. We thank Liberty Counsel Action for producing this 3-minute video. Take Action: tell your Congressman (202-225-3121) to oppose HR5, the “Equality Act.” Pete Buttigieg’s Fake Christianity: Democrat Blames God for His HomosexualityTuesday, April 9th, 2019April 9, 2019 CONTACT: Peter LaBarbera:;
312-324-3787, or via Americans For Truth website HERE; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera_ ![]() CHICAGO — Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (, issued the following statement today about potential Democratic presidential candidate and former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s recent comments about God, homosexuality and Vice President Pence:
VIDEO: Peter LaBarbera’s Speech on Gay Activist Tactics — at God’s Voice Conference Responding to the ‘Queering’ of the Christian ChurchSaturday, April 6th, 2019Folks, below is my speech at the recent “God’s Voice” conference in Oklahoma City responding to the “Queering of the Church.” I spoke on homosexual activist tactics and relayed some firsthand stories–such as when lesbian radio talk show host Tammy Bruce (now a Fox News contributor) tried to set me up many years ago by portraying herself as a violence-prone “homophobe.” [Start at the 15:00 mark for when I discuss how even Fox News is strongly pro-LGBTQ biased]. I will break down more of the 47-minute video soon. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera Illinois Lawmakers Advance K-12 LGBTQ School Indoctrination BillWednesday, March 6th, 2019![]() “The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln,” asserting the tendentious Lincoln-gay theory, which has been debunked by genuine Lincoln scholars.
By Laurie Higgins, republished from Illinois Family Institute site | 03.06.19 “Progressives,” also known as cultural regressives, have long had their sights on the hearts, minds, and bodies of other people’s children. Now that they control Big Government schools, regressives can control the ideas to which children are exposed. And boy, oh, boy are regressive Illinois lawmakers going for broke—morally speaking. They’ve already achieved fiscal bankruptcy. Regressives in the ethical swamp known as Springfield are stampeding forward to impose the “LGBT” indoctrination bill regardless of whether it makes Orthodox Jewish, Muslim, theologically orthodox Christian, or secular conservative kids feel “unsafe” or whether it deeply offends those children’s parents. To heck with inclusivity. It’s the leftist low way or the highway. If passed, this bill (HB 246)—which was created by three homosexual activist organizations—will require all students in k-12 public schools to be taught about the “roles and contributions” of homosexuals and opposite-sex impersonators. A quick, thoughtless skim of the bill might lead someone to think it’s innocuous. Critical analysis and deeper reflection—not the strengths of Springfield swamp creatures—expose the noxiousness of the bill. The notion that homosexuality is the ontological flipside of and morally equivalent to heterosexuality is an arguable, leftist assumption—not an inarguable, objective fact. Others believe homosexuality represents a disordering of the sex drive. Government schools—supported by the hard-earned money of all taxpayers—have no ethical or pedagogical obligation or right to base curricular decisions on arguable, controversial assumptions—not even assumptions leftists really, really, really believe are true. In order to teach all children in grades k-12 about the roles and contributions of homosexuals and cross-dressers, lawmakers and school leaders must have first determined that there is nothing morally questionable about homosexuality and cross-sex impersonation. To prove that’s the case, ask yourselves if Illinois lawmakers would pass a bill that requires schools to teach about the roles and contributions of polyamorists, polygamists, kin-lovers, or zoophiles. We all know they wouldn’t. If there were a polyamorist, kin-lover, or zoophile who had contributed something monumentally significant—so significant that it must be discussed—educators would talk about the contribution, while remaining mum about the contributor’s sexual peccadillo. If the peccadillo were brought up, teachers certainly wouldn’t describe it positively. Free Speech Is Dead in Canada: The Persecution of Christian Activist Bill WhatcottTuesday, February 19th, 2019![]() ![]()
By Amy Contrada, first published January 14, 2019 by American Thinker In the past year, I witnessed two frightening assaults on free speech by a kangaroo “justice” system. This wasn’t in some banana republic, North Korea, or China; it was in Canada. These were gut-wrenching experiences for me. These stories from Canada are potent warnings to the U.S. If Congress and more states pass anti-discrimination “equality” laws giving special protection to LGBTQ identities, “hate speech” prosecutions and compelled speech will surely follow. There can be no doubt of that, given the LGBT-driven lawsuits we have already seen against florists, bakers, and wedding photographers. The Civil Rights Commission of Colorado has tried to compel speech from Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop. We’re seeing numerous battles over bathroom use and forced use of silly pronouns in our media, colleges, and public schools. The EEOCalready interprets Title VII (employment) to protect employees from “sexual orientation” discrimination. Surprising Stuff You Should Know about ‘Trans’-cultismFriday, February 1st, 2019![]() By Laurie Higgins | First published by Illinois Family Institute, 10.18.18 Despite a lack of evidence proving the safety and efficacy of chemical and surgical interventions and social “transitioning” for those who experience gender dysphoria, “progressives” plow forward mutilating the healthy bodies and manipulating the psychology of children who feel they are or wish they were the sex they are not. The science-denying, incoherent “trans” ideology affects all of society. The end game for “trans” activists and others in cultic thrall to this superstition is not access for a few boys and girls or men and women to opposite-sex private spaces and sports. The end game is the eradication of all public recognition of sex differences everywhere for everyone. Think about what that means:
U.K. Trans-Insanity – Big Brother in League with the Trans CultTuesday, January 29th, 2019![]() By Laurie Higgins, first published 1/29/19 by Illinois Family Institute To be filed in the bulging “ARE YOU KIDDING?!” news folder is a story from the increasingly oppressive United Kingdom. British police recently investigated dock worker and father of four Harry Miller for an alleged “hate incident” for reposting a limerick about men who pretend to be women that included this factual line: “Your breasts are made of silicone, your vagina goes nowhere.” Sure, the limerick mocks the surgical mutilation of anatomically normal, healthy male bodies, but so what? People are allowed to satirize anything they want—especially ideologies and acts that destroy healthy bodies and affirm science-denying dogma. And neither mockery nor criticism of such barbaric acts constitutes hatred of persons. The investigating police constable told Miller that he had taken “a course and what you need to understand is that you can have a foetus with a female brain that grows male body parts and that’s what a transgender person is.” Riiight. Who, enquiring minds may wonder, would tell the constable such unscientific nonsense? The constable told the Telegraphthat he had “learned it on a training course” run “by a transgender person.” |
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