“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

AFA Radio’s Sandy Rios Interviews Peter LaBarbera and Ex-‘Gay’ Christopher Doyle

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

Rios to give keynote speech at AFTAH fundraising banquet Nov. 16

FOX News Contributor Sandy Rios will be the keynote speaker at AFTAH's banquet Saturday, Nov. 2.

FOX News Contributor and stellar Christian culture warrior Sandy Rios will be the keynote speaker at AFTAH’s annual banquet Saturday, Nov. 16, at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL.

SAVE THE DATE (Nov. 16): We at AFTAH are very excited to have Chicago’s longtime and beloved talk show host, Sandy Rios, as the keynote speaker at our annual Americans For Truth banquet Saturday, Nov. 16. Our banquet host, as always, is Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Please save the date. Tickets are just $20/person in advance or $25 at the door.


Folks, it is always a pleasure and a privilege for me to sit down with my good friend (and former boss) Sandy Rios for an interview, which I did Tuesday, as a guest on her “Sandy Rios in the Morning” show on American Family Radio (AFR Talk) network. (AFR is part of Don Wildmon’s wonderful organization, American Family Association.) In this interview [click HERE to listen] with Sandy — who is also a FOX News Contributor and the vice-president of Family-Pac Federal — we discuss media distortions of the pope’s recent comments about not judging “gay people.” I point out that the pope did not disavow but actually affirmed Catholic teaching, which proscribes ALL pro-homosexual advocacy and legislation. In fact, Pope Francis specifically stated that “the problem is lobbying by this [sexual] orientation” and compared that to lobbying on the basis of a greedy “orientation.” I tell Sandy:

The last thing that the Catholic Church needs is more homosexual priests…. The devastation that they wrought — the whole penetration of the Church [by] homosexual pederasts [who] got into the church ….by [relaxing] the rules to get in [the priesthood]… They molested boys and teenagers [which is consistent with] …the whole history of homosexuality and pederasty…Then they covered up the pederasty. They moved these priests around. And now the same homosexual activists say, “Well, you can’t believe the Catholic Church because they harbored pedophilia!” So homosexuality has done incredible devastation to this Church…But you listen to homosexual activists and it’s like they don’t acknowledge that. It’s so bizarre…Homosexual activists never take responsibility for their own behavior and the repercussions from it.

Rios agrees and notes that the “homosexual activist movement …is very narcissistic. Everything is about them….”

Next we discuss homosexual activist strategy (basically, more lawsuits) following the Supreme Court’s landmark rulings that cleared the way for recognition of homosexuality-based “marriages” by the federal government, and in California despite that state’s Prop 8 vote. Later, former homosexual Christopher Doyle, a former homosexual and director of International Healing Foundation, discusses “Ex-Gay Pride Month” and his take on why Exodus International leaders Alan Chambers and Randy Thomas brought about the downfall of that “ex-gay” umbrella organization.

Please mark your calendars for November 16 and save the date for our banquet with Sandy Rios. You will not want to miss this! As usual we are  keeping the cost low — $20 per person in advance or $25 at the door — so plan on bringing some friends. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

Pete LaBarbera & Chris Doyle with Sandy Rios in the Morning, AFR, 7-30-13


WATCH: Kincaid Interviews LaBarbera – Notes Shepard Smith’s Inclusion in OUT Mag’s Powerful Homosexuals List

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

Even FOX News is biased in favor of homosexual “marriage”

Shepard Smith has demonstrated his pro-homosexual bias on air as a FOX News anchor.

Shepard Smith has demonstrated his pro-homosexual bias on air as a FOX News anchor.

The following Skype interview by America’s Survival founder Cliff Kincaid with AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera aired on AS’s Roku channel June 26, 2013. The two discuss the Supreme Court’s striking down of Section 3 of DOMA and the Court’s Prop 8 ruling. In discussing the media’s strong pro-“gay” bias, LaBarbera reports that a major Pew Research Center study of media coverage on homosexual “marriage” found that even FOX News’ reporting was biased in favor of “same-sex marriage.”

Kincaid then reveals that veteran FOX News anchor Shepard Smith has for the third year in a row been listed (along with Matt Drudge) in the homosexual magazine OUT‘s “Power 50” list of the 50 most powerful homosexuals in America. (Smith is not publicly homosexual, nor is Drudge — but neither was CNN’s Anderson Cooper when he was similarly listed for years by OUT — only to “come out” as a public homosexual last year.)

Kincaid also discusses Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan’s alleged lesbianism, and LaBarbera describes the rise of a new “ex-gay” Christian umbrella group (Restored Hope Network) that replaces the now defunct Exodus International — which cravenly abandoned its defining mission of helping men and women abandon homosexuality. You can watch the interview on America’s Survival’s YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/Si8SuFujq0M

Jan LaRue on DOMA and Prop 8 Rulings: SCOTUS Amends the Declaration of Independence

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013
Justice Anthony Kennedy opined in his majority

According to Justice Anthony Kennedy, congressional supporters of DOMA were “blinded by a desire to ‘demean,’ ‘harm,’ ‘injure,’ and ‘degrade'” homosexual couples,” writes Jan LaRue.

This column by stellar pro-family culture warrior and legal analyst Jan LaRue first appeared in American Thinker (which we highly recommend) July 2, 2013. It is reprinted with the permission of the author. To read other AT columns by LaRue, go HERE. —PL


SCOTUS Amends the Declaration of Independence

By Jan LaRue

Thomas Jefferson, call your office. Five lawyers on the Supreme Court have issues with your handiwork.

A revised version of the Declaration is the inevitable outcome of their opinions in the same-sex “marriage” cases hammered down on Wednesday in Windsor v. United States and Hollingsworth v. Perry.

For those who think those rulings are merely about an insignificant “social issue,” think again. In the words of the Prophet Isaiah:

“Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far off. For truth has stumbled in the public square, and honesty cannot enter. Truth is missing, and whoever turns from evil is plundered.”

For starters, Mr. Jefferson, “appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions,” even when it comes to marriage created by our “Creator” is so 1776.

You and your 55 co-signors of the Declaration didn’t get this line right either:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

So five wise guys and gals, not to be confused with Solomon, tweaked it, finding their inspiration in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Their revised standard version reads:

“We hold these delusions to be pretty darn clear that all people are whatever the heck they self-identify as, regardless of biology or DNA, endowed by their Supreme Judges with life, except, of course, for the unborn; liberty, meaning “the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life,” as long as it doesn’t offend the moral judgment of the Supreme Judges whose moral judgments trump those of their Subjects.”

Justice Anthony (“Swinging”) Kennedy wrote the incoherent majority opinion in Windsor, throwing out Section 3 of DOMA. That section defines the term “marriage” as one man and one woman “for all purposes under federal law, including the provision of federal benefits.”

Kennedy, armed with his irrational basis test and magic spectacles, found that DOMA violates the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment because it “singles out a class of persons deemed by a state entitled to recognition and protection to enhance their own liberty.”

Read the rest of this article »

LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber on Supreme Court DOMA Decision

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013
Matt Barber

Matt Barber

This interview with pro-family advocate (and AFTAH Board Member) Matt Barber was taped June 27, 2013. It focuses mainly on the Supreme Court decision striking down Section 3 of DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, which was passed overwhelmingly by Congress in 1996 and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. Barber is Associate Dean of the Liberty University School of Law and Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action. He writes a weekly column for WND.com, and was thrust into the pro-family movement after being suddenly fired by a Fortune 500 corporation in 2005 after writing a column on his own time critical of homosexual activism.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

6-27-13, Matt Barber

LaBarbera Slams ‘Craven’ Justice Anthony Kennedy for Striking Down DOMA Provision ‘in the Name of the Children’

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com

The following statement was issued June 27 by Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality:

Yesterday’s decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court striking down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and effectively invalidating Californians’ vote to preserve marriage as between a man and a woman — continues America’s godless trajectory toward sexual and gender chaos.  We have become a Profane Nation at war with our own heritage and the Judeo-Christian moral values that helped make us great.

Healthy societies discriminate against sexually immoral behavior: homosexuality, sex outside marriage, pornography, incest, etc. This benefits children and adults by using the law to reinforce stable moral boundaries and steer citizens away from destructive (sinful) behaviors. So it was stunning to read the majority decision by Justice Anthony Kennedy – a Reagan appointee – overturning DOMA’s pro-natural-marriage provision in the name of the children.

Kennedy surely has earned his future laudatory obit in the New York Times for capitulating to “gay” activist ideology — but among clear-thinking Americans who still know right from wrong he will go down in history as one more craven elitist who sold out Almighty God for a place in the Gay Hall of Fame.

Jettisoning the dictates of his own Catholic religion – which has some pretty strong words for putting children in homosexual-led households – Kennedy declares that by not recognizing legalized homosexual “marriages” in New York and other states, DOMA:

…“places same-sex couples in an unstable position of being in a second-tier marriage. The differentiation demeans the couple, whose moral and sexual choices the Constitution protects….And it humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples.”

What philosophical drivel. Only a decadent society — in which God and common sense have been kicked to the curb – would use its laws to enforce the egalitarian nightmare whereby government treats households that are fatherless or motherless ‘by design’ as if they are morally and practically equivalent to normal mom-and-dad homes. (And if you dare to disagree, you’re a hateful bigot.)

Homosexual practice is a perversion and homosexual role models are NOT healthy for kids. Neither is replacing dad with a “second mom,” or mommy with Daddy Number Two.

The Kennedy majority’s legal insanity is what emerges from an Isaiah 5:20 culture (evil is good and good evil) that puts deviant sexual identities on a pedestal, to be celebrated as protected “civil rights.” The LGBT Pandora’s Box has been flung open, and there will be much more folly and destruction to follow — including the public policy madness of establishing “gender identity” (read: extreme gender confusion) as a parallel “civil right.”

At least the Supreme Court did not create a national “right” to homosexual “marriage.” But we must be vigilant, as future LGBT litigation, coupled with the appalling self-righteousness of Kennedy’s liberal court majority, will combine to make this the next goal of the judicial supremacists.

AFTAH Interviews David Smith of Illinois Family Institute on Defeat of Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Bill – Part One

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013
Dave Smith of Ilinois Family Institute led the grassroots campaign to stop a homosexual "marriage" bill in Illinois.

Dave Smith of Ilinois Family Institute led the grassroots campaign to stop a homosexual “marriage” bill in Illinois. The bill was stalled despite Democrats possessing super-majority control of both House and Senate.

This is Part One of our interview with David Smith [click HERE to listen], Executive Director of Illinois Family Institute, which led the grassroots, pro-family coaltion effort to stall a homosexual “marriage” bill, SB 10, in Illinois. (Proponents of the bill, lacking the votes, did not call it for a vote by May 31, the last day of the legislative session. However, SB 10, which passed the Senate, remains alive to be called when legislators are back in session, through the lame-duck session in January 2015.) This interview was recorded June 6, 2012. Smith tells AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and co-host John Kirkwood that the key to victory was the diverse grassroots opposition to the bill, especially the strong opposition from Black and Latino Christians. He describes how half the Black legislators in Springfield (all Democrats) ultimately declined to back the homosexual “marriage” bill, and calls its failure to pass in an Illinois General Assembly with Democratic super-majorities in both House and Senate a “miracle.” Smith also notes the well-funded lobby campaign on behalf of the same-sex “marriage” bill — including dozens of paid lobbyists — which far surpassed (monetarily speaking) that of pro-family advocates for natural, man-woman marriage. He said that the ability of grassroots citizens to stop SB 10 “marriage” in deep-blue, Democratic-dominated Illinois shows that “gay” activists and pundits are wrong in asserting that the national triumph of homosexuality-based “marriage” is “inevitable.”

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

6-6-13, Dave Smith, Part One

Pro-Family Leaders Slam ‘Gay Pride,’ Human Rights Campaign’s Role in IRS-Gate, at AFTAH Press Confernce

Thursday, June 6th, 2013
Linda Harvey of Mission America speaks out against pro-homosexual school programs, outside the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign's D.C. headquarters. Harvey was the target of vulgar hate-emails after she was mentioned in press release days before the event.

Linda Harvey of Mission America speaks out against pro-homosexual youth programs, outside the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign’s D.C. headquarters. Harvey was the target of vulgar hate-emails after she was mentioned days before in an AFTAH press release announcing the event. Click on photos to enlarge.

This is a good account of our Tuesday press conference against “Gay Pride Month” in front of Human Rights Campaign’s D.C. headquarters — by Cliff Kincaid of America’s Future, which also provided full video coverage of the event [see YouTube videos Part One, Part Two and Part Three]. This article is reprinted from the Renew America website (which we highly recommend), and published June 5, 2013. All photos are from Americans For Truth and can be reprinted provided credit is given to AFTAH.org.


Backlash to Obama’s Gay Rights Agenda

By Cliff Kincaid

An Obama-allied group that is at the center of the scandal over IRS harassment of conservative organizations was the target of a protest outside its own headquarters.

“The escalation of homosexual activist power is bad for America, and American liberty,” declared Peter LaBarbera of the group Americans for Truth outside the headquarters of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) in Washington, D.C. He said Christians and conservatives in favor of traditional values are being subjected to “intimidation, bullying, violence, [and] dirty tricks,” such as the HRC’s acquisition of the National Organization for Marriage’s IRS donor filings, for the purpose of harassing opponents of the gay agenda.

The Huffington Post had also received and publicized the confidential information, a violation of federal law.

A banner, “Homosexuality Is Nothing to Be Proud of, but overcoming it is,” was displayed in reference to President Obama’s proclamation of June as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.”

Obama previously celebrated the 1969 homosexual riots at a seedy Mafia-run bar known as the Stonewall Inn.

HRC sign welcomes AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera. A few hours later, they were denoucing pro-family advocates as the "fringe."

HRC sign “welcomes” AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera. A few hours later, an HRC spokesman was maligning him and the other pro-family advocates as the “fringe.”

Aware of the planned press conference, the HRC put a “Welcome Peter” sign on its headquarters.

But LaBarbera didn’t return the welcome, saying that “The deviant sexual revolution represented by the Human Rights Campaign headquarters behind us is built on a foundation of lies.”

He called the homosexual revolution “one of the most amazing marketing stories of all time: a sexual sin once defined by Noah Webster as the ‘Crime Against Nature,’ condemned by God for millennia, was repackaged as the supposed basis for ‘civil rights.'”

Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel Action, one of several participants in the news conference, denounced the Human Rights Campaign for its role in receiving and u  sing confidential financial records from the IRS to attack donors to the National Organization for Marriage (NOM).

Read the rest of this article »

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