“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

We’re All Homophobes Now: Letter to Marc Lamont Hill and FOX’s Red Eye

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

marc_lamont_hill.jpgTemple U. Professor Dr. Marc Lamont Hill (left), a frequent guest on FOX News, believes Americans are “homophobic” because most still don’t like to see homosexuality (compared to heterosexuality) on TV or the big screen. We say Prof. Hill should get off his liberal high horse and stop lecturing Americans for their normal reaction to unnatural and immoral behavior. Lamont can’t change his blackness, while many ex-“gay” men and women have left their old homosexual life behind. In the Fall, Lamont will move to Columbia University.

Folks, I sent the following e-mail to FOX’s late-night “Red Eye” host Greg Gutfeld, and cc’d to guests Marc Lamont Hill and Monica Crowley:

From:  Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
To:  Greg Gutfeld, host of FOX’s “Red Eye” [redeye@foxnews.com]; (guest) Prof. Marc Lamont Hill; Monica Crowley (FOX commentator and also a guest on that segment)
Date:  March 30, 2009

Greg [Gutfeld] and FOX “Red Eye” Crew…

…. I caught the tail end of the segment on tonight’s Red Eye where Prof. Marc Lamont Hill was lecturing us about “homophobia” – comparing gay sexual content with straight sexual content. So, does the ever-expanding definition of that tendentious term now cover all those who don’t want to see two men kissing on TV, or those who recoil at two guys engaged in “gay” foreplay on the big screen? Then guess what: we’re all “homophobes” now except for a small percentage of homosexuals and straight “progressives.” (Note that use of the latter term is curiously conditional on labeling as “progress” the embrace of aberrant sex linked disproportionately to STDs, including HIV; the CDC reports that a full 71 percent of male HIV cases in 2005 were linked to MSM, or “men having sex with men”: http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/resources/factsheets/msm.htm.)

How condescending and pompous of Dr. Hill to peer into each of our hearts and minds and diagnose us with irrational fear (“phobia”). I didn’t see the rest of the segment — could you please post it online? — but please, please, don’t tell me that FOX is now joining the legions of pseudo-moralists who judge anyone who doesn’t celebrate homosexuality or cheerlead for “same-sex marriage” as somehow fearful, bigoted and hateful.

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AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera to Speak at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights on Monday, March 23rd

Friday, March 20th, 2009

peter_labarbera_new.jpgThe following was sent out by Pastor Calvin Lindstrom of the Church of Christian Liberty and the Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois. You can download a flyer for this event HERE and distribute to your friends. I hope to see some of you at the Christian Liberty Academy, 502 West Euclid Avenue in Arlington Heights, Illinois, on Monday evening, March 23rd! — Peter LaBarbera


Dear Friend of Freedom,

Though we live in a difficult and dangerous time, we are called by our Lord and Savior not to be afraid but to let our light shine before men so that others may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven (Matt. 5:16).

As the militant homosexual movement and its agenda continues to influence political decisions and laws, we as God’s people must be aware of its threat to families and religious freedom. While many in this movement claim their desire is to be left alone, their real agenda is much more insidious. In Europe, Canada, and other nations, Christian pastors have been jailed, fined, and threatened for simply speaking the truth of God’s Word as it relates to the sin of homosexuality. Christians in the US have also been jailed and harassed for daring to speak God’s truth.

You are invited to hear from Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth on Monday, March 23, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at the Christian Liberty Academy, 502 West Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004.

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Professional Homosexual Wayne Besen Uncovers Sinister Right-Wing … Metaphor

Friday, March 20th, 2009

“This kind of overheated rhetoric creates a climate where hate crimes can occur … We demand that The Family Policy Council of West Virginia apologize and take down this violent ad. This video is reckless, wrongheaded and irresponsible.” –Wayne Besen, executive director of Truth Wins Out (TWO), a militant homosexual group, describing the alleged horrific effects of the West Virginia pro-marriage video [click Youtube video directly below] that used a target graphic to illustrate the point that homosexual activists are targeting traditional marriage for redefinition. See article by Laurie Higgins following the video:

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video


By Laurie Higgins
First published Feb. 25, 2009 by Illinois Family Institute


Wayne Besen said this visual target graphic representing homosexual activists targeting traditional marriage — in a video produced by the Family Policy Council of West Virginia — turned the video into a “violent ad.” At bottom is an excerpt of the narration of the video surrounding the portion with the “target” graphic.

Wayne Besen, former spokesman for the subversive homosexual activist Human Rights Campaign and founder of the hate organization Truth Wins Out, apparently can’t make a distinction between a domestic terrorist threat and — a metaphor.

Besen has a West Virginia marriage initiative in his sights. He sees in this utterly benign video by The Family Policy Council of West Virginia a nefarious sniper threat. Please watch the video that has so terrorized Besen and that is more like an episode of The Waltons than 24http://www.wvformarriage.com/ [Click on YouTube above to watch video.]

His claim is both idiotic and comical. In one frame of this video, we see the nuclear family through the sight of a gun, which is a commonplace metaphor that means that someone or something is taking aim at or opposing something.  Is Besen actually claiming that society should prohibit the use of this metaphor? Will society tolerate this kind of intrusive censorship? And is Besen claiming that he and his collaborators don’t have traditional marriage and the natural family in their crosshairs?

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‘Civil Unions’ Legislation Is a Trojan Horse Leading to Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Friday, March 6th, 2009

Utah’s “Common Ground” package, Illinois “civil unions” bill would help courts impose “same-sex marriage”

“Recent court decisions in other states have similarly made clear that providing benefits to same-sex couples, no matter how minor and even if accompanied by statement of intent meant to protect marriage, will be treated as evidence that the legislature does not object to redefining marriage.

“In each of the State high court decisions mandating a redefinition of marriage (in Massachusetts, California and Connecticut), the majority opinions have pointed to the extension of benefits to same-sex couples in those States in support of its conclusion.[3] This was the case in Massachusetts even though the legislature had specified in one bill that “[n]othing in this act shall be construed so as to legitimize or validate a ‘homosexual marriage’, so-called.” — William Duncan, Marriage Law Foundation

TAKE ACTION:  “Civil unions” and “domestic partner” bills are used by activist judges to legalize “same-sex marriage,” as Bill Duncan of the Marriage Law Foundation shows below. Such bills are being considered in several states. “Sexual orientation/Gender Identity” bills create the foundation for artificial, homosexuality-based “rights,” culminating in homosexual “marriage.”  A “civil unions” bill just advanced in Illinois, and several pro-homosexual bills will be considered soon in Florida. Take action in the following states (this list is not comprehensive):

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California’s Proposition 8 Marriage Amendment to be Argued Today at California Supreme Court

Thursday, March 5th, 2009

Liberty Counsel Press Release

March 4, 2009; www.LC.org

San Francisco, CA – [Today, March 5] the California Supreme Court will hear arguments regarding Proposition 8, which defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Shortly after the amendment passed, three lawsuits were filed at the California Supreme Court by same-sex marriage advocates, claiming Proposition 8 is itself unconstitutional. Liberty Counsel has represented the Campaign for California Families defending the state’s marriage laws since 2004 and has argued at the trial, appellate and state Supreme Court levels. Liberty Counsel also filed an amicus brief at the California Supreme Court in defense of Proposition 8.

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David Blankenhorn’s Faustian Compromise on Marriage

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

david_blankenhorn.jpgDavid Blankenhorn

By Laurie Higgins, Illinois Family Institute; first published Feb. 25, 2009

Does anyone stop and think about why the government is involved in marriage at all? Some clarity on this issue may prevent the culture–destroying institutionalization of same-sex civil unions and their inevitable successor same-sex marriage–well, both clarity and courage will be necessary.

The government has one concern with marriage. The government seeks to support that institution that best serves the needs of the state. Our government, which reflects the collective wisdom and will of its citizenry, has rightly determined that the institution that best serves the needs of a healthy society is that which best serves the needs of children who are essential to the future success of any nation. And what best serves the needs of children is to be raised, when possible, by their biological parents.

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TAKE ACTION: Thank Michael Steele for His Principled Stance against ‘Civil Unions’

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

michael_steele.jpgTAKE ACTION: call GOP Chairman Michael Steele to thank him for decisively rejecting in a radio interview (excerpted below) the idea that the Republican Party should embrace “civil unions” as an acceptable compromise on homosexual “marriage.” Call or write Chairman Steele at 202-863-8700 or chairman@gop.com. Your calls surely made a difference in shoring up a national leader on this issue! Please pass this article on to every pro-family activist you know. If you are a Democrat, call or write the DNC and urge Chairman Howard Dean to stop promoting homosexuality and abortion-on-demand.

MIKE GALLAGHER:  Is this a time when Republicans ought to consider some sort of alternative to redefining marriage and maybe in the road, down the road to civil unions. Do you favor civil unions?

STEELE: No, no no. What would we do that for? What are you, crazy? No. Why would we backslide on a core, founding value of this country? I mean this isn’t something that you just kind of like, “Oh well, today I feel, you know, loosey-goosey on marriage.” […]

GALLAGHER: So no room even for a conversation about civil unions in your mind?

STEELE: What’s the difference?


By Peter LaBarbera

Well, folks, the homosexual activist “Log Cabin Republicans” didn’t call GOP Chairman Michael Steele a Nazi or a “domestic terrorist,” but they slammed him nonetheless for his principled stance against “civil unions.”  Come to think of it, I think the Democratic homosexual activists and bloggers are slamming Steele, too. What a coincidence.  🙂  Now is the time for all Americans who believe in marriage and time-tested Biblical morality to call or write Steele to thank him for wisely not capitulating on a core moral principle in his interview with Mike Gallagher (excerpted below; you can listen to the interview segment on this left-wing blog post).

Your calls and letters to Chairman Steele made a difference! Don’t let anyone tell you — even your church leaders — that involvement in public policy and defending life, freedom and a moral code that honors God — is a waste of time or futile. We live in the freest and greatest nation on earth and we must do what we can as good citizens to stop the Secular and Religious Left from destroying America’s moral foundation!

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Michael Steele Hangs Tough Against ‘Civil Unions’

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

“Why would we backslide on a core founding value in this country?”


UPDATE ON MICHAEL STEELE AND THE LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS:  In a new interview with radio talker Mike Gallagher, GOP Chief Michael Steele firmly rejected “civil unions” as an acceptable GOP compromise on homosexual “marriage” (see this left-wing account HERE). Your calls and e-mails to Steele made a difference!  Stay tuned for updates and you can thank him by calling 202-863-8700, or e-mailing: chairman@gop.com. Here’s the text of the interview (audio link available HERE):

GALLAGHER:  Is this a time when Republicans ought to consider some sort of alternative to redefining marriage and maybe in the road, down the road to civil unions. Do you favor civil unions?

STEELE No, no no. What would we do that for? What are you, crazy? No. Why would we backslide on a core, founding value of this country? I mean this isn’t something that you just kind of like, “Oh well, today I feel, you know, loosey-goosey on marriage.” […]

GALLAGHER: So no room even for a conversation about civil unions in your mind?

STEELE: What’s the difference?

GEORGIA GOP DISTANCES ITSELF FROM LOG CABIN:  WorldNetDaily.com reports that the Georgia Republican Party has issued the following statement on the anti-Christian remarks by Jamie Ensley, president of the Georgia Log Cabin Republicans, who called AFTAH a “domestic terrorist” group and compared us to Nazis: “While a healthy debate on the issues can help strengthen us as a party, to use the word ‘terrorist’ to describe those that disagree with you is not appropriate.” See the full WND story HERE and the AFTAH article containing Ensley’s hateful e-mail to GOP Chairman Michael Steele HERE.

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