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Friday, February 5th, 2010
“Most of the studies of gay men [couples] report about 50% are monogamous—they have been Bay Area studies and studies that were done all over the US and Australia and Western Europe.” —San Francisco State University researcher Colleen Hoff in e-mail to lesbian couples therapist Michele O’Mara of Bilerico.com. See the comments following O’Mara’s Bilerico column.
 Lesbian couples therapist Michele O'Mara
Dear Readers, note the distinct nonjudgmentalism of lesbian writer Michele O’Mara regarding the not-so-shocking report (if you are familiar with “gay” male promiscuity) that half of homosexual male “couples” choose to be “non-monogamous.” That is, they agree to or allow their male partner to have “outside sex” with other men.
O’Mara asks, “I also wonder, does the open option work better for men than for women? Is this really an issue that is rooted in sexual orientation, or one rooted in gender?” Let me answer: the “open option” is rooted in the anything-goes mores of the Sexual Revolution, which served as a catalyst for the modern “GLBT” movement. Homosexual behavior is immoral and perverse: why would anyone expect monogamy — of the sort that imitates a faithful marriage — from a promiscuous sin movement? And men are simply more promiscuous than women. (Note that the fact that O’Mara professes to practice monogamy with her lesbian partner confers no legitimacy on her sinful relationship, nor does it negate the damage that her intentionally fatherless parenting will do to the boys they are raising.)
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Lesbianism, News, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy, Post-modernism/relativism, Promiscuity, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009
Hateful Savage Earns Nomination for ‘Gay Grinch 2009’
WARNING: Offensive Descriptions, Web Links
 Dan Savage, anti-Christian activist, deviant sex advice columnist, prolific hatemonger -- and 'Gay Grinch 2009' candidate. See his "gay marriage" YouTube video below.
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, we have heard from a few readers who suggested that prolific homosexual writer and sex advice columnist Dan Savage be added to our “Gay Grinch of the Year” 2009 contest, and so he is. Only a perversion activist as twisted as Savage could stage a contest with his readers to come up with a sickening definition to associate with “santorum” — because he was upset that former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum (R) made comments critical of homosexuality (in 2003). (And how appropriate that the winner of Savage’s little nastiness competition was a disgusting by-product of the crime against nature itself, anal sodomy; see his “santorum” definition HERE in the Urban Dictionary.)
Savage is also the lovely fellow who engaged in “Germ Terrorism” against GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer in 2000, by, as Wikipedia reports, “volunteer[ing] for the Bauer campaign with the intent to infect the candidate with his flu.” Picture the pathetic and sniffling Savage walking around Bauer’s empty Iowa campaign office licking doorknobs; later he presented Bauer with a saliva-soaked pen to autograph a picture of his adopted son, posing as a pro-life fan of Bauer. (Don’t you just love modern liberalism?)
Who would have thunk that our “Gay Grinch” award would end up sullying the reputation of the “real” TV Grinch by comparison to such Major League deviants and hatemongers as Savage?
But enough about Savage’s past extremism. Recently the Seattle-based sex columnist made a very “queer” plea for homosexual “marriage” (watch YouTube below) — not seeming to comprehend the radical difference between evolving reforms within marriage and the revolutionary homosexualization of “marriage” that essentially redefines the institution to mean anything. (If two men can get “married” on the basis of “love,” how are we going to stop a man and two women from doing so on the same basis? In fact, polygamists feel they have a greater claim to legal marriage than homosexuals because at least they have opposite genders and can produce children on their own.)
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Gay Grinch" Nominees, Adoption & Foster Parenting, Assaults, BDSM, Dan Savage, E - Praying for the Lost, Gay Culture, Homosexual Blogs, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Parenting, Leather, News, Polyamory, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy, Promiscuity, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy, YouTube videos |
Friday, December 11th, 2009
Rabbi David Eidensohn
www.gendercentral.com; 845-578-1917; 12/09/09
Press Release – For Immediate Release
Protest Against President Obama and EEOC Nominee Chai Feldblum
Rabbi David Eidensohn issued the following statement (web links added by AFTAH):
“I protest President Obama’s claim that his support for EEOC nominee Chai Feldblum is because “if any of my nominees are attacked not for what they believe but for who they are, I will not waver in my support.” This is a gross distortion of the honest opinion of people who oppose his nominee, not for what she is, but for what she believes.
“At one time Ms. Feldblum belonged to a NSDP “non-sexual domestic partnership” with three other women. She demanded for them government support and recognition similar to married mixed-sex couples. And why stop at relationships between caring people? Why not declare support for sadists and masochists who marry their mothers and fathers? And what of those people in the closet because they sleep with their pet dogs? Surely polygamy and prostitution should not be a problem.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Incest, News, Obama, Politics of "Hate", Politics-general, Polyamory, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy, Promiscuity |
Wednesday, February 25th, 2009
David Blankenhorn
By Laurie Higgins, Illinois Family Institute; first published Feb. 25, 2009
Does anyone stop and think about why the government is involved in marriage at all? Some clarity on this issue may prevent the culture–destroying institutionalization of same-sex civil unions and their inevitable successor same-sex marriage–well, both clarity and courage will be necessary.
The government has one concern with marriage. The government seeks to support that institution that best serves the needs of the state. Our government, which reflects the collective wisdom and will of its citizenry, has rightly determined that the institution that best serves the needs of a healthy society is that which best serves the needs of children who are essential to the future success of any nation. And what best serves the needs of children is to be raised, when possible, by their biological parents.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Government Promotion, News, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy |
Tuesday, February 10th, 2009
Sick-Sex Stimulus? Who knew that deviant-sex events at hotels across the country could help lift America out of her economic doldrums? A sadomasochism advocacy group flying under the slogan of “Sexual Freedom” says that over 200 perversion-celebrating, weekend-long “BDSM” (bondage & discipline, dominance & submission, sadism & masochism) events like last weekend’s “Winter Wickedness” gathering at a Holiday Inn Hotel in Worthington, Ohio, happen in U.S. hotels every year. The events draw proud perverts and sex “fetishists,” both homosexual and heterosexual. At left, a homosexual “master-slave” duo pose last year for a photo at the annual “Folsom Street Fair” in San Francisco.
“There are over 200 weekend-long BDSM [bondage & discipline, dominance & submission, sadism & masochism] events that take place every year in America – we bring in a lot of revenue in these hard times. We like to stay at hotel chains where we have been welcomed when we’re traveling on personal or business travel.” – National Coalition for Sexual Freedom Alert sent out in response to AFTAH and pro-family efforts to stop a “Winter Wickedness” deviant-sex event at a Holiday Inn Hotel in Worthington, Ohio
Dear Readers,
We received an interesting email – our first ever from an “ex-sadomasochist” – which contained an e-alert from the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF), a group devoted to: normalizing “BDSM” (bondage & discipline, dominance & submission, sadism & masochism); creating legal rights based on sadomasochism; and advocating for sexual “swingers” and practitioners of “polyamory” (multiple-partner relationships).
The NCSF message by spokeswoman Susan Wright blasted AFTAH as “religious extremist group” and rallied NCSF followers to defend a sadistic, deviant-sex event called “Winter Wickedness” that was held at a Holiday Inn Hotel in Worthington, Ohio, Friday and Saturday.
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Posted in BDSM, Health & Science, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, Mental Health, NCSF, News, Physical Health, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy, Semantics/stealing words, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy, Too Much Tolerance |
Sunday, February 8th, 2009
We received this correspondence from Bob Knight, an Idaho man who has decided to boycott Holiday Inn hotels after the Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington elected not to cancel a deviant sex event called “Winter Wickedness.” We’ll have more tomorrow on the perversion-fest, which went forward on Friday and Saturday night but only under intense media and police scrutiny, after thousands of called poured in to Holiday Inn and InterContinental Hotels Group, which owns the Holiday Inn brand. Thank you to the many AFTAH readers who, like Bob below, took action against this incredibly evil event. Please read these three messages in reverse chronological order; the most recent is at the top; the middle e-mail is IHG’s standard response sent to those who wrote in condemning “Winter Wickedness”:
From: Bob Knight
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 12:49 PM
To: \’+AMER HI [Holiday Inn]-Guest Relations (IHG [InterContinental Hotels Group])\’
Subject: Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington, OH.
Thank you for your reply, and because it is completely unsatisfactory, I will no longer be using Holiday Inn for any of my overnight stay needs. I find it reprehensible that any responsible company or person would allow this type of an event to be held in one of their \”brand\” businesses. As well, I will be forwarding your response, including the original message that I sent to your office, to inform my friends and acquaintances about your lack of concern in regard to this situation.
Thank you,
Bob Knight
[Melba, Idaho]
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Posted in BDSM, Corporate Promotion, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Health & Science, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Leather, Mental Health, News, Nonmonogamy, Physical Health, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy, Pornography, Public Indecency |
Friday, February 6th, 2009
‘Winter Wickedness’ speaker promotes ‘consensual non-monogamy,’ links ‘queer marriage’ and ‘polyamory’ causes
By Peter LaBarbera
Sometimes in advocacy work against sexual revolutionaries, you make arguments and inferences that you know are logical and sensible, but at the time they seem a bit theoretical, and it is easy to doubt yourself. The strange thing about the anything-goes world we have entered, though, is that the awful specter you predicted comes faster and more brazenly than you would have thought possible. It happened with “same-sex marriage” — an absurd mimicry of normalcy now embraced by many liberals — and it’s happening with other similarly bizarre concepts and sexual behaviors.
While homosexuals certainly cannot be blamed for the entire, sordid Sexual Revolution, the “gay pride” (GLBT) movement has paved the way for a perversion explosion among “heterosexuals.” For if it’s perfectly acceptable for men to sodomize other men in the name of “love” — and lesbianism and bisexuality and now transsexuality to be treated as OK (while it’s NOT OK to judge them as wrong) — then what on earth is stopping other perverts like Tristan Taormino (above left) from pursuing the same popularity and acceptance? And ditto for “poly rights” in the law.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", BDSM, Gay Culture, Leather, New York, News, Paganism, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy, Pornography, Sexual Revolution |
Wednesday, February 4th, 2009
Sexual extremism and consensual sexualized violence comes to Middle America; stop this from occurring by calling Holiday Inn today!
[UPDATE: Keep your protest calls coming! We have heard that thousands of calls have poured into the local Holiday Inn hotel in question and also their corporate parent, Intercontinental Hotels Group: 800-621-0555. Also, the leading pro-sadomasochist organization, National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, has denounced our effort (they call us “extremists”!) and is attempting to rally its followers to call Holiday Inn and IHG, urging them not to cancel this disgusting and dangerous event. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org]
The Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington, at 7007 North High Street in Worthington, Ohio is scheduled to host a freakish sadomasochistic perversion-fest called “Winter Wickedness” this Friday and Saturday (Feb. 6-7). TAKE ACTION: 1) call the Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington today at 614-436-0700 and urge them to cancel this event for the sake of decency and public health; and 2) call Holiday Inn’s corporate offices (the chain is owned by Intercontinental Hotels Group) by going to their website or by calling their guest relations department at 800-621-0555 ext. 1. Tell them that is wrong to profit off of degrading and dangerous perversions that could present a health hazard to hotel workers or other guests.
By Peter LaBarbera
Americans For Truth has confirmed that the Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington Hotel, at 7007 North High Street in Worthington, Ohio, is hosting a sadomasochistic celebration called (appropriately) “Winter Wickedness” this Friday and Saturday– featuring classes on “gangbang” fantasies and various acts of sadomasochistic perversion and consensual sexualized violence including subjecting fellow participants to hot wax torture, whipping, “cutting” and needles, and being stapled with an electric staple gun.
TAKE ACTION: 1) call the Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington today at 614-436-0700 and urge them to cancel this event for the sake of decency and public health. Pass this story on to your friends to call; and 2) call Holiday Inn’s corporate offices (the chain is owned by Intercontinental Hotels Group) by going to their website HERE or by calling their guest relations department at 800-621-0555 ext. 1. Tell them that is wrong to profit off of degrading and dangerous perversions that could present a health hazard to hotel workers or other guests.
A page on the “Winter Wickedness” website for “Play Space Rules & Guidelines” includes this, indicating the extreme perversions likely to occur at the hotel:
15) Single tail [whip] play, Wax, Medical, Cutting, Needle play, and FirePlay, must be performed in the designated areas only. Please onsult a PSM [Play Space Monitor] for the appropriate area if you are not sure. Drop clothes, gloves, condoms, sharps containers, tarps, etc., must be used for this sort of play.
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Posted in BDSM, Corporate Promotion, Health & Science, Leather, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy, Pornography |

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