Gay Activist Hate Against Christians

Rep. Steve King Wants Homosexuality-Promoter Kevin Jennings Gone as ‘Safe Schools’ Chief

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

steve-king-rep-iowa.jpgThis is an excellent editorial by Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins. Please thank Rep. Steve King (right) for leading the charge against longtime Professional Homosexuality Promoter Kevin Jennings, whose appointment (and survival) as “Safe Schools” chief in the Obama Administration is one of the ongoing follies of Obama. By the way, the latter — who benefited from Jennings as a campaign fundraiser — is looking more and more like a leftist and incompetent version of Jimmy Carter every day. Call Rep. King at 202-225-4426  or write him HERE to thank him for standing up for wholesome moral values and schools that teach rather than indoctrinate.

FRC’s Oct. 5 “Washington Update” follows:

“The totality of [GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings’] life has been the promotion of homosexuality, and much of it within education.” — Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa)

King of the Hill Takes on Czar of the Schools
The Obama administration is spending precious capital protecting its Safe Schools “czar,” but many believe that loyalty carries more political risk than reward. Last week, Kevin Jennings’s “aw, shucks” response to covering up child sexual abuse should have sounded the alarm over at the Department of Education. Instead, Secretary Arne Duncan used the opportunity to praise Jennings as “uniquely qualified” to serve on the team. That may not be the consensus for much longer, since FRC has uncovered a series of op-eds that show Jennings’s incredible hostility toward Christianity.

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