
Predator Alert: Professors and Doctors Who Are Child Porn Monsters

Friday, March 17th, 2017
Dr. Richard Keller

Secret Monsters: Dr. Richard Keller, a 56-year-old father of a two year old and a pediatric endocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and pediatrics instructor at Harvard Medical School, was arrested, 13 September 2012, on child porn charges. He was Medical Director at Phillips Academy (alumni include George H.W. and George W. Bush) for 19 years before suddenly resigning, having possessed over 100 DVDs of child sex abuse. See Dr. Hanrahan’s list of convicted pedophile “doctors trading in child rape.”

We at AFTAH commend Dr. Lori Handrahan for her outstanding and critically important work exposing child-sex predators (convicted pedophiles). See Dr. Handrahan’s list of “Doctors Trading in Child Rape” and her compilation of “Professors & Staff Arrested for Trading in Child Rape.”

Below is a piece by my friend Linda Harvey–recipient of the 2016 AFTAH Truth Teller Award–summarizing Dr. Handrahan’s work. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Professors Who Are Child-Porn Monsters

By Linda Harvey – Opinion

What in the world goes through the mind and heart of a child abuser? A child rapist? Or the person who collects images of children being raped and tortured and exchanges them with other viewers, mostly middle-aged white males?

Dr. Lori Handrahan has done extensive research on this subject and what she has discovered is horrifying.

Child pornography use is rapidly escalating and the subject matter often involves younger children and more sadistic violence.

And the media is largely ignoring it. They are too busy examining President  Trump’s every hangnail.

The good news is that, in recent years, numerous indictments have been brought against prominent men in academia, medicine, and federal and state agencies. These men, incredibly, were able to conceal their addictions to watching innocent children be raped and tortured, hiding behind cloaks of respectability.

These were – and are – people at the top of their professions. Some have not yet been caught and locked away forever. I am hoping that changes very soon.

And think about this. If we are mystified by the seeds of radical revolution being encouraged on college campuses, this may explain some of it. Students’ favorite professors may be viewing, in their spare time, online streaming images of toddlers being raped.

It’s an epidemic of cleverly-disguised monsters consorting with demons, with America’s children as their victims.

And the perpetrator list includes numerous doctors, some with Ivy League pedigrees, who have access to children. Here are just a few examples from Lori’s research, where she links to local media coverage (where arrests are often reported, and then media interest disappears).

Dr. Richard Keller was a pediatric endocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital who also taught at Harvard Medical School. He was arrested for possession of child pornography, including videos of boys in explicit sexual scenarios, material he received while medical director of the prestigious Phillips Academy, a position he had held for nineteen years.

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VIDEO: Chaps Klingenschmitt Interviews Peter LaBarbera on Milo Yiannopoulos, CPAC and ‘Gay Conservatives’

Friday, March 10th, 2017

I enjoyed this interview with my friend Dr. Chaps Klingenschmitt on the Milo Yiannopoulos controversy and the whole notion of “gay conservatives.” Gordon James (Dr. “Chaps”) Klingenschmitt is the director of the Pray in Jesus Name Project. As you can see, we are both torn on Milo. [See my recent piece in LifeSiteNews, “Milo still defends sex between men and teenage boys despite blowback.”]  In the interview, I attempt to bring out the subversive aspects of Milo’s “conservatism,” which includes his bawdy, sodomitic humor that is way too disgusting to describe in depth on pro-family program.

And yet, as you can see beginning at 11:45 in this video, Milo brilliantly analyzes the recent violent UC-Berkeley riots by leftists targeting his (canceled) speech there. Chaps notes Milo’s recent apology for joking about pederasty (sex between men and boys) in which he was involved, and I discuss the reality of “man-boy love” (sodomy) in the homosexual subculture going way, way back. Chaps also notes a reality that was almost ignored due to the Milo controversy: CPAC is now again pandering to homosexual activists, thus undermining Ronald Reagan’s “three-legged stool” of conservatism. Two-legged stools don’t stand up, so the GOP is headed for big trouble if it continues to jettison the homosexual issue. Chaps says a prayer for Milo at the end of the video. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

VIDEO: Former Disney CEO Michael Eisner Revealed that 40 Percent of Disney Employees Are ‘Gay’ – and That Was in 1998

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

AFTAH exclusive video shows extent of homosexual insider influence in once-wholesome Disney


How “Gay” Is Disney? 40 percent-plus? Click on photo to enlarge. See entire AFTAH undercover video story HERE. Click on graphic to enlarge.

Folks, about 19 years ago I attended an LGBTQ student conference at UC-Santa Cruz in which a very powerful homosexual activist, Elizabeth Birch, then executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, “dished” about a conversation she had with then-Disney CEO Michael Eisner. I was there semi-undercover for Lambda Report, the forerunner of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH).

As you can see below, Birch relates how Eisner “corrected” her by revealing that a whopping “40 percent” of Disney’s employees were “gay”–not 30 percent as she had thought.

That was around February of 1998. Imagine how bad the problem is today, as the current controversy over Disney’s injection of homosexuality into a “Beauty and the Beast” remake illustrates. Here is a one-minute video excerpt of the larger AFTAH undercover video-story of the UC-Santa Cruz event, courtesy of our friends at LifeSiteNews, where I am a reporter. See my accompanying LifeSiteNews blog post below, after the video and the jump. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

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VIDEO: Christian Florist Barronelle Stutzman Loses Case 9-0 at Washington State Supreme Court – Headed to SCOTUS

Sunday, February 19th, 2017

Will liberty prevail at the U.S. Supreme Court? Graphic: Illinois Family Institute.

Folks, it looks like the case of Barronelle Stutzman–the Christian florist who was sued by two “marrying” homosexual men and the Washington State Attorney General because she would not create a floral arrangement for their “wedding”–is headed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

On Feb. 16, the Washington State Supreme Court rejected an appeal by Stutzman of a lower court decision and ruled that “the government can force her—and, by extension, other Washingtonians—to create artistic expression and participate in events with which they disagree,” according to Alliance Defending Freedom, which is handling Stutzman’s defense (see more info below video). [Read the court’s decision HERE.]

Below is a background video on Barronelle’s case created by ADF.  You will note from this 2016 court filing that ADF et al are defending Stutzman on “artistic freedom” grounds. We at AFTAH are not attorneys but we do know this: in a free society, anyone–Christian florist, Muslim cake-maker or atheist wedding chair-supplier–should have the liberty not to use their business to celebrate homosexuality-based “marriage,” which we, as Christians, regard as sin on steroids.

We hope that this kind, brave and faithful woman prevails at the Supreme Court. If she doesn’t, you can stop singing that America is the “land of the free.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH  [more background after jump and video]

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Trump Keeps Obama’s International LGBT Envoy Randy Berry – Promoting Homosexuality and Gender Confusion Abroad

Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

Third major pro-homosexual action by Trump


Randy Berry

By Peter LaBarbera

President Trump is keeping in place a special international LGBT “envoy” established by Obama who is charged with promoting the acceptance of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism abroad in the name of U.S. foreign policy.

The reinstatement of Randy Berry as Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTI Persons is another defeat for pro-family advocates who were counting on Trump to remove homosexual activists from the foreign affairs bureaucracy.

Berry is a career foreign service officer who speaks Spanish and Arabic. He was given the “LGBT Envoy” position of  in 2015, to the applause of LGBT activists. Berry is also a homosexual and “gay” activist himself dedicated to seeing other nations adopt an immoral, modern Western legal system that grants “rights,” including marriage, based homosexuality and gender deviance.

Strike Three

This is Strike Three for Trump in terms of major pro-homosexual actions after his election:

  1. He said in an interview as President-elect that SCOTUS’ homosexual “marriage” ruling, Obergefell, is “settled” law (it’s not, any more than Roe v. Wade is, or the pro-sodomy-law Bowers v. Hardwick decision was);
  2. He reinstated Obama’s 2014 pro-LGBT executive order for federal contractors, which forces homosexualism on private businesses and ministries; and
  3. He now continues Obama’s pro-LGBTQ foreign policy promoting unnatural behaviors and sexual sin as “human rights.”

On the plus side, Trump has discontinued Obama’s policy of pushing transgender bathroom and locker room “rights” in public schools (allowing gender-confused boys in girls’ private spaces). And he nominated a conservative judge, Neil Gorsuch, to the U.S. Supreme Court, although we have no idea how Gorsuch would rule on LGBTQ issues, assuming he gets in.

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Trump Flushes Obama’s Transgender Bathroom School Order – HRC in a Tizzy

Monday, February 13th, 2017

Those Days Are Gone….for LGBTQ activists. Although Trump has already made some key capitulations to the LGBTQueer agenda, he has also disappointed homosexual and gender-confusion activist in major ways. Obama’s immoral LGBTQ legacy is astonishing and much of it will be hard to undo. This Newsweek cover accompanied an adoring 2012 piece on Obama by homosexual writer Andrew Sullivan.

Folks, after President Trump flubbed it bigtime by extending Obama’s LGBT executive order on federal contractors (and declaring as president-elect that SCOTUS-imposed homosexual “marriage” is settled law), he has done the right thing here by letting Obama’s intrusive “transgender” executive order die in court.

Think of it as payback for Obama refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) after “bullsh–ting” the American people on “gay marriage” in his 2008 run for president (to quote his top aide). Remember how Obama conned voters into thinking he was a pious believer in marriage as one man, one woman? (Mr. Rainbow Halo will have to answer to God for that some day, and much more.)

Now a note to AFTAH’s readers and supporters: if you haven’t figured it out yet, here is our approach toward President Trump and the LGBTQueer agenda: “Don’t really trust, and verify.” When he does right, like in NOT pushing gender confusion in schools, we will praise him. When he advances the “gay/trans” agenda, through action or non-action, we will criticize him.

I say this as a Cruz guy in the primaries who voted for Trump Nov. 8, and who would do so again: it is my longstanding conviction that God doesn’t give a pass to “Republican-backed” Sin Movements. Morality and biblical Truth know no party. So all you diehard, Trump-can-do-no-wrong fans: don’t bother urging us to go easy on Trump or look the other way when he enables homo-immorality, because we simply cannot–especially after hammering pro-sin Democrats all these years.

Here’s a “Washington Watch” piece with some good background on the Obama transgender order by Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council. Following that is the reaction to AG Jeff Sessions’ action by the Human Wrongs Rights Campaign (HRC), the world’s largest and most powerful homosexual-bisexual-transgender lobby group. God bless. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


Trump Washes His Hands of Bathroom Order

February 13, 2017, FRC Washington Watch; sign up for FRC emails HERE

If you thought President Trump hit the ground running, you should see Jeff Sessions. The new attorney general was probably still unpacking his office when he got to work turning the page at the Justice Department after eight years of scandal. First up? The Obama bathroom mandate for public schools.

Less than 48 hours after his confirmation, Sessions’s DOJ made it clear the agency was under new management by refusing to defend the controversial order to let students of both sexes use any locker room, shower, or restroom they want. Since last May when President Obama shocked the country with his decree, the issue has been working its way through the courts — thanks to a huge pushback from states like Texas. By summer’s end, a federal judge agreed with parents: the Obama administration had overstepped its boundaries. In a huge win for the Constitution and common sense, Reed O’Connor blocked the rule from taking effect, at least temporarily. Frustrated, the Obama attorneys asked the court to lift its ban in every state except the 13 who sued the government over it. O’Connor refused, insisting:

“It is clear from Supreme Court and Fifth Circuit precedent that this Court has the power to issue a nationwide injunction where appropriate. Both Title IX and Title VII rely on the consistent, uniform application of national standards in education and workplace policy. A nationwide injunction is necessary because the alleged violation extends nationwide,” he wrote. “Should the Court only limit the injunction to the plaintiff states who are a party to this cause of action, the Court risks a ‘substantial likelihood that a geographically-limited injunction would be ineffective.”

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Men’s Barbershop Settles LGBT Lawsuit Filed by ‘Genderqueer’ Female Kendall Oliver

Sunday, February 12th, 2017

Queer, indeed: Kendall Oliver identifies as “genderqueer.” She prefers to use the pronoun “they” to describe herself. (AFTAH routinely runs afoul of the Pronoun Police by using pronouns that match a person’s birth sex.) Photo: Christian News Network.

Folks, here is yet another example of what I’m calling #LGBTyrannyridiculous even by “gay” standards. For goodness’ sake, if you identify yourself as *genderqueer,* you should expect a little pushback, right? Is this an “orientation”?no, silly me, it’s a “gender identity.” (Because it’s getting harder and harder to keep track of all the permutations, AFTAH has adopted the catch-all designation of “LGBTQueer” for the sex-and-gender-disordered movement.)

Should employers now be forced to hire “genderqueers”? Do we need special “genderqueer” restrooms? “Genderqueer” sensitivity lessons for first-graders? These LGBTQueer lawsuits make a mockery of real civil rights, and America a laughingstock around the world. And who gets to use the word “queer,” anyway? Only self-styled “queers,” or perhaps “queer”-friendly people and the media, too? But not the rest of us, that’s for sure. So much nonsense, so little time.

The poor barbershop in question only served men, dictated by the beliefs of its owner, Richard Hernandez. His freedom got clipped because Ms. Oliver wants to look like a dude, sort of. So she called in the “gay” lawyers. Oh, the humanity of it all! (By the way, look at the photo: there’s a beautiful woman under all that faux masculinity.)

Stay tuned: I hear a new “civil rights” lawsuit is in the offing from the Polyamory Liberation Front. (Actually, no such organization exists…yet.)

Please, God, Make America Straight Again!

— Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera 

The following is excerpted from the Christian News Network; read the full article HERE.


Men’s Barbershop Settles With ‘Genderqueer’ Woman Who Sued for Being Denied Haircut

By Heather Clark, Feb. 7, 2017; subscribe in upper right corner at Christian News Network HERE.

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, Calif. — A men’s barbershop in California has agreed to a settlement with a woman who identifies as “gender neutral” who filed a lawsuit last year after being denied a haircut because she is not a man.

Under the terms of the settlement, signed by both parties, Richard Hernandez, owner of The Barbershop, admits to violating California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act and agrees to serve all who request a haircut.

“Kendall’s sex shouldn’t have mattered. No one should experience the gut-punch of being told they won’t be served by a business open to the public,” Lambda Legal Senior Attorney Peter Renn said of the men’s barbershop in a statement on Wednesday.

As previously reported, Kendall Oliver, 25, began identifying as “genderqueer” after serving in the Army. The term is defined as “a person who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders.”

Oliver also began preferring the pronoun “they” for herself as opposed to “her” or “him” in order to be gender neutral.

However, Oliver identifies more as male in her appearance, wearing men’s clothing and sporting a short hairstyle.

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New Book: Health Risks of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals

Saturday, February 11th, 2017

Not Politically Correct, but True: One thing the “gay”-cheerleading media refuse to discuss is the connection between homosexual behavior and disease. Order HERE for 29.95 or as an e-book for 9.95 HERE. Click on graphic to enlarge.

Folks, if you care about answering the absurd “gay” narrative that God’s design for sex and marriage is “equal” to sexual perversion, buy this book. If you want to support pro-family warriors who are on the front lines of defending what’s right–like the great people at Mass Resistance–buy this book. If you want to educate an LGBTQ-brainwashed friend or millennial, buy this book! C’mon, everyone: the truth matters, and the truth is homosexual behavior is destructive and unhealthy.

TAKE ACTION, Get Informed: Buy the new paperback HERE for 29.95, or as an e-book HERE for 9.95.

–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera [Table of Contents is after the jump]

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