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Pro-Homosexual Republicans
Friday, February 23rd, 2018
 Pro-Family Hero Silenced by CPAC: Brian Camenker (left, shown with Gov. Mike Huckabee in 2010) is the leading grassroots fighter against the LGBTQ lobby in the world. Yet his mostly single-issue group, MassResistance, was officially disinvited as an Exhibitor Sponsor by CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference. Americans For Truth (AFTAH) then paid the $2,000 to have an Exhibitor’s table at CPAC but our request was ignored and our payment refunded. Meanwhile, CPAC is allowing a homosexual activist group, Log Cabin Republicans, to exhibit, as well as single-issue advocacy groups on issues like opposition to the death penalty, usually a liberal crusade. Is libertarianism silencing the defense of Judeo-Christian sexual morality? Will the GOP go pro-homosexuality like the Conservative party in the U.K.?
Media Advisory
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
AFTAH: Is CPAC ‘Conservative’ When It Bans Anti-Gay Agenda Exhibitors While Welcoming LGBTQ Activists?
February 23, 2018
Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org), issued the following statement about the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)’s decision to disinvite the pro-family group MassResistance as an Exhibitor sponsor. CPAC (Feb. 21-24) welcomed the LGBTQ activist Log Cabin Republicans as Exhibitors, but AFTAH received no response from CPAC when it applied and paid $2,000 to be an Exhibitor after MR was disinvited:
CPAC’s capricious action against MassResistance and its president, Brian Camenker, is an unconscionable sellout of real, principled conservative values. CPAC has it backwards: it is the homosexual-transgender activist group Log Cabin Republicans that doesn’t belong at a conservative conference–not an organization fighting the fanatical, anti-Christian LGBTQ lobby.
The Log Cabin Republicans’ morally subversive agenda is to push for the acceptance of proud homosexuality and “gay marriage” within the Republican Party, and “rights” based on disordered yet changeable sexual behaviors and an ever-expanding array of “gender identities.” This defies God’s creation and is not conservative.
MassResistance is the world’s leading grassroots organization standing up to the homosexual-bisexual-transgender movement. Its dedicated followers expose efforts to “mainstream” deviant sex-and-gender confusion in schools and work to protect—i.e., conserve—the age-old institution of marriage as God ordained it. This is the essence of noble conservatism.
After opening up the door to sexual immorality (with an “R” next to it), CPAC then went a step further by banning this heroic pro-family group, using as its pretext something Camenker said in a speech three years ago. Keep in mind that CPAC invited profane Milo Yiannopoulos, a self-described “Dangerous Faggot,” to speak last year and also has welcomed atheists as Exhibitors.
CPAC has squandered its moral authority by pandering to political correctness. It is teaching young conservatives all the wrong lessons about fairness and right versus wrong. CPAC’s leaders owe an apology not just to Camenker and MassResistance but to principled, Reagan social conservatives everywhere.
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, Conservative Leaders, CPAC, Decline of Civilizations, Libertarian, Log Cabin Republicans, News, Politics-general, Pro-Homosexual Republicans, Redefining Morality, Redefining Normal, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Friday, February 14th, 2014
Kirk honored by radical homosexual group that smear C-f-A’s “hate-filled homophobic ‘Chiken'” and tried to deny Christian-owned chain’s ‘freedom’ to do business in Illinois
 Republican U.S. Sen. Mark KIrk of Illinois accepts “Freedom” award from the state’s leading homosexual lobby group, Equality Illinois. The group ran a nasty albeit unsuccessful “Flick the Hate” pressure campaign to run Chick-fil-A restaurants out of the state–by petitioning their stakeholders to deny the popular fast-food chain’s leases. Chick-fil-A is expanding in Illinois, and now has 32 restaurants in the state.
By Peter LaBarbera
- Call or write Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) [202-224-2854; Chicago 312-886-3506; online Comment Form HERE] and urge him to stop rewarding anti-Christian bigotry. Ask him to return this “Freedom Award” from the hateful anti-Christian homosexual group, Equality Illinois–which in 2012 launched a failed pressure campaign to kick Chick-fil-A restaurants out of Illinois.
- Call or write the Republican National Committee [Contact Form HERE] and its Chairman, Reince Priebus [202-863-8500; choose ext. “1”], and urge them to stand firm against the aggressive Homosexual Lobby, which is targeting Christian leaders and businesses like Chick-fil-A for demonization. Tell Priebus that when Republicans like Sen. Mark Kirk embrace Democratic-type social liberalism, it only deflates the pro-family GOP grassroots. Lastly, urge Priebus to PUBLICLY oppose ENDA, the radical Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Thank Chairman Priebus for being publicly pro-life–but urge him also to make the case against “Big Gay Government” (e.g., ENDA)–and Obama’s push to nationalize “same-sex marriage”–as part of the RNC’s regular public Talking Points.
Dear AFTAH Readers:
On Saturday evening (Feb. 8, 2014), U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (R-Illinois) was presented with the “Freedom” award by Equality Illinois, the state’s leading homosexual pressure group, at a swank fundraising banquet in Chicago. You can watch a video of the presentation below [or on YouTube HERE]. Sen. Kirk has become one of the most liberal Republicans on Capitol Hill on homosexual-related issues–with ever greater acts of pandering to the LGBT Lobby. (He came out for homosexual “marriage” and is pushing for passage of ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act [see homosexual activists release on Kirk and ENDA HERE], or–as we at AFTAH call it, alternatively the “Big Gay Government Act,” “Gay Lawyers’ Dream Act,” or “ENDA Our Freedom Act”) [See an excellent Heritage Foundation report on the ENDA bill HERE.]
You might recall how Kirk–in a capitulation whose cowardice was eclipsed only by its pettiness–recently blocked the respected pro-family organization World Congress of Families from securing a meeting room on Capitol Hill. This towering act in defense of “freedom” (sarcasm) came after the Senator heard complaints against WCF from some homosexual activists. World Congress, affiliated with The Howard Center, is based in Rockford, Illinois.
Thus it appears that Sen. Kirk’s conception of “freedom” matches that of his intolerant homosexual activist allies. In 2012, Equality Illinois launched a vicious and slanderous campaign to deny Chick-fil-A restaurants the “freedom” to operate in Illinois. As you can see below, EQ falsely accused C-f-A of “discriminatory policies” because the latter’s Chief Operating Officer, Dan Cathy, had spoken out publicly against homosexual “marriage” as tempting the judgment of God. The Chicago “gay” group launched this “Flick the Hate” petition campaign designed to boot the Christian-owned chicken fast food franchise out of several college towns:
 The above is a web graphic from radical homosexual group Equality Illinois’ 2012 “Flick the Hate” campaign against Chick-fil-A. Many observers were shocked that any group would try to run a successful business OUT of Illinois, whose economy is suffering under long-running Democratic political dominance.
As you can see, Equality Illinois’ malicious campaign smeared Chick-fil-A and its COO, Dan Cathy, as representing “hate”–merely because Cathy disagreed publicly with “gay marriage.” EQ sought to petition stakeholders into cancelling their rental leases to the 19 Chick-fil-A restaurants then operating in Illinois. (Thankfully, they failed; there are now 32 C-f-A franchises in Illinois, according to the company’s website.) The EQ page reads, in part (emphasis theirs):
Chick-fil-A has 19 restaurants across Illinois, mostly on university campuses and in shopping malls. This petition will be give to key stakeholders in Illinois who lease, rent or allow Chick-fil-A to continue to sell their hate-filled homophobic “Chiken,” asking them to cut ties….
That kind of hate has no place in a business, especially in Illinois. It is a shame to be associated with such extreme intolerance and hate.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", ENDA, Extremism, Homo-fascism - Intimidation by Gay Lobby, News, Pro-Homosexual Republicans, Republican Party, Sen. Mark Kirk |

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