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01 – Gay
Saturday, December 2nd, 2006
WARNING: This article contains explicit references to
common, dangerous homosexual sexual practices.
From Why Isn’t Homosexuality Considered A Disorder On The Basis Of Its Medical Consequences?, by Kathleen Melonakos, M.A., R.N.Delaware Family Foundation, published first by NARTH and also by LifeSite News:
I worked as an RN for several years during the eighties and nineties at Stanford University Medical Center, where I saw some of the damage homosexuals do to their bodies with some of their sexual practices. As a result of that eye-opening experience, I much admire the work of NARTH in the research and treatment of homosexuality.
I have long been concerned about the serious medical consequences which result from the gay-affirming attitudes that predominate in the San Francisco Bay Area. For example, I knew personally a prominent dermatologist, a dentist, an engineer, and a hairdresser that died in their mid-forties of infectious diseases related to their homosexual behavior patterns. I know of many others that have died young as a result of living a gay lifestyle.
The co-author of my own medical reference book, Saunders Pocket Reference for Nurses,[i] was the head of the surgery department at Stanford. She related case histories of homosexuals needing emergency surgery due to “fisting,” “playing with toys,” (inserting objects into the rectum) and other bizarre acts. I am certain — in light of my clinical experience, and since doing considerable amount of studying about it since that time — that homosexuality is neither normal nor benign; rather, it is a lethal behavioral addiction as Dr. Jeffrey Satinover outlines in his book, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth.[ii]
As far as I know, there is no other group of people in the United States that dies of infectious diseases in their mid-forties except practicing homosexuals. This, to me, is tragic, when we know that homosexuality can be prevented, in many cases, or substantially healed in adulthood when there is sufficient motivation and help.
I now live in Delaware and work in conjunction with the Delaware Family Foundation to inform the public about homosexual issues. We are debating gay activists who want to add “sexual discrimination” to our anti-discrimination code. In trying to make the case that homosexuality is not healthy and should not be encouraged, we come up against the fact that neither the American Psychiatric Association, nor the American Psychological Association recognize it as a disorder. Our opponents say we are using “scare tactics.”
Dr. Satinover brilliantly laid out in his book, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, the solid, irrefutable evidence that there are lethal consequences of engaging in the defining features of male homosexuality–that is, promiscuity and anal intercourse.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in 01 - Gay, APA, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Suicide |
Thursday, November 16th, 2006
Excerpted from A Gay Conservative?, by Cliff Kincaid, published Nov 16, 2006, by Accuracy in Media:
…I think it’s also important, with the election campaign behind us, to define what is meant by “conservative.” Whatever it means, it can’t possibly include Andrew Sullivan, who has written a book titled The Conservative Soul: How We Lost It, How To Get It Back.
People can claim to be anything they want to be, but it defies reality to claim that Sullivan (pictured right), an HIV-positive homosexual who embraces and celebrates the homosexual lifestyle, is a conservative. Sullivan told Howard Kurtz on the October 15 edition of his Reliable Sources show that he is engaged to be married to another man.
Kurtz told Sullivan: “You are a lifelong conservative who supported George Bush in 2000, and now you’re a fierce critic of the administration and you supported John Kerry in 2004.”
How can a self-described conservative have voted for Kerry in 2004? The answer lies in the fact that Sullivan is consumed by the issue of his own homosexuality. But because Bush opposes homosexual marriage, Sullivan has turned on him. Sullivan has also flip-flopped on the Iraq War, going from a supporter to an opponent.
So on what issue is a Sullivan a conservative? He claims to be opposed to extravagant federal spending. He refers to the “astonishing leap in federal spending under the Bush Republicans.” But I searched through his book and found no complaints about the disproportionate amount of federal money being spent on AIDS. So far, about $200 billion has been spent on HIV/AIDS. The FAIR Foundation exists to highlight the federal favoritism given to AIDS over other more deadly diseases that affect far more people.
In his book, Sullivan makes statements that would strike most conservatives as invalid or looney. He complains, for example, that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth engaged in “character assassination” of Kerry when the organization simply documented his war-time service and statements that assisted the enemy.
A self-proclaimed Christian, he spends some of his book bashing Christian “fundamentalists” who want to protect the institution of marriage between a man and a woman. Once again, this is where Sullivan’s homosexuality consumes him.
Continue reading at AIM…
Posted in 01 - Gay, Andrew Sullivan |
Wednesday, November 15th, 2006
By Peter LaBarbera
The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, a leftist homosexual organization, honored Frank Kameny at its 2006 Creating Change conference Nov. 8-12 in Kansas City, Missouri. At the event, Kameny referred to Christians with venom, calling them “Christianofascists” and “nutty fundamentalists,” according to an Americans For Truth reporter who attended the conference and heard his acceptance speech.
The author of the “gay is good” slogan, Kameny–whose papers have just been accepted by the Library of Congress and the National Museum of American History–also told conference attendees that “gay is moral and virtuous,” as part of his ongoing crusade to redefine ancient moral truths through catchy activist slogans.
I’ve known Kameny for years. I respect his zeal, but loathe his ideology, just as he loathes mine. He is brilliant but wasted his considerable intellect and talents on homosexual activism, which is a shame. Like others in the pro-family movement, I have been on the receiving end of Kameny’s angry and pointed letters, or should I say screeds, in which–if my memory serves–he would repeat his patented slogan, “Gay is good,” followed by, “Gay is godly. You are neither.” Kameny is a feisty old bird who agreed to sit down with me and Ken Ervin for an extended interview back when Ken and I were both working at Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. One of the things we learned in that interview is that Kameny is an atheist, which makes his “gay is godly” assertion a tad disingenuous. But hey, anything to advance the homosexual cause, right?

From the Smithsonian website: Dr. Franklin Kameny presents a picket sign to Brent D. Glass, Director of the National Museum of American History and Harry Rubenstein, Chair and Curator, Division of Politics and Reform, National Museum of American History. Photo: Harold Dorwin
We’ll have more about Frank Kameny later, but suffice it to say that this man with a penchant for anti-Christian bigotry and questionable sloganeering does not deserve to be honored as a “civil rights” pioneer by America’s national library. Somehow my mind just can’t get around the idea of putting Dr. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman in the same category, historically speaking, with a homosexual and “fervent atheist” who says “gay is godly” and “gay is moral and virtuous,” just to sock it to the Christians.
TAKE ACTION – If you agree that Frank Kameny’s dishonorable legacy and outspoken bigotry against Christians is not worthy to stand alongside the noble legacy of great Americans like Frederick Douglass, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln, please call or write these officials:
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in 01 - Gay, Activists, Government Promotion, Homosexual Hate Speech, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Task Force |
Wednesday, November 8th, 2006
This one is incredible: Two adult men are advertising on the internet, including on MySpace, and hosting weekly parties for “gay” youth (age 17+) at their home (10:30 pm every Saturday night at 438 W Algonquin Rd, Algonquin, IL), where they openly welcome alcohol. One of the ads shows a boy standing, holding another boy whose legs are wrapped around him.
Even so, parents allow their children to attend – or are oblivious to their teen’s whereabouts. Have they seen the photos that Mark and Adam post online? Police are well aware both of the parties and the repeated violation of various laws by the homeowners and by party goers. But each week, the party goes on…
Now a young man is hospitalized after being stabbed eight times in the neck and chest at the party. His friend writes:
I have seen Adrian at the hospital. He has been stabbed eight times throughout his chest and neck. He arrived with a collapsed lung and severe loss of blood. He was read his last rights shortly after he arrived to the hospital. He is in a lot of pain. He has a strong will to live and is in for the fight of his life…
Even so, the regular party guests are defending the home as “a VERY safe place” and swearing to continue hanging out there…demonstrating just how deceived these young people are.
Where is the leadership in Algonquin?
- Call Village President John C Schmitt at (847) 658-7643 or e-mail him.
- Call Director of Police and Public Safety Russell Laine at (847) 658-4531 or e-mail him.
- Let them both know that this sort of debauchery is completely unacceptable to you! Ask them what more they need to stop this illicit activity in your community.
The following is excerpted from LITH Man Stabbed 8 Times, by Dave Fitzgerald and Rob Phillips, published Nov 6, 2006, by Northwest Herald:
A 21-year-old man from Lake in the Hills remained in fair condition Monday at Sherman Hospital after being stabbed eight times in the chest early Sunday morning at an Algonquin home that advertises weekly parties on the Internet…
Algonquin police said they had previous problems at the home where the stabbing happened. A Web site www.party69.net directed people to a weekly house party on Saturday nights. In addition, the hosts have MySpace.com accounts that promote the parties.
The parties are advertised as a place for gay youth, and the house is publicized as a “club-like atmosphere” where partygoers must be 17 to get in and 21 to drink. A $5 donation at the door is requested, and identification is required to prove age, the ad says. Partygoers are asked to bring their own alcohol.
Algonquin police said they were aware of the parties and said they brought in a mix of people. Party organizers who live at the home, Mark Davidson, 36, and Adam Conard, 24, were charged July 16 with selling alcohol without a license and providing alcohol to minors. Davidson also was charged with obstruction of a peace officer, and Conard was charged with resisting a peace officer. A trial on those charges is scheduled for Nov. 17, according to court records.
Also, in 2005, Davidson was convicted of contributing to the delinquency of a child, stemming from his hosting of an underage drinking party at the same home, according to court records.
“It’s not illegal to have a party,” Algonquin Deputy Chief Ed Urban said.
Continue reading in Northwest Herald…
Posted in 01 - Gay, Gay Culture, Internet Dangers, News, Police & Fire Departments |
Monday, November 6th, 2006
…The normalization of sin represents
a progressive hardening of the nation’s heart
against the Gospel.
From Gay Culture and the Riddle of Andrew Sullivan, by Dr. Albert Mohler, published Oct 27, 2006:
Andrew Sullivan is a man of ideas. In recent years, Sullivan has emerged as one of the most influential intellectuals in American public life. Furthermore, he has been identified with some of the most controversial issues of our times–a fact that is hardly surprising given his libertarian view of morality, conservative views of politics, Roman Catholic views of Christianity, and the fact that he is a prominent homosexual advocate…
In the October 24, 2005 issue of The New Republic, Sullivan writes about “The End of Gay Culture.” Of course, Sullivan’s perspective on homosexuality and gay culture is deeply rooted in his own homosexuality and his ardent embrace of his own homosexual lifestyle. He is anything but a dispassionate observer…
As he reviews the impact of the HIV crisis, Sullivan points to some patterns that emerged in its aftermath–patterns that would likely be missed by those outside the gay subculture. The emergence of lesbians as leaders of the major gay rights organizations was, Sullivan suggests, largely due to the fact that the gay male leaders were largely dead…
“Gay marriage is not a radical step,” Sullivan insisted…
But, even as Sullivan argued for the acceptance and legalization of same-sex marriage, more radical homosexual theorists were dismissing marriage altogether. As Sullivan explained,
“Marriage of all institutions is to liberationists a form of imprisonment; it reeks of a discourse that has bought and sold property, that has denigrated and subjected women, that has constructed human relationships into a crude and suffocating form. Why on earth should it be supported for homosexuals?”
Sullivan’s 1995 book, and his most recent article, must be read in light of his 1998 testimonial, Love Undetectable: Notes on Friendship, Sex, and Survival. This book was written after Sullivan had been diagnosed as HIV-positive. As he recalled:
“I contracted the disease in full knowledge of how it is transmitted, and without any illusions about how debilitating and terrifying a diagnosis it could be. I have witnessed first-hand a man dying of AIDS; I have seen the ravages of its impact and the harrowing humiliation it meant. I had written about it, volunteered to combat it, and tried to understand it. But I still risked getting it, and the memories of that risk and the ramifications of it for myself, my family, and my friends still forced me into questions I would rather not confront, and have expended a great deal of effort avoiding.”
When a high school friend asked Sullivan how he had contracted the virus, Sullivan informed him that he had no idea which sex partner had been the source of the viral transmission. “How many people did you sleep with, for God’s sake?,” his friend asked. Note Sullivan’s answer carefully:
“Too many, God knows. Too many for meaning and dignity to be given to every one; too many for love to be present at each; too many for sex to be very often more than a temporary but powerful release from debilitating fear and loneliness.”
In other words, the public Andrew Sullivan emerged as a major proponent of responsibility, stability, and self-control, while the private Andrew Sullivan was deeply involved in homosexual promiscuity.
All this broke into public view in 2001, when a homosexual columnist discovered that Sullivan had been posting advertisements for unprotected homosexual sex at internet web sites. The ensuing controversy within the gay community was vitriolic, even as it was revealing.
“The End of Gay Culture” is an eye-opening essay. As an exercise in cultural analysis, it demonstrates genuine insight and an insider’s perspective. More than anything else, Sullivan’s article should awaken thinking Christians to the fact that homosexuality is being normalized in the larger culture. This surely represents a matter of urgent missiological concern, for the normalization of sin represents a progressive hardening of the nation’s heart against the Gospel.
At a more personal level, this article reminds me to pray for Andrew Sullivan. I say this even as I realize that he may be more offended by my prayer than by anything else. In most of his writings, Mr. Sullivan demonstrates a consistent and ardent determination to celebrate homosexuality as central to his own self-discovery and personhood. Yet, he also reveals significant doubts. When he explains that he “never publicly defended promiscuity” nor publicly attacked it because “I felt, and often still feel, unable to live up to the ideals I really hold,” I detect a glimmer of doubt. I have faced Mr. Sullivan in public debate on issues related to homosexuality. I consider him to be among the most gifted, thoughtful, and unpredictable intellectuals on the current scene. More than anything else, I want Mr. Sullivan to find his self-identity and deepest passions in the transforming power of Christ–the power to see all things made new. Without apology, I pray that one day he will see all that he has written in defense of homosexuality, and all that he has known in terms of his homosexual identity, as loss, and to find in Christ the only resolution of our sexuality and the only solution to the problem we all share–the problem of sin.
Andrew Sullivan has been a focus of my prayer since I first learned of his HIV-positive status. I do pray that God will give him strengthened health and the gift of time. After all, our Christian concern should be focused not only on the challenge of homosexuality in the culture, but the challenge of reaching homosexuals with the love of Christ and the truth of the Gospel.
Continue reading at Albert Mohler…
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", 01 - Gay, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Activists, Andrew Sullivan, Baptist, E - Praying for the Lost, News, Physical Health |
Thursday, November 2nd, 2006
From a homosexual reader, Dr. Eric Glare, who serves on the staff of PLWA (People Living With HIV/AIDS) Victoria and as editor for their newsletter, “PosLink”…
From: Eric M Glare [mailto:__________]
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 12:11 AM
To: americansfortruth@comcast.net
Subject: Informed choices
Hi Americans for “truth”
So you say that you want people to be able to “make informed choices on how to spend their hard-earned dollars.”
But you don’t want people to make informed choices about their sexuality and its expression even when the informing is not in public??
The truth is that I love my husband and I love it when he puts his fist up my arse. It does not hurt. It is extremely pleasurable. I orgasm every time. That is the truth and you can not change the truth.
Yours most sincerely,
Dr Eric M Glare PhD
Australia – Truth knows no boundaries!
Response from Americans for Truth…
From: “Americans For Truth”
To: “‘Eric M Glare'”
Subject: Dr. Glare…RE: Informed choices
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2006 11:39:31 -0600
Dr. Glare,
If what you say is true, then you are a bonafide pervert, and a proud one at that. You may love the pleasure that comes from your perversion, but that doesn’t make it any less perverted, or any less wrong. Whether your “fisting” is done in private or on a stage, I don’t think I could imagine any act that strays farther from the truth of God-ordained sexuality than this particular depravity. Perhaps that makes you even more proud, but have you ever contemplated how you got to the point where you, presumably an educated and intelligent man, are boasting of such dangerous depravities? Take a step back and look at how pathetic that is.
Yes, God gives you the choice on how you will live, but He remains the Judge, and he sets parameters: you may want to “choose” to live eternally and go on “fisting forever”–as twisted as that may be–but alas, you like all of us will die, and then you will have to answer to someone higher and far wiser than yourself for the choices you made in life. Don’t blame your homosexual excesses or even your “orientation” on God at that point…
Consider repenting of your sins and becoming a new person in Christ (try reading the 2nd chapter of Corinthians–don’t mean to be condescending, but I’m not sure of your Biblical literacy). I believe that’s your best hope for recovering some decency in your life and leaving your reprobate mind (Romans 1) behind.
Peter LaBarbera
Americans For Truth
(PS. You have no “husband,” just a partner in sin, and sorry for the late response to your note)
Posted in 01 - Gay, AFT Mail Bag, Physical Health |
Thursday, September 28th, 2006
Excerpted from Surveys Reveal Sex Practices of Homosexuals, published Sept 15, 2006, by Agape Press:
…A survey by The Advocate, a homosexual magazine, revealed that promiscuity is a reality among homosexuals. The poll found that 20 percent of homosexuals said they had had 51-300 different sex partners in their lifetime, with an additional 8 percent having had more than 300…
Here are the actual stats for question 9:
Homosexual males only (2294 responses)
104 or 4.5% had 0 same-sex partners in their lifetime
79 or 3.4% had only 1 same-sex partner
330 or 14.4% had 2-5 same-sex partners
264 or 11.5% had 6-10 same-sex partners
306 or 13.3% had 11-20 same-sex partners
399 or 17.4% had 21-50 same-sex partners
288 or 12.6% had 51-100 same-sex partners
276 or 12.0% had 101-300 same-sex partners
248 or 10.8% had more than 300 same-sex partners
(The total of homosexual males in this study reporting more than 50 sex partners in their lifetime is 35.4%. See The Advocate’s website for lesbian-only and combined male and female stats.)
Additionally, question 14 asks Have you ever had sex with more than one same-sex partner at the same time?
Homosexual males only (2304 total responses)
No, never – 893 or 38.8%
Yes, 3-ways only – 748 or 32.5%
Yes, more than 3-ways on occasion – 663 or 28.8%
(Question: Do you suppose 61% of heterosexuals participate in group sex?)
A survey in Ireland by the Gay Men’s Health Project found that almost half of homosexuals said they were having unprotected sex.
The Advocate survey…found that 55 percent of homosexuals said they never (20%), occasionally (10%) or usually (25%) practiced so-called “safer sex.”
The actual stats for question 13:
Homosexual males only (2304 responses)
Always – 1075 or 46.7%
Occasionally – 243 or 10.5%
Usually – 651 or 28.3%
Never – 335 or 14.5%
…The fact that many homosexuals appear to live their lives in sexual overdrive does not seem to concern leaders in the movement. In an editorial from the same issue (August 15) in which the survey results were published, The Advocate said: “[Homosexuals] have been proud leaders in the sexual revolution that started in the 1960s, and we have rejected attempts by conservatives to demonize that part of who we are.”
Continue reading at Agape Press…
Posted in 01 - Gay, Health & Science, Physical Health |

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