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Gay Straight Alliance
Thursday, April 28th, 2011
Americans For Truth News Release – ** EXCLUSIVE PHOTO-STORY**
CONTACT: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631; americansfortruth@gmail.com
WARNING: Offensive descriptions and photos of materials that should NOT be promoted to college students
 Books on display at "Leather Library" exhibit hosted and sponsored by University of Chicago. Book at center, "Macho Sluts," combines S&M, incest and pedophilia. Other books promote sadistic perversion and public sex. Photos: Peter LaBarbera; click to enlarge.
[First of several reports on U-Chicago’s corruption of students]
TAKE ACTION: Call the University of Chicago at 773-702-1234 and ask for President Robert Zimmer’s Office. [e-mail him at president@uchicago.edu]. Let him know that you are appalled that the Universiity is promoting sexual sadism and deviant pornography — even pedophilia — to its students. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that U-Chicago could be the first of MANY colleges to host the perverse “Leather Library” exhibit — but it also could be the last if this academic abuse causes the appropriate controversy. So make your voice heard on this today.
Keep this story alive: Lastly, contact Sun-Times reporter Kara Spak at kspak@suntimes.com [312-321-3000; press #5 twice] and: 1) thank her for doing the story; 2) tell her that most Americans would be outraged to learn of this academic abuse; and 3) urge her to keep following this shocking story of U-Chicago directly promoting S&M to students in the name of “diversity.”
University of Chicago Promotes Sadomasochism and Pedophilia to Students — in the Name of Diversity
CHICAGO–The University of Chicago provided nearly $3,200 to a “kink” student group for a traveling sadomasochistic “leather library” exhibit at the University that eroticized pedophilia, incest, and the most deviant pornographic perversions known to mankind.
Americans For Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) sent a reporter yesterday to the exhibit – at the University’s International House – and came back with photos of the shockingly perverse offerings of the “Carter Johnson Leather Library,” including:
- The lesbian porn book “Macho Sluts,” by Pat Califia, which includes a story about a mother who engages in sadistic, violent “sex play” with her own 13-year-old daughter;
- Numerous books celebrating “Master-Slave” relationships;
- “Gay” male pornographic fiction books with pederastic themes, including one 1975 book, “Small Town Boy,” about a 15-year-old boy who meets up with and is sodomized by an adult businessman visiting from New York City;
- Photos and posters depicting the twisted violence and “consensual” degradation and cruelty of S&M – including one of a woman caning her ball-and-chained male ”slave.”
 The University of Chicago "leather" exhibit featured dozens of homosexual porn fiction books like this one, "Small Town Boy," about a 15-year-old boy who williingly is sodomized by an adult man visiting from New York City.
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Posted in Academic Bias, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Chicago, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gay Sex Health Risks, Gay Straight Alliance, Gay-on-gay violence, Gay-Pedophile Associations, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Meccas, Kink/BDSM Activism, Leather, News, Promiscuity, Redefining Morality, Sadomasochism, Sexual Freedom, Sodomy, Tolerance?, Too Much Tolerance |
Tuesday, April 19th, 2011
 Ken Hutcherson
These interviews were recorded April 12, 2011, and aired April 16th [CLICK HERE to listen]. In the first part of the show, Pastor Ken Hutcherson of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, Washington, discusses his new project to rally Christians nationwide in support of DOMA, the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. He launched it after President Obama suddenly announced through his Attorney General that would stop defending in court Section 3 of DOMA, which defines marriage in federal law as between a man and a woman. Already Hutcherson is being lambasted by homosexual activists, but he said the response among Christian leaders, including his friend Dr. James Dobson, has been outstanding. The RealClearPolitics article by Matthew Franck to which AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera refers in the interview is HERE. (Hutcherson did a wonderful three-part interview with AFTAH last year [Click HERE for Part One]; spoke at our banquet in October; and received the 2010 AFTAH ‘Truth-Teller’ Award.)
 Linda Harvey
The second half of the show features Linda Harvey, founder and president of Mission America, which co-sponsored our recent and highly informative Truth Academy in Columbus, Ohio, where she lives. Linda discusses that and the recent story that she broke about the ‘Gay-Straight Alliances” Facebook site of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) containing photos for a pornographic homosexual hook-up site, and photos for other inappropriate websites including a “Gay Thailand Today” site promoting sex tourism. Linda tells how she was informed about the inappropriate GLSEN FB photos by a grandmother and pro-family advocate in New York who came upon them. Incredibly, after AFTAH advanced the Mission America exposé, homosexual bloggers led by Alvin McEwen — an AFTAH-hating extremist with a penchant for twisting facts — began speculating that Americans For Truth might have placed the photos on GLSEN’s Facebook page as a “homophobic smear” to “frame” this homosexual activist organization! Just one more lie from a movement built upon lies… (Linda too has previously been interviewed by AFTAH; click HERE for Part One of her two-part 2010 interview.)
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. DO NOT USE ‘Real Player,’ which is not supported; there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
4-16-11, Dr. Ken Hutcherson & Linda Harvey
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Americans for Truth Hour, Biblical Truth, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, C - Heroes for Truth, Conservative Leaders, Corrupting Children, Day of Silence, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gay Straight Alliance, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, April 12th, 2011
Exposure to homosexual promiscuity consistent with GLSEN’s past
 ORIGINAL PAGE: Above is how the GLSEN "Gay-Straight Alliances" Facebook page appeared as of the afternoon of April 11, 2011 -- before Mission America exposed its pornographic links. Note the three photos for "NEXGAY" -- a pornographic homosexual male hook-up website -- and the photo for "Gay Trip Thailand," a sex-tourism Facebook page. Also, the photo for "Blueprint," a movie about homosexual male lovers distributed by TLA, a "gay" video company that sells homosexual porn videos.
TAKE ACTION: Parents and Guardians: Call your children’s middle or high school and ask if students and/or teachers will be permitted to refuse to speak during class on Friday, April 15 (as part of the annual homosexual activist “Day of Silence”). For more information, go HERE.
By Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
A Facebook page affiliated with the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) — to support homosexual student clubs and GLSEN’s upcoming activist “Day of Silence” in schools nationwide (Friday, April 15) — was linked for several weeks to a pornographic “gay” hook-up website containing full-frontal nudity and personal ads expressing interest in dangerous homosexual practices including anal sodomy, “rimming” and various sadistic sex fetiishes popular in the homosexual male subculture.
The GLSEN “Gay-Straight Alliances” Facebook page was also linked to a “Gay Trip Thailand” Facebook page with shirtless Thai males — luring men to that notorious sex-tourism destination — as well as a movie about two male lovers that is sponsored by a leading “gay” pornographic video distributor. When the salacious links were exposed April 11 by Mission America, a pro-family group, they were quickly removed from the GLSEN Facebook page.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Baptist, BDSM, Biblical Truth, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Bullying & Victimhood, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, E - Praying for the Lost, Extremism, Fistgate-GLSEN, Gay Culture, Gay Sex Health Risks, Gay Straight Alliance, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, HIV/AIDS, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, News, Pornography, Promiscuity, Sadomasochism, Sodomy, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Friday, April 8th, 2011
 Display by pro-"gay" student group at Lyons Township High School in Illinois celebrates the state's new "civil unions" law. Schools should not become havens of pro-homosexuality advocacy.
TAKE ACTION: Parents and Guardians: Call your children’s middle or high school and ask if students and/or teachers will be permitted to refuse to speak during class on Friday, April 15 (as part of the annual homosexual activist “Day of Silence”). If your administration allows students and/or teachers to refuse to speak during class, call your child out of school on April 15th. Every student absence costs school districts money. See additional instructions below, and go HERE for more help on the “Day of Silence Walkout” page on the Illinois Family Institute website.
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Many Christians and moral-minded people have given up on the public schools, and with good reason. The suffocating political correctness on a host of controversies — including homosexuality — overwhelms the Average Mom and Dad, who are already running ragged between work, family duties, church and youth sports. Add to that the arrogant, dismissive bureaucrats who occupy key positions in many metropolitan schools — and who view complaining parents as an “enemy” of sorts that needs to be kept at bay — and you understand why our schools have devolved into havens for liberal-left indoctrination. (In addition, as more and more Christian parents abandon the public schools, it removes a key wholesome influence restraining evil.)
Despite all this, my friend Laurie Higgins is correct: parents are derelict in “tolerating” their children’s schools’ descent into liberal advocacy. Beyond the critical point that THESE ARE OUR CHILDREN (not the school’s), and we should guide their moral upbringing, there is the fiscal reality (even for those without school-age children) that we as taxpayers should not be subsidizing the use of public schools to foist pro-homosexual propaganda on students.
So we at AFTAH echo the call for parents to pull their kids out of any school that abides the annual homosexual-activist event April 15 called the “Day of Silence.” Please read Laurie’s article below and call your children’s schools (middle and high schools) to see if they are sanctioning this pro-homosexual event. If you have any inkling that they are encouraging this disruptive event, tell the school that you will be keeping your child home that day. In doing so, you will send a powerful message to teachers and administrators that their embrace of pro-homosexual advocacy comes at a price. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
P.S. Please tell us about your encounters with your local schools regarding the “Day of Silence” by sending an e-mail to: americansfortruth@gmail.com.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Corrupting Children, Day of Silence, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Gay Straight Alliance, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, Government Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Monday, March 28th, 2011
 Display prominently celebrating new Illinois "Civil Unions" law put up by a pro-homosexual student club at Lyons Township High School. Photo: Earl Gough. Click on photo to enlarge.
Dear Readers, each pro-homosexual law makes it easier for school administrators and teachers to allow the one-sided promotion of homosexuality in their school, as occurred recently at Lyons Township High School in LaGrange, Illinois (see photo). The state’s Democrat-dominated General Assembly passed a “Civil Unions” bill in a lame-duck session last year (before a new elected, more conservative legislature could take office) — and Gov. Pat Quinn (D) signed it into law January 31. (The bill, which also allows heterosexual “civil unions,” thus further undermining marriage, takes effect June 1.)
America’s public schools are becoming de facto “Homosexuality-Promotion Zones” — directly undermining the authority of parents to guide their children’s moral upbringing — and subjecting Christian and moral-minded students to one-sided pro-homosexuality propaganda like the above. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org; [Send news about your children’s or local schools to americansfortruth@gmail.com.]
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Academic Bias, Academic Freedom, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Candidates & Elected Officials, Current State Law, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Diversity Propaganda, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Gay Straight Alliance, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Illinois, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Pro-Family Quotes, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Monday, December 20th, 2010
 Barb Anderson of the Minnesota Family Council
Part Three of our interview with Barb Anderson of the Minnesota Family Council [click HERE to listen]. This segment was pre-taped and aired Saturday, Dec. 18, 2010. Anderson discusses the pro-homosexual propaganda fed to teachers through pro-LGBT seminars and workshops — which is then translated into biased, pro-“gay” education programs in schools. Anderson agrees with AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera that liberal educators do not want parents to know about the radically pro-homosexual lesson programs that they are foisting on impressionable students in the name of “diversity.” She also comments on the politics of “bullying.” To listen to Part One of the interview, go HERE; for Part Two, go HERE.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
12-18-10, Barb Anderson, All
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Americans for Truth Hour, Biblical Truth, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Bullying & Victimhood, C - Heroes for Truth, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gay Straight Alliance, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, The Folly of PC, Too Much Tolerance |
Wednesday, December 1st, 2010
WARNING: Graphic and Offensive Topics
 Why doesn't the media -- or the SPLC -- call homosexual activist Dan Savage a "hater" given his history of hate-filled attacks against Christians?
This interview [click HERE to listen] with Barbara Anderson of the Minnesota Family Council aired Nov. 27, 2010. Anderson is a writer and researcher for the MFC specializing in education issues. Here she discusses some of the incredible abuses that have gone in the name of education — including teaching young children about anal sex and other homosexual practices in the name of being “inclusive.” Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera and Anderson discuss the privileged role that the liberal group SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S.) plays in American sex education — while the vast majority of parents remain ignorant of SIECUS’ radical agenda. We’re not going to give it away: you simply have to listen to this interview to believe the incredible things that are being taught to kids in the name of safety, diversity and tolerance. This is the first of three interviews.
In the opening monologue, LaBarbera discusses an incredibly hateful stunt done several years ago by homosexual activist Dan Savage against Pennsylvania’s Republican former U.S. Senator, Rick Santorum. The discussion on “Savage Hate” is in the context of AFTAH now “officially” being labelled a “hate group” by the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center. Savage created an obscene definition for “Santorum” — a gross byproduct of anal sex — and then set up a website with that creation, Santorum.com [Warning: graphic content]. Anderson says Savage’s deviant definition “truly is a reflection of the kind of perverted thinking of these people … They are not only trying to silence the opposition; they are trying to destroy the opposition.” LaBarbera asks why the likes of Savage “aren’t ever called haters by the media?”
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
11-27-10, Barb Anderson, All
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Americans for Truth Hour, Assaults, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Bullying & Victimhood, C - Heroes for Truth, Dan Savage, Day of Silence, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Extremism, Gay Activist Hate Against Christians, Gay Sex Health Risks, Gay Straight Alliance, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, Government Promotion, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Left-wing activism, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, June 3rd, 2010
New and improved listening format: listen to entire show by clicking one link
 Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America (www.MissionAmerica.com).
We apologize for the delay in bringing you Part Two of our May 29, 2010 interview with Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America. (Go HERE for Part One.) But we are delighted to report that AFTAH will be reloading ALL of our interviews (available on the AFTAH Hour web page) — starting with this one — in a more user-friendly format. As you can see below, you can listen to the entire Linda Harvey interview on a single link. After we retool all the shows, you will no longer have to listen to four separate portions of the show (on four separate links) to hear the whole interview.
In Part Two of my interview with Linda, we discussed:
- the insidious promotion of homosexuality as an acceptable identity and lifestyle to young people — even preteens.
- the “gay” community centers that help expose young people to adult homosexual behaviors and promiscuity — one of the most troubling results of the proud, homosexualist movement;
- pro-homosexual youth literature (including a book by a Christian author) that advances the talking points of “gay” activism;
- the sellout theology of some politically correct “Emergent” church leaders.
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Americans for Truth Hour, Biblical Truth, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Born that Way?, C - Heroes for Truth, Corrupting Children, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Emergent (evangelical) Church, ENDA, Evangelicals, Gay and Christian?, Gay Straight Alliance, GLBT Youth Centers, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Promoting Gender Confusion, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |

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