AFTAH exclusive video shows extent of homosexual insider influence in once-wholesome Disney
Folks, about 19 years ago I attended an LGBTQ student conference at UC-Santa Cruz in which a very powerful homosexual activist, Elizabeth Birch, then executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, “dished” about a conversation she had with then-Disney CEO Michael Eisner. I was there semi-undercover for Lambda Report, the forerunner of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH).
As you can see below, Birch relates how Eisner “corrected” her by revealing that a whopping “40 percent” of Disney’s employees were “gay”–not 30 percent as she had thought.
That was around February of 1998. Imagine how bad the problem is today, as the current controversy over Disney’s injection of homosexuality into a “Beauty and the Beast” remake illustrates. Here is a one-minute video excerpt of the larger AFTAH undercover video-story of the UC-Santa Cruz event, courtesy of our friends at LifeSiteNews, where I am a reporter. See my accompanying LifeSiteNews blog post below, after the video and the jump. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
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