VIDEO: Documentary Film ChickenHawk: Men Who Love Boys – Exposes NAMBLA and Pederasts’ Mindset

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

Twenty years later, a movement grows to build an intellectual case for tolerance and respect for pedophiles — whom B4UAct calls “Minor Attracted People”

Seducing Boys into Sex - It is very hard to watch something so evil, but note how NAMBLA leader Leyland Stevenson rationalizes the sexual seduction of boys in the film, "ChickenHawk."

Seducing Boys into Sodomy: It is very hard to watch something so evil, but note how NAMBLA leader Leyland Stevenson–interviewed in the 1994 film, “ChickenHawk: Men Who Love Boys”–rationalizes and explains his methods for sexually seducing boys. See video below.

This award-winning documentary “ChickenHawk: Men Who Love Boys” was produced in 1994. It was directed by Adi Sideman, who allowed NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) members (and leaders) to speak in their own words, describing their evil actions and thoughts involving boys.

Note how Leyland Stevenson,  the über-creepy former NAMBLA secretary whose interview is at the center of this film, clsims that the boys are looking for sexual contact with men.  This is the central and sickening rationale of all “boy lovers.”

More than two decades ago, I met Stevenson in the course of Americans For Truth’s predecessor, Lambda Report’s, efforts to expose NAMBLA and pro-pedophile groups worldwide. AFTAH’s and LR’s investigative reporting inspired a 1994 American law barring U.S. taxpayer funding to any international organization with pedophile connections.

History note: NAMBLA was once allowed to march in homosexual “pride” parades.

One thing NAMBLA is right about: pederasty–sex between men and boys–has ancient roots and must be included in the history of (male) homosexuality.

Building sympathy

Two decades after the release of “ChickenHawk,” there is a growing effort afoot to encourage tolerance and a type of respect for pedophiles–renamed (note the softening language) “MAPs” (Minor-Attracted People”); see this website. The “MAP” advocates are using the same strategies to gain recognition and build acceptance for this perverse “identity” as homosexual and “transgender” activists used to normalize their deviant identities and behaviors.

That means, in part, portraying adults whose “orientation” includes desiring sex with children–as a kind of “victim”; see B4UAct’s commitment to “stigma reduction” for MAPs (pedophiles/pederasts). That’s a very hard sell to Americans, but we would never doubt the tenacity of sexual revolutionaries in attempting to achieve it. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

WARNING: Some offensive sexual descriptions, but film is mostly interviews and shows nothing sexual in nature

*USS Predator*? U.S. Navy Readying to Name Ship After ‘Gay’ Activist Icon Harvey Milk – Potential Statutory Rapist Who Lured Fellow Sailors into Sodomitic Encounters

Friday, July 29th, 2016
  • Homosexual activist icon preferred “boyish-looking” young men as sexual partners;
  • Had sexual relationship with a minor boy while in his thirties;
  • Tricked fellow male sailors into coming to his apartment for deviant sex;
  • He likely staged a fake “hate crime” against himself;
  • Milk himself was molested by homosexual men as a boy
  • He led “active homosexual life” by age 14


Man-Boy Love? This photo of Harvey Milk and his teenage homosexual lover, Jack Galen McKinley, appears in Randy Shiltz book, "The Mayor of Castro Street." Note the caption:

Man-Boy Love? The side of Harvey Milk that liberals ignore: This photo of Harvey Milk (left) and his teenage homosexual lover, Jack Galen McKinley, appears in Randy Shilts’ book, “The Mayor of Castro Street.” Note the caption: “Harvey Milk with Jack Galen McKinley and their dog, Trick. (courtesy of the estate of Harvey Milk).” McKinley was 16 or 17 at the time, while Milk was in his mid-thirties. “Trick” was named after the “gay” slang word for the client of a homosexual hustler (prostitute). Milk preferred “boy-looking” young men as lovers. By repeatedly honoring Milk as an American civil rights hero, President Obama is dishonoring the United States of America, and now our Armed Forces. Click to enlarge.


TAKE ACTION: Contact your U.S. Representative and Senators and ask then to fight this outrage of naming a United States Navy ship after a sexual predator, homosexual activist politician Harvey Milk. According to his biographer, Milk as a sailor actually used trickery to lure other sailors into sodomitic encounters, and he had a sexual relationship with a minor boy when he was in his thirties. Call the House at 202-225-3121 and the Senate at 202-224-3121; find your federal representatives HERE.


Operation Seduce Fellow Sailors: While in the U.S. Navy, Harvey Milk reportedly used trickery to seduce fellow sailors into sodomitic encounters.

Operation Sodomize Fellow Sailors: While in the U.S. Navy, Harvey Milk reportedly used trickery to seduce fellow sailors in San Diego who were en route to Korea into sodomitic encounters–by inviting them to crash in a bed at his apartment in San Diego, where they soon found out there was just a single bed. He also lied about being dishonorably discharged to win public sympathy.

Folks, Barack Obama’s Navy is about to honor a potential statutory rapist by naming a ship after assassinated openly homosexual San Francisco politician Harvey Milk, who is credited by LGBT advocates with being the first ardent homosexual activist politician to mobilize mass “gay” political power to win public office.  U.S. Naval Institute News was first to report:

The Navy is set to name a ship after the gay rights icon and San Francisco politician Harvey Milk, according to a Congressional notification obtained by USNI News.

The July 14, 2016 notification, signed by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, indicated he intended to name a planned Military Sealift Command fleet oiler USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO-206). The ship would be the second of the John Lewis-class oilers being built by General Dynamics NASSCO in San Diego, Calif.

The Secretary of the Navy’s office is deferring releasing additional information until the naming announcement, a Navy official told USNI News on Thursday.

As the late celebrated homosexual journalist Randy Shilts documented in his hagiography on Milk, “The Mayor of Castro Street,” Milk, then in his thirties, had a sexual relationship with a 16 year-old boy, Jack Galen McKinley. (Another Milk biographer claimed that McKinley was 17, not 16.)

While in the Navy, stationed in San Diego, the promiscuous (and devious) Milk lured sailors en route to Korea to his apartment off base. Instead of crashing on the floor at the YMCA, Milk would tell the sailors, why not sleep in a comfortable bed in his apartment? “The guests often would not know that Milk’s apartment had only one bed until they walked in the door,” writes Shilts (see below). Shilts also lied about being dishonorably discharged from the Navy to win sympathy [see below; AFTAH will have more on Shilts in future posts.]

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AFTAH Flier Alerts Chicago Neighborhood to Homosexual Perversion ‘Museum’ – Leather Archives – Located within Blocks of Three Schools

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

WARNING: Highly Offensive Subject Matter


Sadistic Perversion ‘Museum’ and its Innocent Neighbors: The “Leather Archives & Museum” (LA&M) is a essentially a perversion “museum”–celebrating and chronicling some of the most extreme and depraved (and dangerous) sexual fetishes ever invented by mankind. That includes hard-core (consensual) sadistic brutality, “master-slave” degradation–and even the eroticization of incest and adult sex with children. Part of Chicago’s “LGBT community,” LA&M is located at 6418 N. Greenview Avenue in the city’s Rogers Park neighborhood–just three blocks away from Joyce Kilmer Elementary School (6700 N. Greenview). Little children walk by the LA&M building every day to attend a day-care facility on nearby Devon Ave. There are two other public schools located within a half mile of the perversion museum–Hayt Elementary School and Sullivan High School. Click HERE to view AFTAH’s flier alerting Rogers Park residents to the Archives and its vile contents.

Click HERE or the the link below to view the Americans For Truth flier that was distributed in Chicago’s Rogers Park neighborhood May 22, 2015–exposing a homosexual “perversion museum” (AFTAH’s description) known as the Leather Archives and Museum, located at 6418 Greenview Avenue, near Devon on the city’s north side. The “Leather Archives” chronicles the history of sadomasochism and is intricately connected to Chicago’s annual “International Mr. Leather” BDSM (Bondage& Discipline, Dominanc & Submission, Sadism & Masochism) celebration drawing thousands of mostly homosexual “leathermen” to the Windy City.



TOO CLOSE: Sullivan High School is located a block away from the “Leather Archives” perversion “museum.” The Archives contains at least one booklet that describes a teenage boy sodomized and “fisted” by an older man as a “chicken” — a “gay” slang term for adolescent boys pursued for sex by adult male “chickenhawks.”

More coming on AFTAH’s press event highlighting the “Leather Archives” perversion “museum.”

Below is the text of the AFTAH Flier [click here for PDF]; we passed out about 800 of them in Rogers Park but homosexual activists later went back and took many of them away:

Did You Know?

…That a Deviant
Perversion “Museum”
…Is Located in Your

…Within 3 blocks of
Kilmer Elementary
School and Sullivan
High School?

The “Leather Archives & Museum,” located at 6418 N. Greenview (near Devon), celebrates the most heinous and vile sadomasochistic behaviors ever invented by mankind—acts so twisted that we cannot even describe them here. This includes “Macho Sluts.” a book of “fiction” with a pedophilic-incest fantasy.

TAKE ACTION: Call your Alderman:
Ald. Pat O’Connor: 773-769-1140; email:

Children deserve better. A homosexual perversion “museum” that celebrates consensual sexual violence, human degradation—and even sexual “slavery” and pedophilia—should NOT be located near schools—period.

Flier created by Americans For Truth About Homosexuality; see; phone: 312-324-3787; email: Write: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567.

Caption: A Perversion “Museum”? The Leather Archives & Museum, located at 6418 N.
Greenview Ave. in Chicago, glorifies homosexual sadomasochism and the most extreme and depraved sexual perversions invented by mankind—including incestuous pedophilia and sexual “slavery.” Three Blocks Away: Kilmer Elementary School, 6700 N. Greenview Ave.


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P.O. Box 340743
Columbus, OH 43234

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