Guess Which Issue Was NOT Discussed in ANY of the Presidential Debates?

One Week Until Linda Harvey Keynotes AFTAH Banquet Oct. 28

Thursday, October 20th, 2016

God’s Feminine Beauty Destroyed: Transgender FtM (Female to Male) 20-year-old Alex Matheny shows off her artificially flat chest at right, after she had her healthy breasts surgically destroyed so she could appear like the man she wants to be (but never can be). See her Twitter page HERE.

As bad as the media bias against Trump has been, it is 100 times worse when it comes to decades of one-sided media and Hollywood promotion of All Things “Gay” and “Trans.”
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If just one percent of American men had the courage of Linda Harvey–and her fortitude and determination to serve God even when it gets hard…America truly would become great again.


Dear AFTAH Readers,

Like most of you, I was relieved when the horrifying evil of partial-birth abortion was discussed in last night’s final presidential debate. But guess which issue was not discussed (again)–in fact, in all three debates? The Homosexual/Transgender revolution and how it is crushing religious freedom and endangering our youth.

The Left’s fanatical LGBTQ political correctness is now so far advanced that elites are encouraging young people to destroy their bodies in pursuit of a disordered fantasy. Young “transgender” women like Alex Matheny–pictured above–are having their healthy breasts surgically destroyed to look like “men.” Not an election issue?

Are you as horrified at this as I am?! Remember: THIS is LGBTQ liberalism.

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