Alliance Defending Freedom Criticizes Trump’s Religious Liberty Executive Order

Sunday, May 7th, 2017

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) released the following statement Thursday, attributed to Senior Counsel Gregory S. Baylor, regarding a summary the White House released late Wednesday about an executive order on religious liberty issued by President Trump on the National Day of Prayer, May 4:

“During his campaign, President Trump stated that the first priority of his administration would be to preserve and protect religious liberty. In speeches, he said the Little Sisters of the Poor and other people of faith will always have their religious liberty protected on his watch and will not have to face bullying from the government because of their religious beliefs. Religious voters took him at his word, giving the president a mandate to affirm and protect Americans’ first freedom.

“The current outline of the Religious Liberty Executive Order released by White House officials recalls those campaign promises but leaves them unfulfilled.

“First, no specific relief is offered to families like the Vander Boons in Michigan, who were threatened with the effective closure of their family-run business for simply expressing a religious point of view on marriage that differed from that of the federal government.

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Trump Flushes Obama’s Transgender Bathroom School Order – HRC in a Tizzy

Monday, February 13th, 2017

Those Days Are Gone….for LGBTQ activists. Although Trump has already made some key capitulations to the LGBTQueer agenda, he has also disappointed homosexual and gender-confusion activist in major ways. Obama’s immoral LGBTQ legacy is astonishing and much of it will be hard to undo. This Newsweek cover accompanied an adoring 2012 piece on Obama by homosexual writer Andrew Sullivan.

Folks, after President Trump flubbed it bigtime by extending Obama’s LGBT executive order on federal contractors (and declaring as president-elect that SCOTUS-imposed homosexual “marriage” is settled law), he has done the right thing here by letting Obama’s intrusive “transgender” executive order die in court.

Think of it as payback for Obama refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) after “bullsh–ting” the American people on “gay marriage” in his 2008 run for president (to quote his top aide). Remember how Obama conned voters into thinking he was a pious believer in marriage as one man, one woman? (Mr. Rainbow Halo will have to answer to God for that some day, and much more.)

Now a note to AFTAH’s readers and supporters: if you haven’t figured it out yet, here is our approach toward President Trump and the LGBTQueer agenda: “Don’t really trust, and verify.” When he does right, like in NOT pushing gender confusion in schools, we will praise him. When he advances the “gay/trans” agenda, through action or non-action, we will criticize him.

I say this as a Cruz guy in the primaries who voted for Trump Nov. 8, and who would do so again: it is my longstanding conviction that God doesn’t give a pass to “Republican-backed” Sin Movements. Morality and biblical Truth know no party. So all you diehard, Trump-can-do-no-wrong fans: don’t bother urging us to go easy on Trump or look the other way when he enables homo-immorality, because we simply cannot–especially after hammering pro-sin Democrats all these years.

Here’s a “Washington Watch” piece with some good background on the Obama transgender order by Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council. Following that is the reaction to AG Jeff Sessions’ action by the Human Wrongs Rights Campaign (HRC), the world’s largest and most powerful homosexual-bisexual-transgender lobby group. God bless. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


Trump Washes His Hands of Bathroom Order

February 13, 2017, FRC Washington Watch; sign up for FRC emails HERE

If you thought President Trump hit the ground running, you should see Jeff Sessions. The new attorney general was probably still unpacking his office when he got to work turning the page at the Justice Department after eight years of scandal. First up? The Obama bathroom mandate for public schools.

Less than 48 hours after his confirmation, Sessions’s DOJ made it clear the agency was under new management by refusing to defend the controversial order to let students of both sexes use any locker room, shower, or restroom they want. Since last May when President Obama shocked the country with his decree, the issue has been working its way through the courts — thanks to a huge pushback from states like Texas. By summer’s end, a federal judge agreed with parents: the Obama administration had overstepped its boundaries. In a huge win for the Constitution and common sense, Reed O’Connor blocked the rule from taking effect, at least temporarily. Frustrated, the Obama attorneys asked the court to lift its ban in every state except the 13 who sued the government over it. O’Connor refused, insisting:

“It is clear from Supreme Court and Fifth Circuit precedent that this Court has the power to issue a nationwide injunction where appropriate. Both Title IX and Title VII rely on the consistent, uniform application of national standards in education and workplace policy. A nationwide injunction is necessary because the alleged violation extends nationwide,” he wrote. “Should the Court only limit the injunction to the plaintiff states who are a party to this cause of action, the Court risks a ‘substantial likelihood that a geographically-limited injunction would be ineffective.”

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VP Mike Pence Cheers Trump on LGBT Rights – Ivanka Trump, Husband Jared Kushner Helped Sink Religious Liberty Executive Order

Friday, February 10th, 2017

Pence praises Trump’s lack of ‘prejudice,’ implying opposing to homosexuality-based laws is bigoted


Pro-Homosexual “Marriage”: President Trump’s daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner. Although both purport to embrace Orthodox Judaism, they are strong supporters of the homosexual activist agenda–which is anathema to that religion. In 2011, they co-hosted a “Freedom to Marry” fundraiser. FTM was a leading LGBT organization fighting for legal homosexual “marriage.” Photo:; White House Correspondents dinner.

Folks, the following is reprinted from an article I wrote for LifeSiteNews, a leading pro-family and pro-life news site [subscribe to LSN newsletter]. The next few weeks could determine the course of this administration, which is now attempting to reconcile its commitment to both religious freedom and homosexual “rights”–a task that many longtime critical observers of the homosexual agenda believe is impossible. See both LifeSite videos on Trump’s prior pledges on marriage and religious freedom at bottom. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera


Ivanka Trump, husband reportedly stopped religious freedom order; Pence affirms pro-LGBT rights move

Peter LaBarbera, Feb. 9, 2017

(LifeSiteNews) — Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, are being credited in the media for sinking a potential Trump executive order designed to protect the freedom of conscience for people of faith.

The power couple, though identifying as Orthodox Jewish, have a history of supporting homosexual activism, including co-hosting a fundraiser for a leading pro-homosexual “marriage” group in 2011.

Meanwhile, in an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Vice President Mike Pence defended his boss’ extension of a pro-LGBT executive order issued by President Obama in 2014.

After ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked Pence to react to influential Iowa pro-family leader Bob Vander Plaats, who said, “Our base is wondering why Obama’s [pro-LGBT] executive order is allowed to stand,” Pence answered:

“I think throughout the campaign, President Trump made it clear that discrimination would have no place in our administration. I mean, he was the very first Republican nominee to mention the LGBTQ community at our Republican National Convention and was applauded for it. And I was there applauding with him.

“I think the generosity of his spirit, recognizing that in the patriot’s heart, there’s no room for prejudice is part of who this president is.”


Pence vs. Pence: Vice President Mike Pence has been put in an awful position, as a longtime opponent of homosexuality-based “rights” who now is Number Two man to a president who champions “LGBTQ rights.”

The D.C. homosexual newspaper Washington Blade reported: “The words in favor of LGBT rights are striking for Pence, who has a long anti-LGBT history that includes signing into law as Indiana governor a ‘religious freedom’ bill that would have enabled anti-LGBT discrimination.”

Pence was noncommittal on whether a religious liberty executive order was forthcoming but said Trump is investigating ways to overturn the Johnson Amendment that limits the political speech of pastors. In the campaign, Trump pledged to overturn it.

Liberal leak

The potential pro-religious liberty Trump executive order was leaked Feb. 1 to the leftist publication The Nation, which led a flock of pro-LGBT media and blogs to publish stories critical of the order as “anti-LGBT.” Such leaks are common in Washington as a way of undermining policies opposed by the leaker.

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Trump Triangulates on Homosexuality vs. Abortion – AFTAH Condemns Decision to Keep Obama’s Pro-LGBT Executive Order

Tuesday, January 31st, 2017

AFTAH Media Release, Jan. 31, 2017

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787;
CHICAGO–Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), issued the following statement on President Donald Trump’s announcement today that he will leave in place his predecessor Barack Obama’s pro-LGBT executive order for federal workers:


“This is the first sign we have that President Trump will be triangulating on homosexuality versus abortion. As exhilarated as we were to watch the Trump administration confidently and boldly stand for the protection of the unborn at the March for Life, we are now deeply disappointed that Mr. Trump has chosen to defend false LGBTQ ‘rights’ based on changeable homosexual and gender-confused behaviors.

“We understand that in many ways, Trump’s non-action in accepting Obama’s 2014 pro-LGBTQ executive order echoes the compromised culture. It might even be a politically savvy move to defend ‘gay’ and ‘transgender’ ‘rights’ while simultaneously being pro-life. However, it also lacks principle, as genuine rights—which come from God—can never be based on sinful, changeable and unnatural conduct proscribed in the Bible. Furthermore, homosexuality, like abortion, is inherently anti-life.

“We further understand that President Trump comes out of a New York City background in which he advocated for homosexual ‘rights.’ But to now use his bully pulpit to proclaim ‘rights’ and favored treatment based on a sexual sin and gender rebellion is wrong. (See Romans 1—which Obama pooh-poohed.) No matter how powerful the new president is, he, like Obama, is utterly powerless to change God’s eternal moral law.

“We call on all pro-family and pro-life groups to stay principled in their advocacy, and not to look the other way when Donald Trump stumbles on truth. We condemned Obama when he advanced a sin-based agenda in the name of ‘Equality.’ We must do no less with President Trump.”

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Obama Fibbed About ‘Growing Chorus’ of Support for Radical Transgender Bathroom Policy – White House Responds to Public Advocate FOIA

Saturday, October 15th, 2016
Homosexual Halo, Sinful Agenda: Newsweek magazine declares Obama "the first gay president"--as they champion his far-left commitment to "transforming" America in a pro-homosexual and pro-"transgender" direction.

Homosexual Halo, Sinful Agenda: Newsweek magazine in 2012 declared Obama “the first gay president”–as their openly homosexual writer, Andrew Sullivan, championed Obama’s far-left commitment to “transforming” America in a pro-homosexual and pro-“transgender” direction. Click to enlarge.

Dear AFTAH Readers,

What a shock: President Obama–the same man who fibbed to U.S. voters in 2008 about his pious opposition to homosexual “marriage”–was truth-challenged again about what led up to his disastrous “transgender,” men-and-boys-in-female-restrooms Executive Order.

Always remember this: the self-righteous Left employs an “End Justifies the Means” approach because, in their foolish pride, they define their entire agenda–no matter how depraved or extreme its policies–as morally superior to their reactionary, “hateful” opponents. (Think partial-birth infanticide abortion and taxpayer-funded transsexual healthy-body-mutilations “sex-reassignment surgeries.”)

So a few lies here and a few lies there are no big deal if that’s what it takes to “transform” America in the direction of “equality” (GaySpeak for radical egalitarianism falsely equating natural heterosexuality and marriage with deviant-sex/confused-gender immorality)…Can I get a smug leftist amen?

Kudos to Eugene Delgaudio and Public Advocate for digging this nugget of truth out. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Related AFTAH articles:


The following is a news release by veteran pro-family advocate Eugene Delgaudio of Public Advocate: 

Friday Data Dump — White House Responds to FOIA Request by Public Advocate

Contact: Eugene Delgaudio, Public Advocate, 703-845-1808,; twitter: @eugenedelgaudio@publicfreedom

FALLS CHURCH, Va., Oct. 14, 2016 /Christian Newswire/ — The White House authorized the release of 424 pages of documents containing very little evidence to support President Obama’s assertion that a “growing chorus” had complained about transgender bathroom and shower policies, proving his public statements made earlier this month on transgender policies a fraud.H

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Dr. Michael Brown: Obama’s LGBT Executive Order Means that ‘Sexual Rights Trump Religious Rights’

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

President Obama signing two Executive Orders advancing homosexual and transgender “rights.” One adds “gender identity” to the existing federal nondiscrimination policy (joining “sexual orientation”). The other–addressed by Dr. Michael Brown below–compels federal contractors to abide by federal pro-LGBT nondiscrimination mandates. Obama declined to include a strong religious exemption in the latter Order. Photo: White House; click to enlarge.

The following is excerpted from an online appeal by pro-family author and advocate, Dr. Michael Brown to President Obama, in response to Obama signing an Executive Order designed to advance “gay rights”–and which is bereft of a strong religious exemptions as requested by a coalition of religious leaders. Dr. Brown–whose book A Queer Thing Happened to America is essential reading for those hoping to understand the far-reaching LGBT agenda–will be the keynote speaker at AFTAH’s banquet October 25th at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois. This article first appeared in Charisma magazine.


President Obama, You Have Crossed a Dangerous, Unprecedented Line

9:00AM EDT, 7/22/2014 Michael Brown, Charisma, In the Line of Fire

President Barack Obama on Monday signed an executive order banning “discrimination” by federal contractors against LGBT people, allowing for no religious exemptions of any kind.

Dear Mr. President,

I write to you today as a concerned citizen of our great nation, standing as a witness against your historic actions on the morning of July 21, 2014, actions which I hope you will one day repudiate with deep remorse and regret.

I am referring, of course, to your signing an executive order Monday banning “discrimination” by federal contractors against LGBT people, allowing for no religious exemptions of any kind.

This was an outrageous act of discrimination against religion in the name of anti-discrimination—an act of bullying people of faith in the name of the prevention of bullying.

How can you, as a man who professes to be a person of faith and a follower of Jesus, throw religious Americans—in particular Christians—under the bus?

How can you attempt to force Christians, Jews, Muslims and others to violate fundamental aspects of their moral codes in order to appease a small but powerful special interest group, one that is not, in fact, suffering daily economic hardship by being fired from their jobs because of their sexual orientation or expression?

Have you forgotten entirely that our nation was founded on the concept of religious freedom?

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