Vice-President Biden Officiates at Homosexual ‘Wedding’ – HuffPo and Liberals Celebrate

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Biden once wanted to be a priest; now he mocks his Catholic religion and the Creator of the universe — in the name of “love”

The Obama-Biden administration has been an eight-year commercial for aberrant sexuality and gender confusion–otherwise known as the LGBTQ movement–in defiance of God and wholesome, biblical morality. On August 1, Vice-President Biden “officiated” at a homosexual “marriage” ceremony between two White House staffers, Brian Mosteller and Joe Mahshie, and social liberals everywhere celebrated. More commentary after the jump.


Catholic in Name Only – Joe Biden officiates at a homosexual “wedding” of two White House staffers, Biden is Catholic and once considered becoming a priest.

Biden performed the counterfeit “marriage” ceremony at August 1 “inside the vice president’s residence, located at the U.S. Naval Observatory,” as LifeSiteNews reported. Biden’s wife Jill is also a big supporter of “gay rights” (she is a strong supporter of the homosexual activists group GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network). The Second Lady offered what has become the familiar, trite mantra for LGBT and pro-homosexual-“marriage” advocates: “Love is Love”:


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