AFTAH Poem: I Saw the Kiss by Michael Sam. It Made Me Mad. He Kissed a Man!

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014
Michael_Sam_Indecent_Kiss-BLOCKED (3)

Not at All Like Normal Kisses: NFL draftee Michael Sam (left) kisses “boyfriend,” Vito Cammisano, on national TV after learning that he had been drafted by the St. Louis Rams. Ultimately, Sam got cut from the team, but he was lionized by LGBT activists and the media alike. AFTAH blocks homosexual kisses because they are indecent and glamorize immorality, which is especially harmful to children.

Folks, 2014 was another year of intense promotion by the media of all things “gay” and “transgender.” One beneficiary of that was an articulate college football player named Michael Sam, who became the first openly homosexual (“out”) man to be drafted by the NFL. When that moment came, Sam kissed his homosexual lover, Vito Cammisano, on national TV, sparking an awkward national debate about homosexual displays of affection.

Many–dare I say most–people did not care for the televised same-sex kiss, but few pundits took the principled, common-sense position of AFTAH: of course we treat homosexual PDAs (public displays of affection) differently than, say, a football player kissing his girlfriend on the field because (say it with me): HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR, A SIN, IS ALWAYS WRONG, whereas heterosexuality is natural and normal.

Too many conservatives, including Bill O’Reilly and other talkers on Fox News [see my America’s Survival report on Fox News’ pro-“gay” bias HERE] allowed themselves to be hamstrung by political correctness to the point where they failed to admit the obvious: homosexuality is not normal; it’s a perversion–so we treat it differently than everyday (not excessive) displays of affection between a man and a woman. That’s especially the case when it comes to subjecting innocent children to the celebration of immorality that grieves God’s heart [See Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11]. [Note: see this biased AP piece on Sam curiously re-published by the “conservative”]

Since it’s New Year’s Eve, we’re having a little fun here at AFTAH: below is a poem I wrote playing loosely off the lyrics, rhythm and meter of Dr. Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham” (you know, the one with “Sam I am”). Although it’s light, the message is serious: public celebration of perversion is indecent–and another harmful and obnoxious by-product of “gay” and “same-sex marriage” advocacy. Sure, I’ll be chided by humorless homosexuals and “progressive” hacks who bristle at anything characterizing homosexuality as immoral, destructive and changeable. But who cares: LGBTQ activists attack, slander and lie about AFTAH all the time anyway. So enjoy…or not. Happy New Year! — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth;

P.S. On a very serious note, please pray for Michael Sam and others caught up in homosexuality, that they would accept Christ and become overcomers who leave their sinful lifestyle behind, as many others have [see this “Ex-Gay Truth” site].


I Saw the Kiss by Michael Sam. It Made Me Mad. He Kissed a Man!

By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

I saw the kiss by Michael Sam..
It made me mad–he kissed a man!

That’s something I don’t want to see
It’s wrong, unnatural, and it’s not just me.

Many now say, “Homosexuality is OK.”
But God says there’s a better way.

He made men for women, and women for men.
So why are “gays” so prideful then?

Please, no public same-sex kisses, Michael Sam.
We don’t want to see this man-on-man!

Not in a boat, not in a car
This public perversion goes too far!

Not in the store or on a bus
This same-sex stuff, it brings disgust.

Not at the movies or on TV
It’s wrong, unnatural, can’t you see?!

I don’t want my kids to think it’s right
So please, please, keep it out of sight!

Why is it always in our faces?
This sin–celebrated in so many places?

Even at football and baseball games
We have to pretend homosexuality’s the same.

Young kids exposed to same-sex acts,
When parents just wanna’ have fun and relax.

“Well,” said Michael Sam, “let me ask you this:
“Do you get mad when men and women kiss?!”

Man and woman, that’s Nature’s way.
As long as there’s not too much PDA.

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AFTAH Open Letter to Michael Sam

Wednesday, July 9th, 2014
AFTAH blocks homosexual kisses because they are indecent. Men were never intended by God to be sexual with other men, nor women with women.

NOT A GOOD ROLE MODEL: AFTAH blocks homosexual kisses because they are indecent. God never intended men to be sexual with other men, nor women with women. This fundamental reality is confirmed by Nature, which clearly discriminates against homosexual conduct (intercourse between two people of the same sex cannot produce life). Michael Sam is doing a great disservice to young people by promoting the idea that immoral and destructive  homosexual behavior is natural and acceptable. Pray for Michael Sam that he will one day join the many men and women who have left homosexuality behind.

The following open letter to Michael Sam–who has gained fame as the first openly homosexual NFL draftee–is adapted from a printed version written and distributed by AFTAH Board Member John McCartney, who has devoted many years to the critical study of homosexuality. I recommend reading this CDC report on HIV and Black MSM (men who have sex with men)–though it is tinged with politically-correct bias–for more background on this aspect of HIV crisis linked to homosexual behavior.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


An Open Letter to Michael Sam

Michael, do we have to tell you that, especially with your current publicity, you are a role model  because of your athletic prowess, but since “coming out” you are also modeling a lifestyle that the cost for those living it, has been unpublicized but appalling—as it has for society. The troubling fact is minorities are suffering most and in growing numbers. The evidence:

  • Black youth–your fans among them–ages 13-24 are twice as likely to get HIV/AIDS than those of other ethnic groups.
  • 94-95 percent of all HIV cases in 2011 among boys and young men ages 13-24 were linked to homosexual sex, the CDC reports.
  • Youth 13-24 incur 26 percent of new HIV/AIDS infections each year.
  • An estimated 60 percent of 13-24 year-olds are unaware that they’re infected with HIV; such ignorance can be a death sentence.
  • Black men having sex with men (MSM) accounted in 2010 for 39 percent of all HIV/AIDS diagnoses.

Secondary to the toll in pain and death among MSM is the drain on U.S. medical and financial resources; for example, anti-viral drugs, which can prolong MSM life about 20 years, cost over $24,000 per year. They do prolong life but must be taken scrupulously or the MSM becomes infectious. To treat an HIV/AIDS victim costs from $400,000 to $600,000 from infection to death. In total, the HIV/AIDS epidemic costs the country about $5 billion per year, says CDC Director Dr. Tom Freiden.

Believe it or not, no one is born “gay”; molestation, emotional  deprivation, parental or peer rejection, or other traumatic factors can foster same-sex attraction–but many men and women have managed it, diminished it, or eliminated it altogether. [See these heartwarming ex-“gay” testimonies.] Many accomplished this through Reparative Therapy and counseling, despite the relentless, unwarranted condemnation of and campaign against both by self-serving “gay” activists.

What we hope for from you, Michael, is that you don’t make your feelings, well-publicized as they have been, your claim to fame. Your achievements on the football field will earn you a legacy you can be proud of; your “coming out” as one celebrating homosexuality as normative can earn you only regret, as well as notoriety among millions of us.

Peter LaBarbera

President, Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH)

John  J. McCartney, Jr.

AFTAH Board Member

Chicago, Illinois

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