HostGator Shutdown of ‘AFTAH Censored’ Site Continues – Also Closes Down MassResistance Site after Adam Flanders Complaint

Saturday, September 22nd, 2018

Censored, Indeed: Visitors to AFTAH’s temporary “Censored” site,, will get this “503 Service Temporarily Unavailable” notice. The site was shut down by HostGator following a spurious abuse complaint threat by homosexual activist and convicted sex offender Adam Flanders.

The web hosting company HostGator continues to block the website of, which was created after the gay-activist-inspired takedown of the main AFTAH site August 24.

The temporary AFTAH “Censored” site was taken offline by HostGator following an “abuse” complaint by Adam Flanders, homosexual activist and convicted sex offender (“Sexual Abuse of a Minor”), whose email activism led to the shutdown of the main Americans For Truth site. Flanders is listed on the sex offender registry list in Maine and California. For more information on Flanders, go HERE.

HostGator Caves Again: The above graphic is what a web click for yielded last week after HostGator took down the organization’s  website. HostGator was merely capitulating again to a deceitful “abuse” complaint by convicted sex offender Adam Flanders. MR quickly was reinstated through another web host company; go HERE. Flanders has been waging e-war against MassResistance for years.

Meanwhile, last week another Flanders complaint led HostGator to take down the website of MassResistance, a leading pro-family organization fighting LGBTQ activism. Over the years, Flanders has lost repeated battles with MR regarding content pertaining to him on their site that he wanted removed.

The MR site is now being hosted by Jared Heath’s company, Altha Technology. Heath hosts the main Americans For Truth site that was taken down for more than two weeks after Flanders targeted AFTAH for three separate posts that published his mugshot photo from an assault charge in Maine. He claimed the mugshot photo below was “copyrighted.”

After Flanders appealed to ISP (Internet Service Provider) FirstLight Fiber, with which Heath and Altha Tech. had a contract, the corporation suddenly closed down AFTAH’s entire website.

Flanders is attempting to raise funds for a legal fund “because of the anti-lgbt hate groups targeting me.” Yet he has not responded to a request from Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera to publicly and privately apologize to Christian singer and songwriter Paulie Heath, who he cruelly mocked in a wicked graphic distorting her face (see below). See also the LifeSiteNews article on Flanders’ harassment campaign against AFTAH.

E-Bully? Adam Flanders has been waging an e-war of fraudulent web “abuse” complaints against AFTAH and other pro-family groups. He absurdly claims that the above mugshot from a 2006 assault arrest in Maine is his own “copyrighted” property.


No Apologies for Hate: Adam Flanders has not responded to AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s call to publicly and privately apologize to Christian singer Paulie Heath (left), whose visage he viciously distorted in 2005 by creating the evil graphic at right. The same Flanders now tweets against “bullying” and “hate.”

VIDEO: AFTAH’s LaBarbera Speaks on HRC’s LGBTQ Pressure Campaign Against Corporations

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

On April 1, I spoke at a Texas Mass Resistance conference in Austin that was put on by my good friend Brian Camenker, founder of national Mass Resistance, and Texas MR leader Robert Oscar Lopez–both brilliant pro-family strategists. Here is my presentation, dealing with the Human Wrongs Rights Campaign’s (HRC)’s ongoing pressure campaign to get major corporations to promote the radical LGBTQ agenda. Most Americans haven’t a clue about how successful HRC’s pro-perversion “CEI” (Corporate Equality Index) campaign has been. It even has an explicit anti-family component that punishes a corporation with negative points if it supports, say, a pro-national-marriage ministry. You can watch the other speeches at this excellent event on the main MR site. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

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