Legal Gay ‘Marriage’ Was Built on a Lie: Ex-‘Gays,’ Pro-Family Leaders to Rally Against Obergefell and Fake (Same-Sex) ‘Marriage’ June 26 at Supreme Court

Thursday, June 13th, 2019

SCOTUS “Gay Marriage” Ruling Was Built on a Lie: Former homosexual and Christian advocate David Arthur gives his stunning testimony of coming out of homosexuality at last year’s “Repeal Obergefell / Reclaim Marriage” rally at the Supreme Court. The 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision authored by now-retired Justice Anthony Kennedy states erroneously that homosexuality (“sexual orientation”) is immutable–yet many men and women have left this immoral lifestyle behind. Arthur and several others who came out of homosexuality and gender confusion (transgenderism) will speak at this year’s “Repeal Obergefell” rally, Wednesday, June 26 at 10:30 AM, directly in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.


They Have the Media.

They Have the Power.

They Have the Money.

But We Have the Truth.

What: Media Event and Rally Against Obergefell and Fake Gay ‘Marriage’ & to Stop Freedom-Crushing LGBTQ “Equality Act”

When: Wednesday, June 26, 2019, 10:30 AM – the 4th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s unconstitutional, immoral and tyrannical Obergefell v Hodges ruling imposing same-sex “marriage” on America.

Where: Directly in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1 First Street NE, Washington, D.C.

For More Info: Contact Americans For Truth at or 312-324-3787. Or contact Brad Wallace at

Four years ago, on June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court arrogantly imposed homosexual “marriage” on the nation – overriding amendments and laws in more than 30 states protecting marriage as between a man and a woman. Join concerned citizens testifying to the tragedy of this evil ruling by 5 unelected Justices. Some of our speakers once considered themselves “gay” or “transgender”—and will discuss how Obergefell was based on a lie: that homosexuality, like race, is unchangeable. Come hear their powerful testimonies! 2019 is also the 50-year anniversary of the anti-cop “Stonewall Riots” in Greenwich Village, New York that launched the destructive, in-your-face “gay” revolution in the USA.

We will also be speaking out against the so-called LGBTQ “Equality Act” (HR 5)—which would enshrine immoral homosexual lifestyles and gender confusion (transgenderism) in America’s landmark Civil Rights Act. The “Equality Act,” if ever signed into law, would be used by leftist activists as a legal bludgeon to sue and bully Americans and people of faith for not supporting the LGBTQ agenda, including “gay marriage.” It would also codify “transgenderism” into federal civil rights law—thus enforcing the “trans-insanity” of biological men using female locker rooms and restrooms, and biological males being allowed to compete (and win) in female sports events, merely because they identity as trans “women.”

Speakers (as of 6/22):

Stephen Black, former homosexual, First Stone Ministries
Laura Perry, former “Female to Male” transgender; see Laura’s powerful testimony HERE.
Pastor Stephen Broden,; Fair Park Bible Fellowship, Christian activist
Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (; founder, Center For Morality
David Arthur, former homosexual prostitute, founder, I Belong Amen Ministries
Bruce Johnson, Metropolitan Marriage Association
William Olson, constitutional law expert, Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund;
Don Blake, Virginia Christian Alliance
Doug Mainwairing, ex-“gay” advocate; writer, LifeSiteNews

Jonathan Alexander, senior counsel for governmental affairs, Liberty Counsel
Greg Quinlan, former “gay” activist; Garden State Families
Diane Gramley, American Family Association of Pennsylvania
Grace Harley, former female-to-male “transgender”
Dr. Scott Lively, author, Christian pastor and activist;

Guyla Mills, Christian advocate; led fight for Nebraska DOMA (Defense of Marriage Amendment); 
Eric Holmberg, Christian filmmaker, The Apologetics Group
Mike Heath, Helping Hands Ministries
Shannon Martinez, former prostitute saved by Jesus Christ; human trafficking survivor, founder, Shame Eaters,
Rich Penkowski, Warriors For Christ
Pastor Dale Walker, Tennessee Pastors Network

Sponsored by Americans For Truth, Center For Morality, Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, First Stone Ministries, AFA of Pennsylvania and the Repeal Obergefell Coalition.

Ex-‘Gays,’ Pro-Family Leaders Mark Third Anniversary of Supreme Court’s Devastating Obergefell Ruling Imposing Homosexual ‘Marriage’ on All 50 States

Monday, June 25th, 2018

Freedom From Homosexuality–Ignored by SCOTUS: Former lesbian and one-time leading “gay” advocate, Charlene Cothran, will speak in front of the U.S. Supreme Court June 26, to mark the third anniversary of the radical Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which effectively imposed homosexual “marriage” on the nation. Obergefell specifically distorted the reality that homosexuals can change and leave that sinful lifestyle behind, as Charlene and countless others have. Two other ex-“gays” will speak at the AFTAH press event.

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787;

June 25, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Americans For Truth About Homosexuality ( is sponsoring a press event in front of the U.S. Supreme Court tomorrow, Tuesday, June 26, 2018 to mark the third anniversary of the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling that radically redefined natural “marriage” to accommodate homosexuality and effectively imposed it on all 50 states.


Who: Pro-family leaders defending natural marriage (one-man, one-woman) against the 2015 Supreme Court-imposed fiction imposing homosexual “marriage” on the nation.

When: Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 11:00 AM – the third anniversary of the Obergefell v. Hodges decision.

Where: In front of the U.S. Supreme Court, Washington, D.C.

“The Obergefell judicial travesty is right up there with Roe v. Wade and Dred Scott as among the most unconstitutional and misguided Supreme Court decisions in American history. It tramples over marriage-protection amendments–passed overwhelmingly by voters in dozens of states–while attaching the noble and godly institution of marriage in U.S. law to homosexuality, a sexual perversion that is clearly proscribed in Scripture,” said Americans For Truth president Peter LaBarbera.

“Obergefell put a gas pedal to America’s already-accelerating moral decline and the LGBT-leftist war against religious freedom. It also makes it easier for schools to indoctrinate children in sex-and-gender confusion in the name of ‘equality.’ Americans who care about truth, virtue and liberty must never accept this Court-imposed lie. We must work and pray for its reversal. People of faith simply must never give in to the false version of reality and nature that Obergefell attempts to normalize,” LaBarbera said.

Participants include:

Vice President Mike Pence’s Speech at the March For Life – Transcript

Monday, January 30th, 2017

“Life is winning,” says Pence. first VP to address annual March for Life in person

Vice President Mike Pence.

Vice President Mike Pence. Will the new administration reverse Obama’s immoral legacy on abortion and homosexualism? See AFTAH’s release on Trump and the evil SCOTUS Obergefell ruling HERE.

Wow, confident pro-life advocacy from the White House. What a welcome contrast to eight years of social leftism under Obama. We know that opposition to abortion does not automatically translate into resistance to the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda. But, pro-family folks, here is our mission field: the millions of Americans who stand up boldly for the unborn.

There is no true justice in defending life but not defending natural marriage, or not defending children against the push to indoctrinate them in aberrant sex and gender “identies” and “lifestyles.” We must not honor God by rallying to support innocent life but then dishonor Him by acquiescing to deviant reconfigurations of marriage and family. (Why again is Walmart selling Heather Has Two Mommies?) Rather, we must be all about the whole Truth. Remember that homosexualism, too, is anti-life.

As Vice President Pence stated, 44 years ago the Supreme Court turned away from the “timeless ideal” of the inalienable right to life. But just two years ago, the Court in its arrogance–helped by Obama’s treachery–turned away from God’s wonderful plan for marriage as uniting the sexes to create children and families. Pray and work for this new administration to roll back the previous White House’s evil abortion AND homosexualist agendas! –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

The White House
Office of the Vice President
For Immediate Release

March for Life Remarks of Vice President Pence – As Prepared for Delivery




As Prepared for Delivery –

On behalf of President Donald Trump, my wife Karen, and our daughter Charlotte, I’d like to welcome you all to Washington, D.C. for the 44th annual March for Life.

And I am deeply humbled to be the first Vice President of the United States to ever have the privilege to attend this historic gathering.

More than two-hundred and forty years ago, our Founders wrote words that have echoed through the ages.

They declared “these truths to be self-evident.” That we are, all of us, “endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights,” and “that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Forty-four years ago, our Supreme Court turned away from the first of these timeless ideals.

But today, three generations hence, because of all of you, and the many more who stand with us in marches just like this across this nation, life is winning in America again.

That is evident in the election of pro-life majorities in the Congress of the United States.

But it is no more evident than in the historic election of a president who stands for a stronger America, a more prosperous America, and a president who I proudly say stands for the right to life – President Donald Trump.

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AFTAH to Trump: ‘Gay Marriage’ NOT ‘Settled’ Law – Urges President-elect to Honor His Pledge to GOP Voters to Defend Traditional Marriage – Work to Reverse SCOTUS Obergefell Ruling

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

LaBarbera: “It would be a YUUGE mistake for Trump to break his pledge to pro-marriage Republican voters who put him in the White House”

Donald Trump has a long history of pro-homosexual advocacy.

LGBTrump? Donald Trump has a long history of pro-homosexual advocacy. He now says–as he did in 2015–that the homosexual “marriage” is “settled” due to the Supreme Court Obergefell ruling –which was eviscerated in a dissent by Trump’s ideal SCOTUS Justice, the late Antonin Scalia. Above is Trump’s 2000 interview with the “gay” magazine The Advocate, in which he suggested adding homosexuality to the federal Civil Rights Act. Read about it HERE. Click on graphic to enlarge.

AFTAH Press Release, November 15, 2016;

CONTACT: Peter LaBarbera or Brad Wallace: 312-324-3787

CHICAGO – AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera called on President-elect Donald Trump to revise his estimation that the Supreme Court has “settled” the issue of homosexual “marriage”–and instead honor his pledge to America’s voters to defend natural marriage against the “shocking” 2015 Obergefell ruling.

[Americans For Truth About Homosexuality ( is dedicated to exposing and opposing the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) agenda. Sign up for AFTAH updates.]

In an interview with CBS “60 Minutes” Sunday, Trump asserted that the Supreme Court’s 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges ruling imposing homosexual “marriage” on all 50 states was “settled” law, and that “gay marriage’ as a political issue is “done … And I’m fine with that.”

That directly contradicts what then-candidate Trump told GOP primary voters in South Carolina last February: that he opposed the “shocking” Obergefell decision and that evangelical voters can trust him to protect real, man-woman marriage. Trump said he favors letting the states decide marriage laws for themselves.

Just prior to the Iowa caucuses, where he was appealing to evangelical voters, Trump said he would like to see Obergefell overturned: “If I’m elected I would be very strong in putting certain judges on the bench that maybe could change things, but they have a long way to go.”

The late Antonin Scalia—whom Trump holds up as the type of Supreme Court Justice he would appoint–ripped into Obergefell in a powerful dissent—saying it was a “naked judicial claim to legislative–indeed, super-legislative–power; a claim fundamentally at odds with our system of government.

“[T]o allow the policy question of same-sex marriage to be considered and resolved by a select, patrician, highly unrepresentative panel of nine is to violate a principle even more fundamental than no taxation without representation: no social transformation without representation,” Scalia wrote.

AFTAH’s LaBarbera described what is at stake with Trump and marriage: “Many millions of evangelical, Catholic and moral-minded voters trusted Mr. Trump with their votes because they did not see him as just another slippery politician. Now it is up to President-elect Trump to show that he is worthy of that trust by clarifying his defeatist statement on Obergefell.

“America cannot become great again by defying God, and homosexuality-based ‘marriage’ is about as godless as it gets,” LaBarbera said. “Trump needs to do all he can to reverse the Supreme Court’s unconstitutional Obergefell ruling—just as he pledges to overturn Roe v. Wade and abortion-on-demand.

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