Schools Are LGBTQ Propaganda Zones: Here is part of a supposed history lesson by the homosexual activist group GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network). It is false and misleading: homosexual “marriages” were not common nor legal in Roman society, and same-sex unions were often ridiculed, according to (pro-“gay marriage”) classicist Michael Fontaine, who writes: “This confusion brings us back to Roman law. Marriage in ancient Rome was forever aimed at producing legitimate children for the state. Other sexual relationships were surely common, but a gay partnership was not one of those the state dignified with legal recognition.” Source of graphic: GLSEN online report, “LGBTQ History.” Click to enlarge.
Folks, this is from pro-family education advocate Donna Garner, a Texas-based conservative hero. She writes about a new Republican National Committee (RNC) resolution supporting parental rights in sexuality education (sex-ed). Of course, as with all political party resolutions, they’re not worth too much if the politicians ignore them (as GOP pols are wont to do, for example, their failure to steadfastly resist the advances of Big LGBTQ). Congrats to RNC Committeewoman Cynthia Dunbar and all those who helped to push this common-sense resolution through. —Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Donna Garner writes:
Landmark Resolution to Protect Children from Unsuitable Content — Passed by Republican National Committee
July 22, 2018 by Donna Garner Education Policy Commentator
From Cynthia Dunbar, Republican National Committeewoman
A landmark Resolution supporting parental rights was unanimously adopted this week by the Republican National Committee. Cynthia Dunbar, National Committeewoman for Virginia and sponsor of the Resolution stated, “I’m thrilled we were able to get this Resolution adopted. This should not be a partisan issue. Parents everywhere deserve the right to know what their children are being taught and have an opportunity to consent to it. Passage of this Resolution is a huge victory and will hopefully serve as the impetus for state legislation across the nation.”
WHEREAS, parents are a child’s first and foremost educators, and have primary responsibility for the education of their children. Parents have a right to direct their children’s education, care, and upbringing; (1)
WHEREAS, education is much more than schooling. Education is the whole range of activities by which families and communities transmit to a younger generation, not just knowledge and skills, but ethical and behavioral norms and traditions. It is the handing over of a cultural identity; (2)
WHEREAS, American education has, for the last several decades, been the focus of constant controversy, as centralizing forces from outside the family and community have sought to remake education in order to remake America. This has done immense damage; (3)
WHEREAS, school administrators routinely ask parents for their prior written permission for students to participate in various school-related instruction and activities, including, but not limited to: field trips, sports, and distribution of medicine;
WHEREAS, parents and their students should be afforded the same respect with regard to the increasingly sensitive and controversial nature of human sexuality instruction;
WHEREAS, much of the content in human sexuality instruction centers on contentious and sensitive issues, including but not limited to: abortion, birth control, sexual activity, sexual orientation, transgenderism, and/or gender identity;
WHEREAS, the content often includes a personal analysis or survey that reflects or influences the student’s opinions on sensitive topics such as religious beliefs and practices, sexual orientation, and/or sexual activity;
WHEREAS, most states grant an obscenity exemption that allows content that would otherwise be deemed harmful to minors to be disseminated for educational purposes, creating the potential for inappropriate content to be included within human sexuality instruction;
WHEREAS, such information, content, or ideology is most appropriately placed within the discretion of the parents or guardians;
WHEREAS, the current opt-out paradigm assumes parental consent to student participation, allowing schools to automatically enroll students in potentially explicit, sensitive, and/or controversial human sexuality instruction without prior written permission;
WHEREAS, human sexuality instruction frequently places the wishes and concerns of the parents and/or guardians at odds with those of the school district; and
WHEREAS, the wishes and concerns of the parents and/or guardians are preeminent to those of the School District and should be acknowledged by simply affording parents and/or guardians the right to grant permission for such instruction; therefore
RESOLVED, that public schools must disclose the content contained within human sexuality instruction to the parents and/or guardians of all unemancipated students and shall only enroll those students whose parents and/or guardians provide prior written permission to opt their student into human sexuality instruction;
RESOLVED, that the default shall be that no human sexuality instruction shall be provided to any student not yet emancipated without prior written consent from their parent and/or guardian, making an opt-out default an insufficient protection for either the safety of the student or the rights of the parent;
RESOLVED, that all state legislatures are encouraged to enact legislation that implements these notices and safeguards to protect students from exposure to potentially inappropriate and salacious content and to acknowledge the right of the parents and/or guardians to direct their children’s education, care, and upbringing, including their right to protect them from exposure to content they find unsuitable.
1 Platform of the Republican Party, Issued by the Republican National Committee, page 33 (2016, Cleveland, Ohio).
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
Adopted by the Republican National Committee, July 20, 2018