Trump’s UN Ambassador Nominee Heather Nauert Celebrated GLAAD Homosexual Activist ‘Spirit Day,” Gay Newspaper Reports

Tuesday, January 1st, 2019

Heather Nauert, President Trump’s nominee for U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.

Folks, the following is an excerpt from a 2017 story in the Washington Blade, a newspaper for homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders in the nation’s capital, regarding then-State Department spokesman and current Trump nominee for U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Heather Nauert.

Pro-LGBTQ activism and advocacy was a fixture of the Obama years, and social conservatives hoped it would stop under President Trump. Yet it persists, usually through official recognition of special LGBTQ activist “days” like this. Surely there are deep divisions within Trump’s foreign policy team, which by definition includes many Obama holdovers, on whether and how strongly the United States should engage in pro-homosexual/-bisexual/-transgender advocacy of this sort.

When I first heard of Nauert’s nomination, all I could think of was how bizarre it is that Nauert, just years from being a Fox News persona, would likely hold the same position as the esteemed Jeane Kirkpatrick, Reagan’s steely UN ambassador, who played a pivotal role in facing down Soviet aggression and ultimately the fall of Soviet communism. Try as I might, I cannot imagine Kirkpatrick donning purple and hawking a pro-homosexual “Spirit Day.” Let’s just leave it at that. (The event is organized by the anti-Christian LGBTQ leftist group GLAAD.)

If Nauert becomes one of the world’s most prominent international “gay/trans rights” advocates, it would be a significant betrayal of Trump’s electoral mandate and a great victory for the powerful leftist social forces pushing American-style immorality on the world. — Peter LaBarbera,; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


From the  Washington Blade (Oct. 19, 2017:

State Department Spokesman Acknowledges Spirit Day

State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert on [Oct. 19, 2017] acknowledged a campaign that seeks to combat bullying.

Nauert at the beginning of a press briefing told reporters that “today, along with many of my colleagues here at the State Department, including members of the LGBTI community, in association with GLIFAA (a group that represents LGBT and intersex Foreign Service members), we are — many of us are wearing purple today to celebrate Spirit Day.”

“On Spirit Day, we speak out against bullying of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and intersex persons and stand with LGBTI youth who disproportionally face bullying and harassment because of their identities,” she said.

Nauert — who was wearing purple — said LGBT and intersex people around the world “face increasing physical attacks, arbitrary arrests just because of who they are or who they love.”

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