Indiana Gov. Pence Should Start Talking About PRO-Homosexual ‘Discrimination’ and Liberal Bigotry Against Christians

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

LGBT Activist Mocks the Lord: above is a Tweet sent out just before Christmas by influential Indiana “gay” activist Bil Browning. Secular leftists mock Christians and the Christian faith by referring to Jesus Christ as “Jeebus.” AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera responded on Twitter to Browning’s bigotry. See full Twitter exchange HERE.

“If government can compel a Christian or Orthodox Jewish businessman to participate in a ceremony that attaches sinful homosexuality to “marriage,” then the State can compel ANY American citizen or institution to violate ANY of their cherished beliefs. That is the essence of tyranny.”

By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

Contact: 312-324-3787;

In the wake of a pro-LGBT, media-driven campaign against Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), Gov. Mike Pence and leaders of the Indiana legislature are backtracking to appease the liberal political mob that has cynically recast the law as the “License to Discriminate.”

Good people everywhere are now intimidated from speaking plain truths about the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda. Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is not. The distortions and media hype attacking Indiana’s religious freedom law are obfuscating some key fundamentals in this debate. It is not the purpose here to dig into the “legaleze” about the law (for that, see this piece) but rather to expose the core hypocrisy of pro-LGBT progressives on “discrimination.”

Homosexual activists and their sycophants in the media (e.g., CNN’s homosexual anchor/activist Don Lemon) are cunningly building upon their distortions of the RFRA to demand a pro-homosexual special-rights law in the Hoosier State.

It would be the cruelest of ironies if the media-driven backlash against Indiana’s religious freedom law were used to push through a statewide “gay rights” law in Indiana. Such pro-homosexual laws and corporate policies have been the engine driving PRO-LGBT DISCRIMINATION against people of faith for decades—all in the sweet-sounding name of “equality.” For example, the “gay” movement’s bullying of the Boy Scouts of America began with a lawsuit that relied upon New Jersey’s pro-homosexual “sexual orientation” law.

The pro-family movement has long referred to so-called nondiscrimination laws based on “sexual orientation” and ”gender identity” as “special rights” because genuine civil rights are not based on disordered, immoral sexual behavior and gender confusion. These Orwellian laws and corporate policies actually foment discrimination in the name of “non-discrimination.” That’s liberalism for you.

Our cherished American freedoms come ultimately from God, as recognized by our national charter, the Declaration of Independence, which appeals to “Nature and Nature’s God.” Homosexual behavior–which cannot produce life–is against both. Witness the grossly disproportionate STD rates linked to “men who have sex with men.”

It is ludicrous to posit “civil rights” based on homosexuality and gender rebellion as “constitutional.” But it is downright un-American to argue—as many LGBT activists do—that in a nation founded by people fleeing religious oppression, “rights” based on sexual sin should trump Americans’ freedom to uphold biblical sexual morality and real marriage between a man and a woman.

The LGBT Lobby and the media have raised the issue of potential discrimination in Indiana. Let’s talk about discrimination.

With the rise of “gay power” in the West has come an abundance of victims of pro-homosexual Political Correctness. All over the world, Christians and moral-minded citizens have been victimized by a liberal, elitist pro-homosexual orthodoxy that increasingly brooks no dissent. The media have trivialized the zero-sum conflict between “gay rights” and freedom of conscience as being merely about wedding cake bakers–but the escalating “LGBTyranny” goes far beyond that:

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Corporate Jesus-Bashing: Why Did Southwest Airlines, Wells Fargo, Comcast/NBC Fund LGBTQ ‘Creating Change’ Attack on Christ?

Tuesday, February 17th, 2015

It’s bad enough that homosexual activists are “Playing with Redemption”; must major corporations join them by funding this evil enterprise?

Brought to You by Southwest Airlines: The book cover to the blasphemous play "Corpus Christi," in which Jesus is portrayed as a homosexual who had a sexual relationship with Judas and who performs a "gay wedding" ceremony for two of his male disciples. Twice Dallas-based Southwest Airlines has financed LGBT events promoting a documentary that celebrates the "Corpus Christi" play. Call Southwest at 214-792-4000, or contact them online HERE.

This Jesus-Bashing “Art” Brought to You by Southwest Airlines and Comcast/NBC: The book cover to the blasphemous play “Corpus Christi,” in which Jesus is portrayed as a homosexual who had a sexual relationship with Judas and who performs a “gay wedding” ceremony for two of his male disciples (see graphic below). [See AFTAH story on Southwest’s sponsorship of the radical LGBTQ “Creating Change” 2015 conference held last week in Denver HERE.] Twice the Dallas-based SWA has financed LGBT events promoting a documentary that celebrates the “Corpus Christi” play. Call Southwest at 214-792-4000, or contact them online HERE.

TAKE ACTION: Please ask for a reply in writing from Southwest Airlines and other major corporate sponsors of the radical “Creating Change” conference that celebrated a blasphemous documentary portraying “Jesus Christ” as a homosexual who conducts a “gay marriage” between two of his disciples, and has a sexual history with Judas. If you get a reply, please pass it on to AFTAH at:

Note: so far every time I have called a corporation to complain about its sponsorship of “Creating Change,” the person on the other end of the line was shocked that such funding went to such an extreme event. Act Now: Please take a few minutes out of your day to hold these corporations accountable! See previous AFTAH story on Creating Change 2015 HERE, and other related stories from past CC conferences at bottom. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

P.S. Good News!:  Chili’s dropped off as a “National Corporate Partner” of the “Gay Task Force” after AFTAH exposed their association with this evil organization — your letters and phone calls worked! Don’t lose heart!]

Scan the 148-page Creating Change 2015 Program PDF celebrating sexual perversions of all stripes and extreme gender confusion: [click here]. See AFTAH’s other articles on this uber-radical National LGBTQ Task Force event over the years at bottom.

CONTACT Southwest Airlines:  Dallas HQ (CEO Gary Kelly): 214-792-4000 (hit ‘0’ and make your opinion known to the operator before you get routed to Customer Relations). 

  • Online Southwest Contact Page: [Here]. 
  • Southwest Airlines (SWA) is a “National Corporate Partner” of the (far left) National LGBTQ Task Force. 
  • SWA proudly served as the “Official Airline” of Creating Change; 
  • Twitter: @SouthwestAir

Some other major corporate sponsors of LGBTQ Task Force and Creating Change:

Office Depot: (“National Corporate Partner” of the National LGBTQ Task Force)

  • Call Boca Raton-based Office Depot HQ (CEO Roland Smith): 561-438-4800; contact form [Here]
  • Rich Leland, Office Depot Investor Relations: 561-438-2895 [Note: Office Depot, which purchased Office Max, is in the process of being bought out by Staples]


Comcast/NBC: 1 (800) 934-6489; online contact form to senior VP Tom Kerinshak: [here]; Twitter: @Comcast


Wells Fargo (“National Corporate Partner” of the National LGBTQ Task Force):

  • Wells Fargo: 1 (800) 869-3557: [Note: San Francisco-based Wells Fargo is one of the most committed major corporations to the overall “gay” agenda]
  • Online Wells Fargo online email form: [Here]
  • Kathryn Ellis, Wells Fargo Media: 415-222-3767; 
  • Twitter: @WellsFargo
  • International Callers: [Here]


Hilton Worldwide: HQ: McLean, VA: (703)883-1000; Memphis Operation Center: (901)374-5000 [online contact page HERE]


Letter to Southwest Airlines from AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera:

Dear Southwest Airlines,

I’m writing to express my deep opposition to Southwest Airlines’ funding of and involvement with the homosexual “Creating Change” conference in Denver Feb 4-8–and your role of as a “National Partner” of the event’s sponsoring organization, the National LGBTQ Task Force.

As you can readily see from the Creating Change program [PDF HERE], this debauched event includes a screening of a documentary celebrating a play (“Corpus Christi”) that portrays Jesus Christ as a homosexual–who “marries” two of his male disciples. I have read the play and to call it blasphemous would be an understatement. Making “Jesus”–the Son of God and Savior of the world–a sexual sinner who performs a homosexuality-based “marriage” is an incredible affront to Christian believers everywhere–and decent people of other religions (or no religion) who reject hateful and twisted attacks on Christianity and the Bible.


Funding Perversion and Anti-Christian Bigotry: “National Corporate Partners” of the National LGBTQ Task Force: Comcast/NBC; Southwest Airlines; Hilton Worldwide; Office Depot; Wells Fargo; Showtime; and Grey Goose Vodka. Click on graphic to enlarge.

As a longtime Southwest customer, I am stunned that SWA continues to fund the LGBTQ Task Force despite its record of celebrating–not just anti-Christian bigotry like this film screening–but fringe perversions such as sadomasochism (“kink”) and “multiple-partner unions.” There are also many offensive panels like “Queering Education” that would shock many of your customers. Did you know that the Creating Change conference gives an award every year to its favorite sadomasochist (the “Leather Leadership Award”)? Why is SWA associating itself with such extreme activities and even financing them with major corporate grants?

Did you vet this event? Do you think most SWA customers would support the Task Force’s radical agenda (which includes sessions dedicated to undermining the historic biblical understanding that homosexual acts are sinful)? Did you know that this year’s CC event includes a film celebrating a grotesquely distorted portrayal of Jesus Christ Himself as a homosexual who has “gay” sex, gets drunk and conducts “gay marriages”?

I believe Southwest owes an apology to faithful Christians everywhere for helping to make this event happen. At the very minimum you should adopt a NEUTRAL approach toward giving on the issues of homosexuality, transgenderism and “gay marriage”–rather than fund only PRO-“gay” and PRO-“transgender” organizations and events. Thank you for considering this letter.

Peter LaBarbera,

Chicago, IL

February 9, 2015


Passage in “Corpus Christi” play in which the “Jesus” character (Joshua) conducts a homosexual “marriage” between two of his disciples:

The above passage where "Joshua"--representing "Jesus Christ"--conducts a homosexual "marriage" between two of his male disciples is found on Page 62 of the play, "Corpus Christi," by homosexual Terrence McNally. The play screened at Creating Change--which was sponsored by Southwest Airlines and other major corporations--is titled, "Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption." It celebrates the blasphemous play.

This Blasphemy Brought to You by Wells Fargo, Hilton and Office Depot: “Jesus” (Joshua) conducts a homosexual “wedding” between two of his “disciples” in the above passage from the play “Corpus Christi”–on page 62 of the play by homosexual Terrence McNally. A documentary celebrating the perverse play was screened at the radical “Creating Change” conference–which was sponsored by Wells Fargo, Southwest Airlines, Comcast/NBC, Office Depot and other major corporations.This passage is transcribed immediately below;  click to enlarge graphic.

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Southwest Airlines, Comcast, Office Depot Sponsor Homosexual ‘Creating Change’ Conference Featuring ‘Gay Jesus’ Documentary ‘Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption”

Thursday, February 5th, 2015

Office Depot, Wells Fargo, Hilton big sponsors of LGBTQ Task Force gathering that promotes sadomasochism, multiple-partner unions, abortion and radical transgender agendas


A Homosexual Activist “Plays” with God’s Redemption Plan: This photo is taken from a promotional video trailer for the documentary “Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption,” which follows around and celebrates the highly controversial play “Corpus Christi.” In the original play, the Jesus Christ character (Joshua) is cast as a homosexual who in his youth engages in homosexual sex with Judas. In the scene above, Joshua “marries” two of his male “disciples,” James and Bartholomew, shown kissing. AFTAH has blocked the deviant kiss in this screen shot. Click to enlarge.

By Peter LaBarbera  [Story in Progress…]

Southwest Airlines is among the major corporate sponsors of the 2015 “Creating Change” conference, an annual event drawing thousands of homosexual, bisexual, transgender, “queer” and “kink” (sadomasochistic) activists from across the country. The massive gathering of LGBTQueer activists opens today in Denver and includes a screening of a documentary film celebrating a “gay”-authored play casting “Jesus” as a homosexual.

The documentary, “Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption,” celebrates the 1998 play “Corpus Christi,” by homosexual playwright Terrence McNally, in which “Joshua,” representing Jesus Christ, is cast as a homosexual who as a teenager had homosexual sex  with Judas (who later becomes his traitorous “disciple”).

In the play, Jesus (Joshua) also conducts a homosexual “marriage” between two of his other “disciples,” James and Bartholomew, and he rebukes religious leaders who say homosexual behavior is sinful. Those who oppose homosexuality and the proudly “queer” Joshua are cast as pharisaical haters, and Jesus (Joshua) is crucified as “King of the Queers” rather than the “King of the Jews,” as in Scripture. The play describes all the disciples (i.e, mankind) as “divine,” while Jesus as worldly. Here is an excerpt from the written play where Joshua (Jesus) “marries” James and Bartholomew:

Joshua: It is good when two men love as James and Bartholomew do and we recognize their union….Now take each other’s hand. Love each other in sickness and health. Respect the divinity in your partner, Bartholomew….I bless this marriage in Your name, Father. Amen. Now let’s all get very, very drunk.

Bartholomew: You are truly the Messiah, son of the living God.

[Note: I have seen neither the play nor the documentary, but I have read the full play by McNally–more excerpts of which are provided at below.–PL]

McNally’s original play–which has been labelled “gay hate speech” by Catholic advocate Bill Donohue— naturally and deservedly has been engulfed in controversy and protests at its showings over the last 17 years. This is not the first time that Southwest Airlines has helped fund a “gay” event where Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption, was screened. In 2013, Southwest helped sponsor “Reelings 31,” a homosexual film festival in Chicago where the homosexual-Jesus documentary was shown.

Creating Change: as extreme as it gets

Creating Change (CC) is the annual organizing project sponsored by the National LGBTQ Task Force (Q is for “Queer”)–formerly the National Lesbian and Gay Task Force. The leftist Task Force is easily the most radical major “gay” organization: CC includes sessions and caucuses on Polyamory, pansexuality, transgenderism, and sadomasochism.

Every year Creating Change organizers give out a “Leather Leadership” award to their favorite “leatherman”–this year Mark Frazier, former president of the National Leather Association and co-owner of a homosexual “leather bar” called the Dallas Eagle.  There are also sessions for pro-abortion activists.


Sponsors of Perversion and Anti-Christian Bigotry: Creating Change program lists the above as National Corporate Partners of the National LGBTQ Task Force.

Creating Change seems to grow every year; this year’s program is 160 pages long [see PDF HERE]. The program lists the National Corporate Partners of the Task Force as:

Southwest Airlines


Wells Fargo

Hilton Worldwide

Office Depot


Grey Goose Vodka

Other CC sponsors: AARP, Kaiser Permanente, Gilead (maker of the HIV-prevention PReP drug Truvada), Pepsico, Gill Foundation, JPMorgan Chase, and Chipotle.

The following are a few of the radical workshop sessions and caucuses at Creating Change:

The Biblical Case for Same-Sex Marriage

Being a Queer Teacher 101


Queering Education: Struggles & Support

Porn This Way: Queering Porn

Queer & Sexy Parenting

Alternative Relationship Structures 101

Kink/BDSM/Leather Caucus

Practicing Kink: Let’s Get Visual

Empowering Trans Youth in Transition

LGBT Advocacy in the Evangelical Church

Queering Immigration

Bias in Statistics: Debunking Hate “Research” (we’re the “haters,” of course)

Beyond Choice: Reproductive Justice Organizing & Advocacy [abortion] 

A Queer Church Beyond Inclusion

Rousing Catholics in the Age of [Pope] Francis

Battling Bigotry in the Black Church

Bi and Trans Adventures in Judaism

Turning Christian Opponents into Allies

The showing of the “gay-Jesus” documentary is part of the Task Force’s larger agenda of “re-writing” Christianity to accommodate homosexuality and gender confusion. Dozens of Creating Change workshops deal with the topic. On page 27 of the Creating Change program is a description of Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption:


This is the entry for “Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption,” a documentary that celebrates a play (Corpus Christi) that portrays Jesus Christ and his disciples as homosexuals and male lovers. The documentary will be screened Saturday at the homosexual Task Force’s “Creating Change” conference  in Denver. Click to enlarge.

LaBarbera Statement on 42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision Legalizing Abortion

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

HRC, National LGBTQ Task Force and other homosexual groups work hand-in-hand with Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion lobby

Planned Parenthood Activism: A day-long "institute" for LGBTQ activists held by the National LGBTQ Task Force's "Creating Change" conference, to be held in Denver next month, adopts Planned Parenthood tactics in the leftist crusade for "sexual freedom."

Learning Activism from Planned Parenthood: LGBT activists work hand-in-hand with the Abortion Lobby. This is a notice for a day-long “institute” for LGBTQ activists to be held at the National LGBTQ Task Force’s “Creating Change” 2015 conference; it adopts Planned Parenthood tactics in the leftist crusade for “sexual rights.” The world’s leading abortion provider is very active in promoting homosexuality and gender confusion–and even fringe sexual “lifestyles” like BDSM (Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sadism & Masochism)–to young people. View the full  151-page Creating Change 2015 program HERE; we added the emphasis to this item, which is found on page 66. Creating Change 2015 will be held next month in Denver. Click to enlarge.

AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera issued the following statement on January 22, 2015–the 42nd anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, which, along with the companion case Doe v. Bolton, ushered in legalized abortion-on-demand as a privacy “right” across the United States:

“On this day marking the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we remember and memorialize the unborn victims of abortion-on-demand. We stand with Americans and people the world over who are working to stop the ongoing massacre of innocents made possible by this judicial travesty.

“Sadly, many pro-homosexual groups like Human Rights Campaign and the National LGBTQ Task Force also aggressively promote abortion ‘rights.’ Planned Parenthood, in addition to being the world’s biggest abortion provider, actively promotes homosexuality, bisexuality, gender confusion–and even sadomasochism–to young people.

“Ideas and laws–and unjust court decisions–have consequences, and today is a reminder that the Culture of Death and Disease takes an immense toll on humanity. We must continue to stand up for the most defenseless in society by working to stop abortion.”

Peter LaBarbera
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH)

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