Transsexual ‘Surgeries’ in the Military: What Are You Paying For? ‘Vaginoplasty’ Described

Thursday, July 20th, 2017

Folks, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my tax dollars spent on transsexual “male-to-female” “vaginoplasty” “surgeries” that attempt to turn a severely gender-confused man’s healthy penis–which God designed to bring forth new life–into a makeshift “vagina.” Nor do I want to subsidize through my government the surgical removal of a woman’s healthy breasts so she can have a flat chest to help fulfill her disordered “transgender” fantasy of becoming a “man.” Ex-transsexual Walt Heyer of is right: your DNA does not lie and you cannot change your sex.

The mutilations are revolting and tragic, yet YOU and I are paying for them. Recently, the U.S. House narrowly rejected the Hartzler Amendment to the main defense spending bill–designed to stop taxpayer funding of such grotesque operations in the U.S. Armed Forces. Amazingly, 23 Republicans joined the unified Democrats in voting it down.

The following graphic is excerpted from a larger description of a “vaginoplasty” by the Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery. Beneath the graphic (after the jump), we have reprinted the Center’s full “Vaginoplasty Methodology” description. Let’s put an end to this tax-funded madness; call your U.S. Congressman at 202-225-3121 and your Senators at 202-224-3121. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera [click on graphic to enlarge]


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