Dr. Rob Gagnon: How Bad is Homosexual Practice, Committed Homosexual Unions?

Our good friend Dr. Rob Gagnon has posted a new article on his website entitled:

How Bad Is Homosexual Practice According to Scripture and Does Scripture’s View Apply to Committed Homosexual Unions?

A response to R. Milton Winter’s Perspectives article: “Presbyterians and Separatist Evangelicals”

It’s a response to a paper that appeared in a PCUSA publication so to that extent it is more relevant to Presbyterians.

However, the 11-page appendices at the end (pp. 12-23) deal, in a free-standing way, with the questions asked in the title and are relevant to anyone interested in these issues, whatever the denominational affiliation. It’s a good summary of

  1. How seriously Scripture views the offense of homosexual practice and
  2. Whether Scripture’s indictment of homosexual practice applies to committed homosexual unions.

Earlier parts of the article also address the question whether a denomination’s support of homosexual practice justifies departure from the denomination.

This article was posted on Saturday, March 3rd, 2007 at 11:30 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, News, Presbyterian Church. You can follow any updates to this article through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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