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Kevin McCullough: Why Christians Embrace “Gay” Porn StarsFrom Why Christians Embrace ‘Gay’ Porn Stars, by Kevin McCullough, published Mar 11, 2007, by Townhall:
Take the case of Marine Cpl Matt Sanchez. (Also affectionately known as ‘the other CPAC scandal’.) Following his acceptance of the Jeanne Kirkpatrick Academic Freedom award he was “outed” by homosexual bloggers (bloggers who write about and engage in homosexual behavior) as being a “Gay Porn Star.” The reason so many of these homosexual bloggers knew this is simple. They are rabid consumers of homosexual pornography and have spent days, months, possibly years in front of their television screens acting out on the urges within them. They have been enslaved by the unforgiving voices that have told them since birth to act upon every sexual urge they have. The thought of personal sexual restraint is foreign to these bloggers. Thus they have near cataclysmic system failure when someone they believed was homosexual turns a corner in his life and leaves that filth behind. Writing for Salon.com this week Sanchez spoke about his past and what being employed in the homosexual porn business did to his heart, mind, and life.
It needs to be immediately understood that Sanchez committed two cardinal sins here. The first is – he stopped having homosexual sex. The ability to “choose” one’s actions particularly as it relates to which gender one has sex with is supposed to be unchangeable in the mind of liberals. The whole “made that way” argument tends to get decimated when someone like Sanchez simply decides that it is an empty, sad, and destructive life that brings him no joy. The second is — he began to pursue truth. The maniacal hold on belief that liberals force upon their followers is not based on belief system of absolutes. So little can be trusted, verified, and believed. Sanchez saw it for the first time when he as a Marine reservist was smeared “baby-killer” on his college campus. After his successful and brave fight for free speech at Columbia University, and thus the recognition at CPAC, those who felt threatened by the change his life represents felt it necessary to drag up his pornographic past. He referenced as much in his op-ed.
The discussion from cable airwaves on Keith Olbermann’s show on MSNBC, to prominent left wing blogs like AMERICAblog operated by John Aravosis, sought to injure Sanchez for deeds committed over a dozen years ago but also to bludgeon conservatives — many of whom are faith-based, Bible-believing Christians for “allowing someone like that” to be honored for true bravery. The truth is that such criticism shows a fundamental lack of understanding about what the Christian message of redemption is. Many if not most of these same liberals grew red faced and blasted spittle at those who criticized then President William Jefferson Clinton for engaging in adultery with a much younger intern in the People’s house. The argument, “everybody does it” seemed logical given that his defenders all grew up in the era when the predominant way of thinking was “do what feels good.” But it did not make it right. Repentance is not merely saying one is sorry. It is a more all encompassing idea of turning away from that which you are sorry for – and going steadfastly in the other direction. Clinton by any generous assessment would not measure up to that. Sanchez does. His example condemns not only the left’s hypocrisy but its deliberate sinfulness. That is why they must have his head. Sanchez admitted that he wondered how his outing would affect his future.
That’s the way it should be. As my new good friend Bryan Preston reminded us this week, we’ve all got things in our past that we are not proud of. As I detail very clearly in my new book, liberals would prefer us to stay stuck in those terrible behaviors to boost their own egos. God-fearing, Bible-thumping conservatives want us to repent (turn and walk away from). Knowing that one path leads to death and destruction, the other to ultimate knowledge, wisdom, and peace — which side would you say truly cares about the well being of the individual. So should we be surprised that Christians and conservatives have embraced a man who starred in ‘gay’ porn? Of course not — Jesus would have! And then he would say to us today, what he said two thousand years ago, “go and sin no more!”
This article was posted
on Tuesday, March 13th, 2007 at 4:38 pm and is filed under Born that Way?, Christian Persecution, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Mental Health, Military, News.
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