Chuck Norris on the Marketing of Atheism to Young People

The following excerpt is reprinted from Norris’ column in Of all the evils that are being pushed on today’s young people, none is more sinister than the marketing of atheism: 

“How to outlaw Christianity (Steps 2 & 3)

Posted: May 21, 2007

C.S. Lewis, the former atheist and famous Oxford scholar, once said “Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning….”

There are a myriad of eminent scholars (like Lewis) who understand the folly of atheism. I will list a few others in this second part of my treatise to expose atheists’ agenda to ban Christianity from the courts of culture. In my last article I discussed “step 1” of their plan. In this discourse I will address steps 2 & 3.

Step two: target younger generations with atheism

Atheists are making a concerted effort to win the youth of America and the world. Hundreds of web sites and blogs on the Internet seek to convince and convert adolescents, endeavoring to remove any residue of theism from their minds and hearts by packaging atheism as the choice of a new generation. While you think your kids are innocently surfing the Web, secular progressives are intentionally preying on their innocence and naïveté.

What’s preposterous is that atheists are now advertising and soliciting on websites particularly created for teens. The London Telegraph noted that, “Groups including Atheists for Human Rights and Atheist Alliance International – ‘Call 1-866-HERETIC’ – are setting up summer camps and an internet recruiting campaign.”

Click HERE to read Norris entire column in


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