Charlene Cothran addresses Americans For Truth banquet Friday.
Folks, the homo-fascists over at the Chicago-based Gay Liberation Network are cheering Miller Brewing Company for sponsoring the recent San Francisco perversion-fest known as the “Folsom Street Fair.” At the same time, they engaged in a (failed) grassroots lobbying campaign to cancel Americans For Truth’s reservation with the Embassy Suites Hotel in Lombard, Illinois — where we held a very successful banquet Friday, Oct. 5.
So let’s review the GLN’s position:
- Nudity-filled, sex-in-the-streets Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco, where men masturbated themselves and other men in public, and whipped and spanked one another for the crowds, where Christianity-mocking “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” drag-queen “nuns” welcomed attendees: GOOD EVENT, WORTHY OF SUPPORT, KUDOS TO MILLER BEER!
- Peaceful Americans For Truth banquet attended mostly by Christians; our first speaker, Charlene Cothran, described how God took her out of her past life as a homosexual activist, and how she now has the peace of Christ and wants to help others find it; our second speaker, David Parker, described his legal campaign to have public schools inform parents before their young children are exposed to pro-homosexuality-themed books and curricula: HATEFUL, EVIL EVENT, MUST BE PROTESTED; SHOULD BE BARRED FROM HOTEL!
We hope you get a sense of the folly of homosexual activist “tolerance” and the irrationality and hatred of the Left in general. Perhaps if we publicly embraced nudity and perversion like Folsom, GLN would have called off its protest of our event. Anyway, here’s GLN’s and Schwartz’s September 28 e-mail letter commending Miller Beer for financing the sick San Francisco Folsom Street Festival (emphasis added):
“Thanks for Backing Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco”
Julian Green
Miller Lite Beer
Dear Sir:
It has come to my attention that your company is under attack for sponsoring the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. The attack is emanating from such outfits as the Catholic League and Americans for Truth. The Catholic League has as one of its directors, the laughable Alan Keyes, who embarrassed Illinois Republicans when he lost by the widest margin of any Illinois senatorial election. Americans for Truth is a gang of far-right bigots who attack gays by saying we all ought to change into straight people through Jesus, and who would deny us equal civil rights. Both groups portray themselves as victims as they go about preaching hate and discrimination.
The Catholic League and Americans for Truth want to impose one standard of behavior on everyone, a standard divined from ancient texts and a mythical “natural law, a standard that denies women control over their bodies and gay people the rights due to all citizens.
Please ignore these strident voices of intolerance and bigotry.
Gay Liberation Network, Chicago
This article was posted
on Tuesday, October 9th, 2007 at 3:46 pm and is filed under
02 - Lesbian,
A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?,
B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies,
Books & Required Reading in Public Schools,
C - Heroes for Truth,
Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda,
E - Praying for the Lost,
Gay Liberation Network,
GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools,
Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals,
San Francisco,
State GLBTQ Activist Groups - Illinois,
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