Homosexual Letter on Folsom: ‘Get these Numbskulls to Keep their Damned Clothes on’

While obviously we disagree with Al on some major points, we agree with him on the outrage that is the annual Folsom Street Fair — and the even greater outrage that this perverse spectacle was welcomed by San Francisco leaders including Mayor Gavin Newsom. (House Speaker Nancy Pelosi so far has refused to criticize the event, which occurred in her district, and which featured rampant full nudity and even orgies in the streets as San Francisco police stood by and did nothing.)

Al writes via the AFTAH website: 

I cannot believe the city of San Francisco allows that Folsom Street public lewdness to take place. While I am a Christian man who also identifies as “gay,” I cannot agree with you more about that kind of behavior being allowed anywhere in this country. Certainly, no gay Christian man who loves the Lord would approve of that crap going on. While I don’t agree with you on some things, I heartily agree with your outrage on this most disgusting and shocking event. Get these numbskulls to keep their damned clothes on or else get arrested for indecent exposure. Damned fool idiots!

This article was posted on Wednesday, January 16th, 2008 at 9:29 am and is filed under Government Promotion, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Homosexual Quotes, News, Politicians & Public Officials, San Francisco. You can follow any updates to this article through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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