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Transcript of Sally Kern Speech at Huge ‘Rally for Sally’; 1,500 Turn Out at OK StatehouseHomosexual smear campaign backfires; some cry out “Sally for Governor!”Yesterday’s “Rally for Sally” at the Oklahoma statehouse to support State Rep. Sally Kern (R) was an amazing success, and we will have several reports on it. By all accounts, more than a thousand people turned out — the Daily Oklahoman newspaper reports 1,500 — and people were turned away from the building once the rally began. CLICK HERE to watch a short DAILY OKLAHOMAN VIDEO-STORY on the “Rally for Sally” [you may have to click on the video story, “Free Speech Rally for Sally”]; and click HERE to read an extended Baptist Messenger interview with Kern about the controversy. You can write Kern at sallykern@okhouse.gov. It appears as though the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund’s smear campaign against Kern — their YouTube video left out the part of her speech where she said she tries to “love everybody,” even as they charged her with contributing to hate-violence — has only made her one of the most popular politicians in Oklahoma. Although Sally disavowed any interest in running for statewide office, the calls for “Sally for Governor” and “Governor Kern” were heard repeatedly yesterday from her enthusiastic backers. Sally was moved to tears by the tremendous show of support. Earlier, in the morning, as I met with her and her pastor husband Steve (haters falsely accused Steve, who pastors Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, of being a former KKK member), they had no idea how many people would turn up — perhaps just 50 or 100. But as we arrived at the statehouse two hours early for the event only to see capitol parking lots jammed with cars, it became apparent that something big was about to occur. As I waited in Kern’s second-floor legislative office as one of the speakers at the rally, Oklahoma citizens — some from as far away as Tulsa, a two-hour drive from the capital — filed in to show their support. Then, as the scheduled noon start time drew closer, it was obvious that this was going to be a very large rally — of the sort that a state lawmaker (or perhaps any politician) rarely receives outside of campaigning for office. A capitol policeman arrived at Kern’s office with an urgent request to move the rally outdoors — the statehouse rotunda could not accommodate the crowds, he said — but the microphone was already set up inside so instead they allowed crowds to watch from the rotunda’s third-floor balcony. Then Sally was taken by police escort through the throngs to the Capitol’s first-floor rotunda. From the dais as you looked out there were deep crowds in all directions, spilling into the hallways that were like spokes on a bicycle wheel. The third floor balcony had a crowd of supporters as well. As the speakers, along with Sally’s family and closest friends, were packed in behind the podium, I looked out through glaring media lights at all the appreciative faces looking in. The verse from that “obscure” Book of Romans — 8:28: “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” — came to mind. This was no hate-monger — no ignorant, frothing at the mouth bigot or whatever “religious right” caricature the GLVF and their pro-homosexualist allies sought to affix to Kern — but a wise, decent, loving, and humble Christian woman trying to serve her country and her God. Note the absence of triumphalism in her speech below as she calls for repentance in the Christian Church and a return to godliness. Imagine if a rising tide of Americans of whatever persuasion stopped “tolerating” sin and bending to the world’s sinking standards — and started caring deeply about God’s Word again, re-“orienting” their lifestyles and conduct to be obedient to it! Who knows if that will happen, but I have a lot more hope for this country after witnessing and being a part of Oklahoma’s “Rally for Sally.” ________________________ Below is the text of Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern’s speech (emphasis added): Sally Kern Speech, Oklahoma Statehouse, April 2, 2008 I want to thank everyone for coming here today. This rally, Freedom of Speech Rally for Sally, is really about freedom of speech for all who want to stand for the truth of God’s Word. This is not about me. It’s about the Church having the right to speak out for the redeeming love of Jesus Christ who died to set us all free from sin. The Lord gave me a verse I’ve been claiming. Philippines 1:12: “I want you to know that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.” I’ve gotten lots of e-mail lately. Some good, some not so good. I’ve been called lots of names. I can’t repeat most of those names. Some of the good names have been courageous, brave, and hero. I want you to know I have more trouble relating to the good names than the bad. I know I’m a sinner, but I’m not courageous, brave, or a hero. I’m just an earthen vessel, an old clay pot. II Corinthians 4: 7 says, “We have this treasure in earthen vessels, clay jars to show that this surpassing power is from God.” The last few weeks have been tough but God’s grace has been sufficient. So if I seem courageous, brave, or a hero, it’s not me but God’s grace. When I gave that now infamous speech, I was not putting down any individual. I believe each and every person is precious in God’s sight. He loves us all. He loves us all equally and He loves us regardless of our sin. Yet, God is not just a God of love but also a Holy and Righteous God who sent His Son to die for our sin so we could have forgiveness and experience life abundantly. To have His forgiveness we must first acknowledge our sin. We can’t excuse it or justify it. Let me tell you why I will not, why I cannot, apologize for my comments. First, I believe God’s Word. When God calls something a sin, then it is a sin. God never changes and neither does His Word. My opinion doesn’t matter. His Word is all that matters. Second, this nation was founded on Christian principles. We all know Patrick Henry’s famous words “Give me liberty or give me death.” He also said “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Some say we should separate church and state but Noah Webster said when writing to school children “When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers just men who will rule in the fear of God.” Third, when I was running for office, I told the people I was running as a Christian candidate because I believed we were in a cultural war for the existence of our Judeo-Christian values. This situation is evidence that the cultural war is real. And it gives me the opportunity to keep my promise to those who voted me into office. Psalms 11:3 says “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” We can remember that the foundation of society is the home as established by God—one man and one woman. So stand up for it. We can remember that the foundation of this nation was Christianity. Teach it to our children. We can remember that the foundation of the Church is God’s Word. Believe it and practice it daily. We can remember that the foundation of salvation is Christ dying for a world lost in bondage to sin. Proclaim the Truth that will set people free. When you go home today, go turn on all the lights in your bedroom. Get into the closet and close the door. Stand in the dark a few seconds. Then open the closet door and notice what happens. The darkness in the closet doesn’t swoop our and overtake the light. No, the light spreads into the closet dispelling the darkness. Our world is dark with sin today, not because of the homosexuals, or the murderers, or the drug addicts. It’s dark because the Church has not let its light shine. What the righteous must do is pray II Chronicles 7:14: “If my people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Thank God we still have Freedom of Speech in America. Let’s speak out while we still can. God bless you and God bless America.
This article was posted
on Thursday, April 3rd, 2008 at 4:27 pm and is filed under A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Baptist, Christian Persecution, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, News, Sally Kern, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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