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Americans For Truth Supports AFA’s McDonald’s Boycott
By Peter LaBarbera We’re back from vacation — just in time to state our support for American Family Association’s boycott of McDonald’s. Actually, Americans For Truth has unofficially encouraged a boycott of the fast-food giant for the last few months — after AFA publicized McDonald’s budding, cozy relationship with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. Today I went on Janet Folger’s “Faith2Action” radio program to express AFTAH’s support for AFA’s boycott. We will be detailing the many ways in which McDonald’s supports homosexuality and gender confusion. The Oak Brook, Illinois-based corporation has an 85 percent ranking in the 2008 “Corporate Equality Index” scorecard put out by the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s leading homosexual pressure group. You can contact McDonald’s HERE, and we urge you to stop in at the local McDonald’s restaurant that you would normally visit and explain to them in person why your family will no longer be eating there. Here’s one approach:
I’ve talked to many pro-family people who already have been boycotting McDonald’s for weeks. The idea has obviously caught on because it’s an easy step to take for the many Americans who are sick and tired of rewarding and subsidizing corporations that promote homosexuality. On a personal level, from the perspective of a pudgy family man who’s scarfed down, say, about 100 too many Quarter-pounder-with-cheese and Big Mac meals in my lifetime, McDonald is an ideal boycott target. Unless you’re supremely loyal to McDonald’s brand of fattening, greasy burgers, McChicken sandwiches and fries, etc., it’s pretty easy to drive to another fast-food joint or — better for your body — substitute healthy food instead. Come to think of it, this is one of the few protests against unhealthy lifestyles that can lead you to live a … healthier lifestyle. Two birds with one stone. Pathetic as it may sound for what it reveals about my eating habits (and in my own defense I do have five kids), I’ve probably avoided spending easily $100-$150 since vowing not to reward the “gay”-promoting fast food chain a while back. This is a boycott that any American, now matter how “average,” can take part in and help make successful. Past AFA boycotts affected those who may have been in the market to buy a car (Ford) or visit a Florida theme park (Disneyworld), but this boycott is for anyone with enough willpower to redirect his growling stomach away from the Golden Arches as he drives down the road.
I haven’t seen any data on this, but I’ll bet that McDonald’s execs know full well that “burger loyalty” to their chain is not near what it used to be in an age with so many fast and cheap eating options. We’ll see if they continue to dig in their heels against AFA or actually get out of the Homosexuality Promotion business. (I’d be shocked if the latter happens anytime soon.) On a technical note, we at AFTAH have our own concerns with McDonald’s’ corporate practices that may go beyond those stated by American Family Association; we’ll lay those out for you in forthcoming posts. Lastly, as a long-time observer of the particular brand of narcissism associated with “gays,” I must add: the spectacle of hordes of body-conscious homosexual men venturing to McDonald’s to buy fattening Quarter-Pounders — just to offset AFA’s boycott — is, well, simply delicious.
This article was posted
on Monday, July 7th, 2008 at 4:38 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Corporate Promotion, Health & Science, HRC, Illinois, McDonald's, News, Physical Health, Pro-Family Quotes, Sodomy, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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