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This Is What Prop 8 Is all aboutCalifornians: Do you want this baby to be taught in school that “two daddies” is morally equivalent to a mom and a dad?Pro-Prop 8 mom rallies for marriage in San Diego with baby in tow. Proposition 8 would restore the age-old definition of marriage in California as between one man and one woman — overturning a 4-3 California supreme court ruling imposing the radical vision of homosexual “marriage” on that state. Californians who favor keeping marriage as between a man and a woman are urged to vote YES on Prop 8 on Nov. 4 and support Prop 8 HERE. “Yes on 8” advocates have made the effect of legalized “same-sex marriage” on schoolchildren the central issue of their campaign. Sadly, pro-homosexual indoctrination of California students began with the proliferation of “sexual orientation” laws — well before the California court’s pro-“gay marriage” decision earlier this year. For a look at what homosexual “marriage” has brought to another state, see Brian Camenker’s article Massachusetts, “What Gay ‘Marriage’ Has Done to Massachusetts.” Meanwhile, California’s pro-“gay marriage” forces have scrupulously kept images of homosexual couples and those proud “queer marriages” out of their TV ads. We wonder why. Could it be that they understand that the average citizen (as opposed to committed pro-homosexual liberals) is put off by the idea of two men or two women “marrying”? California’s election on Prop 8 will affect the course of the “gay marriage” debate across the country for years to come.
This article was posted
on Friday, October 31st, 2008 at 11:40 am and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, News.
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